Forum: User Feedback
Topic: IS THIS RIGHT?????
started by: walnut

Posted by walnut on Mar. 20 2004,07:47
so let me get this straight i download the .iso file of the version of my choice

burn the .iso with the program if my choosing (like nero)

then just put the cd into any system capable of booting form a cd-rom and the entire OS will run of the cd without damaging the files on the HDD, and when i restart the computer the orignal os installed will run.

i just REALLY need to confirm that this is right cause i dont wanna hafta re-install my comp system it it gets ruined

Posted by Ivo on Mar. 20 2004,09:57
yup, this is absolutely perfectly true and correct. the same thing i have done.
Posted by Rapidweather on Mar. 20 2004,19:26
Exactly right. I have been forbidden by my daughter from putting anything on her Dell's 120GB Hard Drive. So, when she is at school, (medicine, chemistry), and I do not expect her home for a while, I boot up Damn Small and use a usb drive to restore. Then I can enjoy DSL on a 17 inch Dell UltraSharp monitor! One GB of RAM too!
Absolutely no damage to the machine or hard drive at all. That is the thing that
live cd distros llike Damn Small Linux do best.  Since the cdrom drive only spins a little now and then, it is easy on that, too.

Posted by TyphoonMentat on Mar. 20 2004,21:26
Well, you could even make an ext2 partition and boot off a floppy and I doubt she'd notice, but... :;):
Posted by PhrozenFear on Mar. 20 2004,23:35
The other nice thing is with that much ram you can boot it with the toram option, and be able to use your CD-ROM drive.
Posted by roberts on Mar. 21 2004,00:48
Don't forget the other shortcuts for the LiveCD

boot: knoppix toram enhance
Will startup the enhanced desktop.

And if you know that your system support Xvesa at 1024x768 then use
boot: knoppix toram xvesa enhance
No more answering those setup questions

Then when you have your system configs saved just add the restore option
At the inital boot prompt press F2 to see the restore options.

Posted by walnut on Mar. 21 2004,07:32
ok so i downloaded the latest version and burnt it and i am extremely impressed with how much they can cram into just 50 odd Mbytes of space, but i cant get my printer to work.

it is an Epson c61 stylus and i have tried the options that i think are right, does anyone else run this printer under DSL if so what settings do you use

and i also have a large collection of mp3's in my "my documents\my music folder" can i access these from DSL i have tried but couldn't work it out

ps thanx for the inf already given and thanx to whoever answers these questions.

Posted by Lord Graga on Mar. 24 2004,16:46
To access your Windows files (?) from DSL, go to /mnt/hda/ (this might be /mnt/hdb/ or /mnt/hdc and so on).

Please don't write in caps.

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