Problem with openoffice.dsl: X server failsForum: User Feedback Topic: Problem with openoffice.dsl: X server fails started by: gjhicks Posted by gjhicks on May 24 2004,06:17
Hi,I downloaded the openoffice.dsl file and checked it against the md5sum value. I added it to the root that already contained the firefox.tar.gz and the samba and gnu-utils dsl files. Booting from the CD and using the 'dsl mydsl=hda? works just fine with firefox, samba and gnu-utils - I am typing this in firefox. But when I tried to also get openoffice.dsl to join in, I got the following messages: xauth: creating new authority file /home/damnsmall/.Xauthority giving up xinit: No such file or directory (errno 2): unable to connect to X server xinit: No such process (errno 3): Server error Can anyone help on resolving this error? Thanks, Geoff. Posted by ke4nt1 on May 24 2004,07:13
I haven't played with it a lot, but here's what I've read....From your post, I'm guessing you have a frugal install to hda1? (or hda2, hda3) and you are using the cd to boot only... and the fromhd=/dev/hda? command. You are placing the openoffice.dsl on the root of your frugal install, along with the firefox.dsl, etc... It requires a lot of ram, 384 megs, I've read, so if you don't have a half gig or so, your dsl will choke. If your on the fringe, don't use the toram option. Do you also have the oouser.dsl ? that is the user files for openoffice/damnsmall...your config, registry, etc.. 73 ke4nt Posted by gjhicks on May 24 2004,09:10
Thanks for your reply.No, I am not using a HD install, just booting and running from the CD. I reckon you are right - I don't have enough ram. So I will give that approach away! You mentioned running from a HD install. I also have a HD install, which I boot up via 'loadlin' - it works just fine. But, even with the mydsl files in the / directory of the DSL installation partition, they are not 'activated'. Given that the HD install does not present the "boot:" prompt, any idea how to get the mydsl files recognised. Lastly, no - I do not have the oouser.dsl - is that available somewhere or does it have to be built from an running openoffice installation. If it has to be built, any idea of the steps (remember I am pretty new to this stuff). Regards, Geoff. Posted by ke4nt1 on May 24 2004,13:08
Many people here are adept at remastering the DSL iso toinclude the .dsl's in the root of the cd.... I am not yet..... I simply burn the iso image to a cdr in multisession format, leaving the cd "open" for another session.. After the iso burn is complete, I burn another session with the .dsl files added to the root directory.. Then, I can run completely from CD, with all my .dsl files on the CD.. It burns so quickly to a cdrw, that it's easy to make additions, and reburn as neccessary. Seems like one could take a frugal install partition, unpack it, modify some files on it, repack it back into the "knoppix" image, and write an .iso image from it, including the bootcat/bootimg files to make it bootable, with the correct command lines... I've recently "dsl'ed" several games and I am working on a few more for some "ham radio" packages. Logging, packet, and so forth... Creating .dsl's makes it so easy to edit, modify, and share with other DSL enthusiasts... The "mydsl" package does not work from a HD install yet. I'm sure "someone" is working on making it happen... Since the .dsl files are simply directories and files tarred and zipped, can you open them at /, and permamently install them to a HD install ?? I have yet to try this myself., but I see groups of files in 3 or 4 directories that already exist on a HD install of DSL.. I bounce back and forth between a HD install, a frugal install on a HD, and the liveCD, using the LiveCD to edit the root of the frugal install ( it's read-only when you run from it. ) I always seem to "mess up" my HDinstall, by doing things one probably shouldn't do to an OS like DSL... Once I have things looking and running the way I like, running from the CD is my fav.... Just boot from the disk, and it's all there, no matter what computer I'm on !!! 73 ke4nt Posted by Dominique on May 24 2004,13:23
I try to make a new mydsl iso with abiword.dsl ans gcomburst.dsl.I use mkmydsl but when I boot on the new CD, the directory /home/damnsmall belong to root whith no write access to staff and damnsmall user. So i get the same messages then you. .Xautority fail, .xserver...... Ctrl C to get the console working sudo chown damnsmall:staff startx I think there is a bug in the iso construction. Sorry for my bad english. Dom from France ![]() Posted by Rapidweather on Aug. 08 2004,16:51
I'm trying to use loadlin to boot dsl 0.6.2. It boots up, but won't run "X". --- I get: XIO: fatal IO error 104 (Connection Reset by Peer) on X server ";0.0" after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining. I am using this command line for loadlin in my batch file: loadlin vmlinuz initrd=miniroot.gz --- I can run, that makes a new .xserverrc file, and then "startx", all to no avail. --- When I use a boot floppy, all is well. --- Anyone have any ideas? Posted by John on Aug. 08 2004,18:01
I am in a MS free environment here, so I have no experience with loadlin. But there has been a lot of others talking about how to make it work with DSL. Try doing a search for it set to all forums and 'the beginning'.
Posted by Rapidweather on Aug. 08 2004,19:42
Thanks John!I'll continue to look around. This box has Debian 2.2 and Mandrake 8, and Arachne 1.70 on it,in addition to DSL and Windows 98. I can boot Debian and Mandrake off the Windows desktop with loadlin, and have partial success with DSL, in that I can boot to runlevel 2, anyway, after runlevel 5 fails. I use special autoexec.bat and config.sys in System Commander to get the upper memory and mouse driver for Arachne. I have a msdos menu for some of it, that boots prior to Windows. Some have had success with loadlin, but one example I found in the forums used his own partition for DSL. I have done that with Arachne/ Windows 3.1 using System Commander before. --- DSL is such a nice OS, able to outrun my older Debian and SuSE, which seem to take a lot of fiddling to get going each time, what with Firestarter Firewall, user accounts, and getting connected to the internet. I install DSL in one form or the other on all machines, some have only DSL, with no other OS of any kind. --- I am always amazed at the great number of knowlegeable folks on the DSL forums, all of them get an "A" in my book! --- Thanks again! It's all great fun. --- ![]() Posted by cbagger01 on Aug. 08 2004,20:08
Are you trying to use the xfbdev XServer?If so, you need to start up Linux with a framebuffer enabled. You would do this by adding an append line like vga=791 or vga=789 to the loadlin boot command. Check the loadlin documentation for more details. HTH Posted by Aiku on Aug. 08 2004,20:41
Do I need to get loadlin to run openoffice???
Posted by roberts on Aug. 08 2004,23:14
I think this thread got off topic. One should have nothing to do with the other. They probably should have started a new thread entitled loadlin or something. I can see where this could be confusing to new users.