new to DSL

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Topic: new to DSL
started by: IM2Slick

Posted by IM2Slick on Dec. 27 2006,04:12
I have been looking for just the right distro to replace Libranet, since it is now officially defunct (for a year or two :p :( :( ) I tried the Knoppix DVD and CD but they won't even load up, much less install to HDD. I need a distro that will not only use the distro repos, but the Debian repos, as well .... from what I've read so far, that will be either DSL or DSL-N. What I need from a distro:
1. Web-surfing - konqueror or dillo - Firefox has sold out to the big money!
2. Multimedia - XMMS or BMP2 - preferably BMP2, because I can get shoutcast with internet radio ...
3. Apt-get - The best package manager other than ports in BSD ....
4. Abiword - the minimal word-processor/notepad without the bloat of an office suite
5. Ndiswrapper -  so I can use my wireless adapter
6. Terminal - so I can use the command line for burning and md5sums
7. Whiskey - OOps, that's not open source ............ and neither is any other alcoholic beverage ....... :laugh: :laugh:
8. CUPS - I want to be able to hook up to my family's Windoze network and use the printer and scanner without using a different box.
9 Open Source - I want to use BSD on the 40 Gb hard drive (hda1 in Linux) and my Linux distro on the 160Gb hard drive - with a /home partition, a /usr partition, etc. and a separate partition for the OS, which I must aways be able to update and upgrade.
10. A distro that won't give out in a year or so ..... I've used DSL in the past, so I don't think it's going away ....... ;).

I like all of the DSL improvements since the previous ones, which I only used as a "live CD"  --- this will be my first HDD install with DSL/DSL-N, so I hope it goes well, as I want it to be a keeper.

Now, here are my questions .... Assuming that I am able to successfully install DSL or DSL-N to the HDD ....... Which would be the best distro for a permanent OS for the following:
1. I want to install XFCE as a DM or DE (Whichever you want to call it!), so I want to delete whatever is the default (wasted space).
2. I only need VIM and Nano for text editors, anything else is wasted space.
3. I don't need Firefox, I want Konqueror and Dillo for web browsers, no others.
4. I don't need any mail apps., I can get my mail thru the internet by myself, without any help, thank you!
5. I don't need any graphics programs, I am about as artistic as a janitor (I are one, sometimes)
6. I don't need Office apps, other than abiword for typing letters for emails
7. I don't have a floppy, so the install must be done from the "live CD"
8. I want a download manager that will resume if the download gets interrupted

Between this list and the one above, you'll see what I want ... please let me know which one you think I should install. I have burned both of them to CD, and am going to experiment with them in the next few days before making a final decision ..... so I'd appreciate all opinions and ideas. In other words, which of these two distros do you think will fit MY wishes, and why?

Thanks, IM2Slick

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