advanced search?

Forum: User Feedback
Topic: advanced search?
started by: meltdown_override

Posted by meltdown_override on Dec. 10 2006,21:49
DSL is by far the only linux I could get loaded into my junk laptops. I still have lots to learn,but I have notice something. Everytime I go to search for a single topic, I get everything but that topic. For example,
Im trying to find out how to use the composit video in on my gateway 9100 to edit small videos. When I do the search I use these terms for  
my searches(one term at a time) TV-in composit video, rca in, etc. The results I get usually include tons of links to posts about network installs, usb issues, hd issues, what video cards are the best. stuff like that. I have studied the search tool and can't seems to find any way to limit the search terms to just title or to exlcude certain terms. If there is not a advance search(if there is and I did'nt see it I just need a kick in the head and a new  pair of glasses lol) lets see what we can  do to create one. Is it possilbe to
write a script for firefox or dille that can search the intire site like a personal spider of somesort? I will research how to programm this sort of tool myself,and I would also like to hear ideas from other people.  (also please note that Im boolean illiterate) :)

Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Dec. 10 2006,22:01
< >

Or on the forum search page:
You may use 'AND', 'OR' to define your query.
You may also use * as a wildcard character (Example: foo* matches foo and foobar)

Posted by meltdown_override on Dec. 10 2006,22:14
the wiki :) its official I need a kick in the head. I have tried quotation marks and string searches with the NOT operator and I still get more information about everything but the actual topic. seaching for TV-in always brings up posts unrelated posts. I think the search term Im looking for is just barely mentioned somewhere in an unrelated post and pops in my search. An option such as a title only button in the search tool will help this little issue. an a side note. I have the same problem in other forums using the same software as this one and would like to write a python spider script. any ideas?(im still more of a python newbie than I am a linux newbie.)
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