little distros rule!

Forum: User Feedback
Topic: little distros rule!
started by: curaga

Posted by curaga on June 11 2007,08:54
It is one of the reasons I like DSL.
Since it's a small distro, contributing is easy. I can just imagine how hard it would be to get something into, say Ubuntu or Debian. Just look at Ubuntu forums, there are overwhelming amounts of unanswered messages, mostly because there are less experienced users than new ones. And the flood keeps it up, they don't have time to answer.
DSL is different. That's why we like it. Keep it up!

Posted by sankarv on June 12 2007,04:39
little distros rule!

but thats not true with all little distros. DSL is the only forum i have ever seen with good knowledged people helping others maximum possible.

perhaps  we can say

" DSL - this little distro rule!!!"

something like that.......

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