Installing DSL on a 64/128mb CF(IDE) card

Forum: User Feedback
Topic: Installing DSL on a 64/128mb CF(IDE) card
started by: jimmygoon

Posted by jimmygoon on Nov. 30 2006,21:44
1. I'm using a CF-IDE adaptor
2. I have two cards. One is my buddy's 64mb and my 128mb I need DSL on both of them
3. I have no CD-drive. (on one of the pc's there isn't even a floppy drive)
4. I can't netboot. I spent yesterday trying. Its just not possible.

Heres my dilemna... I'm confused. I think I want to do frugal because an HD-install would take up too much space...

So I was wondering... can someone post instructions on howto set it up... I know its possible because "you guys" sell 64mb compact flash cards preconfigured...

Can someone dd the compact flash card and email the contents to me or use so that I can just image it onto the flash cards and just boot off of them?

Thanks a bunch!

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