Need Grub EntryForum: User Feedback Topic: Need Grub Entry started by: IM2Slick Posted by IM2Slick on Jan. 23 2007,03:49
I've done a HDD install two weeks ago (been waiting for an email saying I could post to the forums ;(), I got half-way through and was told it would reboot ..... it rebooted, but I can't find DSL on hdb11 in the Grub menu. I have tried
Can you post a valid grub entry for my "/boot/grub/menu.lst" so's I can finish the install. This will be my only Linux distro besides an ancient Beatrix install (2004) that has been running for a few years. ..... it can no longer be updated becuz the owner is in a nursing home in Atlanta and is no longer involved with the distro. I have PC-BSD on hda (I'm testing BSD) and Beatrix on hdb7. All other Linux distro's have crashed (all Debian Derivs, Libranet/Debian Sarge/Debian Woody/Xandros/ Simply Mepis 2004/Knoppix/etc.) thanks to *buntu's and Mepis/*buntu 6.0. I would like to install a Debian Deriv as my main Linux distro which has no connection to *buntu's and I have chosen DSL. I can find no others that will update/upgrade directly from Debian, and I am not fond of Gnome (Sarge was the killer for me). Thanks for your time. Posted by mikshaw on Jan. 23 2007,04:01
Are you using a custom kernel and initrd?The kernel in DSL is linux24, and the initrd is minirt24.gz These are both located in /boot/isolinux if you downloaded the standard ISO. Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Jan. 23 2007,18:31
Or see the wiki: < >
Posted by IM2Slick on Jan. 24 2007,03:58
mikshaw I really didn't understand your posts until I read the Wiki linked below in the next post. Thanks for your help ..... (saved a bunch of iggerant questions ;)) Posted by IM2Slick on Jan. 24 2007,05:00
[quote=^thehatsrule^,Jan. 23 2007,13:31][/quote]Or see the wiki: < > Thanks, between you and mikshaw, I was able to go to my grub menu.lst and add the DSL entry .... now to see if it works :lol: Bbkseun! IM2Slick EDIT: neither one of those worked ![]() ![]() I put them in my /boot/grub/menu.lst which is n the Beatrix distro (for updating), They both show up on the grub splash screen, but I get an error 15 for both of them .... any more ideas? This is what they look like (from the menu.lst)
EDIT: Thanks for noticing the initrd stuff mikshaw! Posted by mikshaw on Jan. 24 2007,05:23
error 15 is "file not found". It might be as simple as a typo in the kernel path.Could you post your current grub config please? Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Jan. 24 2007,16:33
Just a quick note:Why is beatrix set for hd1 and root=hdb while dsl is under hd1 as well but root=hda? Posted by mikshaw on Jan. 24 2007,17:01
Yes, that looks like a definite problem. It should be root=/dev/hdb11In addition, you have "initrd" on the end of the kernel line of both Beatrix entries. I don't know if this will break it, but it shouldn't be there. Maybe it was just a typo in the post. Posted by IM2Slick on Jan. 25 2007,03:55
I copied and pasted directly from the link given ..... and you are looking at the most recent Grub entry ...... the only change I made was Hdb11, rather than hdb1. <shock> I just looked and saw a mistake<shock> ...... I've got DSL on hda11 ... there is NO hda11, it's hdb11 !!! (thanx 'thehatsrule') :blush: :blush: :blush: EDIT: I made the corrections, that didn't make any difference, but I feel better now :lol: OK, here are the two error messages for the two Grub entries which came up AFTER I made those corrections: First: the HDD install Grub Entry:
And then the entry for the Frugal install:
Still, neither one works, any advice? Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Jan. 25 2007,05:00
I seem to remember sometimes not needing the makeactive/boot stuff... Oh are you using a frugal? If not, then also try removing the last initrd line (from above) Posted by mikshaw on Jan. 25 2007,13:52
They're both on the same partition? Are you sure you have all the files you need for both systems (nothing got overwritten)?
This doesn't say much, but it gives a hint that maybe you have an unusual problem. Maybe there is hardware failure? I honestly don't see anything _wrong_ with your grub syntax, but I have no idea what the "boottitle" and "boot" lines are for. Also don't know what "makeactive" is, but that at least seems to be something that is frquently used without error. Posted by IM2Slick on Jan. 26 2007,05:42
I got the makeactive/boottitle/boot lines from here: < Damn Small Linux Wiki-Installing Grub, Booting the first time > OK, time out!! I blooped! :OOPS: Somehow, even tho I said in the first post that I had done a HDD install, I have given you the mistaken impression that I was doing two different installs at the same time. I only did the HDD install, not the Frugal ... I had hoped that if I put both entries into the Grub, that one might work if the other one didn't. (OK, OK, I work on my computer like I work on my car ..... I cobble things together to make them work, and if one thing doesn't work, I improvise). Sorry mikshaw ..... "thehatsrule" Im not using the frugal install, so I'll try following your directions. NOW, another question ...... I figure that if the above doesn't work, I am going to have to use qparted and reformat all of the drive except for hdb7 where Beatrix is .... then re-install DSL ..... Which, in you folk's opinion, is the best kind of install for me, since DSL is going to be my one and only, the HDD install or the Frugal? and why? NOTE: I use my computer for surfing, office programs, editing configuration files, menu.lst., learning vi/emacs/joe/nano/pico, etc. I am not a gamer, unless you cound freecell and shisensho, and have no fancy hardware to install like Vid cards/Audio Cards, etc. The only external things that I want to hook up to (besides the Internet) is an ssh storage box and an HP printer. Other than that, I'm golden!. Thanks Posted by IM2Slick on Jan. 26 2007,06:16
Good News! I dropped the inrd line, deleted the other(frugal) entry, the makeactive/boottitle/etc and it will now boot up! I'm kinda disappointed that all of the icons aren't there now (I was going to try some of them out ;), but I guess I will find them sooner or later. Thanks for all the help .... I still want to know the answer to the question about HDD or frugal, before I delete the Beatrix. I've got to create a /home partition to save the data I have stored there. so I can retrieve it if I wish. Thanks again! |