Installing Java RuntimeForum: User Feedback Topic: Installing Java Runtime started by: l0st Posted by l0st on April 09 2004,10:02
I've searched through the forums for answers to intalling Java Runtime, but either was too vague, or was out-dated.I may be asking too much, but can anyone write up a definitive guide to installing java 2 runtime in firefox? (FYI I'm doing this on the liveCD) In case that's not enough, it's the java plugin thingy that lets you run java web applets in browsers Posted by charpie on April 10 2004,16:01
I spent two days last week trying to figure that out, NO JOY!Here is my trials: I tried a bash script from another program. Not working I tried with synaptic and installed the full mozilla. Not working I tried finding the missing lib and not working and many more... I believe we are a missing a key lib files to make it work: Also since I am not an expert, I am not quite sure how to install the library on the live cd anyway. I treid other linux distr (live cd) and java works fine with mozilla. It works fine on firebird with flonix, but I have yet to see it work with firefox somewhere. So if anyone knows how, please speak out. My goal is to find a way to make it work on the live cd using firefox, not opera or else. ![]() Posted by cbagger01 on April 10 2004,18:08
I spent an hour or so trying to make the Java runtime environment work with Firefox 0.8 (special i586 build compiled with GCC 2.96) and could not get it to work.Every time I would visit the Java test website, the Firefox window would disappear. I was able to get some troubleshooting information by starting up Firefox from inside an Xterminal (rxvt) window and reading the Xterminal window's debugging info. A quick dependency search using the 'ldd' command on the Java library .so files revealed that there were a few "lib not found" errors. This could be due to a missing PATH (Java could not find the file, but it exists somewhere), or it could mean that the lib files are not included with DSL. At this point it was very late at night and since an easy solution did not seem to present itself, I gave up. Hopefully, this will help someone else. Good Luck. Posted by l0st on April 11 2004,05:06
*GASP*If cbagger can't, no one can. *slumps away Posted by cbagger01 on April 11 2004,14:04
I wouldn't call it an impossible task, but there's only so much time in a day. JRE 1.3 installed effortlessly in DSL 0.5.x so I am sure that it is doable.
Posted by l0st on May 03 2004,09:23
Alas, 0.5.x did not have support for my NIC
Posted by roberts on May 03 2004,15:45
Do a dsl-hdinstall, choose the enhanced option. It works. Life is beautiful.
Posted by roadie on May 03 2004,16:56
My experience in installing Java in any Linux has shown 90% of the problem is in the symbolic links from Java to the Mozilla plugins.Course when you add Firefox to the deal it can bring in it's own set of problems. I have'nt tried installing Java on DSL, seems bloaty to me, but it could be a dependancy problem as John probably did'nt have Java in mind when he built DSL. roadie Posted by PhrozenFear on May 15 2004,04:36
Well folks, I managed to get the Java plugin installed. Wanna know how ? I did my dsl-hdinstall and all of that, got myself the loverly Firefox from the script, and then looked at my plugins. Lovely little Flash and null, but no java. So I went and did the usual java search and install, but to no avail. Then I went to a site that I used to go to all the time, but needed java. I clicked on the java plugin button thingy, and it said "Do you wish to install the plugin?" and I clicked yes. It downloaded, then asked me to restart Firefox. So I did, went to about:plugins, and VOILA !!!! Java was there ! And it even works on Java-applet site !
Posted by l0st on May 15 2004,05:56
Nice to see someone succeed ![]() But my problem is I'm trying to do it on the liveCD :\ Posted by roberts on May 15 2004,06:02
As I posted above, it worked when I did an "enhanced" hard drive install.Now, with version 0.7 on the liveCD you can have the gnu-utils, i.e., the equivalent of the "enhanced" hard drive install. So, it should now work with the liveCD too. Posted by PhrozenFear on May 16 2004,16:55
One of these days I'm gonna read that there's a second page, and not post before reading it...Way to go, man. |