Thanks for helping

Forum: User Feedback
Topic: Thanks for helping
started by: Parinis

Posted by Parinis on Jan. 10 2004,15:33
I am working at the computer support service of a big compagny in Canada.

Being there for over a year, I did try very hard to convince coworkers of the usability of Linux. People do tend to be very conservative when it comes to try new things. They all know what Linux is, but you know, they dont have time to try new things.

One day, I went to see all the support techs with one bootable cd with Damnsmall 4.2 on it. They all stopped what they where doing to have a peek on that strange thing that boot in few minutes and greets you with Fluxbox. Installing W2000 takes a bit more time, they where all impressed.

One of them became a Linux junkie, but best of all, they all regain that childish curiosity about computing. Like theyre job became boring and lost interest.

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