Domo, chummer!

Forum: User Feedback
Topic: Domo, chummer!
started by: rampaging_gnome

Posted by rampaging_gnome on Mar. 20 2004,23:51
A few months ago, the HD on my compaq notebook died--just before finals, of course.  The replacement part I ordered from the manufacturer wouldn't fit and I couldn't find anything else that would either.  Just as I was about to toss the whole thing onto the scrap heap where it so richly belonged, a friend gave me the URL to your site.  Three downloads later (and after being informed that you can't burn an ISO like a regular file), I was able to use my computer for something besides a glorified text editor.  You've made a truly amazing thing. Keep up the good work.

I had never even thought of using Linux since everyone said it was too difficult to learn.  I'm not afraid of penguins anymore. :) Now I'm trying to learn all I can about my new OS from the beginner lessons at another site.  Does anyone have any suggestions for a total Linux noob on where to go from there?

Posted by Rapidweather on Mar. 21 2004,00:36
If the machine will boot DSL ok from the cd, then you might want to use a USB drive (if you have a usb port) to store a backup.tar.gz and filetool.lst
That way, you can have Foxfire and all your other stuff saved on the little usb drive, and can take it, with the CD, to other machines to try.
I have a bunch of ideas here, some might help you:
< >

Posted by Serenity on Mar. 30 2004,13:32
"I'm not afraid of penguins anymore."

me neither now :)

"Now I'm trying to learn all I can about my new OS from the beginner lessons at another site."

post link! post link!

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