
Forum: User Feedback
Topic: Remastering?
started by: Ekylypse

Posted by Ekylypse on Aug. 30 2004,21:38
I have extracted the ISO on my comp, but i cant see a way to go about remastering it, if anyone has done it, or if John reads this, please help :) thanks in advance
Posted by Trevor Shaw on Aug. 31 2004,16:26
I remastered using mkisofs with the following commandline:
-pad -l -r -J -v -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 32 -hide-rr-moved -boot-info-table -b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin -c boot/isolinux/ -o <iso-path> <source-path>

Posted by jerome5 on Sep. 01 2004,05:26
I remastered using mkisofs with the following commandline:
-pad -l -r -J -v -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 32 -hide-rr-moved -boot-info-table -b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin -c boot/isolinux/ -o <iso-path> <source-path>

huh? Command line?

No wonder hardly anyone uses linux un a desktop. A GUI frontend to that program with a point and click inteface would be 100x simpler.

Posted by John on Sep. 01 2004,06:01
Posted by clacker on Sep. 01 2004,18:01
next time there is a major repackaging like this, it might be nice to include four or five lines in the docs about remastering rather than making people guess and fiddly futz around with it.  I mean, you must understand it or you won't be able to tear apart Knoppix and make DSL.
Posted by clivesay on Sep. 01 2004,18:56
Rumor has is that John came across DSL by accident while testing large algorithms during his experiments trying to create an alternative fuel source. So, he may not be able to re-create the exact experiment....... :p

Seriously, John and Robert are not kicked back playing with DSL all day with huge royalty checks rolling in. These guys do this part time as a labor of love, so go easy on them.

There are many threads about remastering around here. Meo gives good detail for remastering .7.3 here <;st=40 >

When it comes to Knoppix 3.4 (DSL 0.8.0) There are a few differences in regards to syslinux vs. isolinux. Once you get to the point of building the compressed image and the iso, you just follow the procedure on the site.

Hasty has also contributed a "gui" link to remastering Knoppix. You might give it a try < >

Knoppix has an entire forum on customization/remastering. That is a great place to learn.

Geesh! I'm starting to sound like the people that use to advise me when I asked these types of questions! ( I still do ask them from time to time!) :)



Posted by roadie on Sep. 01 2004,19:22
Why can't people just hit the search button instead of expecting to be spoonfed?
I'm seeing a growing trend of users expecting to be able to "point and click" for anything they want to do in Linux.

They have no desire to learn anything or make the system better by contributing.
They whine if they have to use a CLI (command line interface), they whine because their Winmodems don't work without building a driver.

I suppose it's from using an OS that tells you nothing about what it's doing and allows you to do nothing to change it, but that really does'nt mean you can go to DSL or any other free Linux and expect the developers to work their asses off for nothing just because you don't want to input a command in a terminal.

Thats just lazy crap and it stops any help I can give on LT or HCF modems or anything else I've learned.


Posted by clacker on Sep. 01 2004,22:19
clivesay, thanks for the information.  I'll look to knoppix for the answers.  I know John and company do this out of the goodness of their hearts on their free time.  I meant no offense and they do a great job.  It's free, it works, and I have no right to complain.

roadie, I can't hit the search buttom instead of being spoon feed because the only thing I've found on remastering 0.8.0 (aside from clivesay's suggestion to look at the Knoppix site which was posted after my comment) was one incomplete line that said nothing about directories or methods.

Someone told me once how friendly people were in this forum.  Lately all I see is a lot of "no there is no documentation, search the forum, no stupid, search from the beginning."

I hope you do keep posting, roadie, because a lazy, unwilling to contribute, not trying to learn, incompetant like myself might still be able to get something out of the wisdom you try to impart.

Posted by clivesay on Sep. 02 2004,00:38
meo wrote:

Remastering HOWTO for Damn Small Linux

Change the keyboard-layout (unless you have a us-keyboard)

$sudo loadkeys se-latin1

Format the partition with the ext2 filesystem

$sudo mke2fs /dev/hda3

Become root and mount the right partition

$sudo su
#mount -rw /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1
#mount -rw /dev/hda3 /mnt/hda3

Make the directories needed

#mkdir /mnt/hda3/source
#mkdir /mnt/hda3/newcd
#mkdir /mnt/hda3/newcd/KNOPPIX
#mkdir /mt/hda3/newcd/boot/isolinux

Copy necessary files to directory /newcd

#cp -Rp /cdrom/boot/isolinux/* cdrom/autorun* /cdrom/index.html /mnt/hda3/newcd

Copy the sources to the right directory

#cp -Rp /KNOPPIX/* /mnt/hda3/source
#cp -Rp /KNOPPIX/.bash_profile /mnt/hda3/source

Go through and copy wanted things to /mnt/hda3/source

#cp -Rp /mnt/hda1/Docs/* /mnt/hda3/source/home/dsl
#cp -Rp /mnt/hda1/styles/* /mnt/hda3/source/usr/share/fluxbox/styles

Create the custom compressed image file:

#mkisofs -R /mnt/hda3/source | create_compressed_fs -b - 65536 > /mnt/hda3/newcd/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX

Create the iso-file as follows:

#cd /mnt/hda3
#mkisofs -no-pad -l -r -J -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin -c boot/isolinux/ -hide-rr-moved -o mydsl.iso /mnt/hda3/newcd/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX

Copy the iso-file to the first partition on your harddrive

#cp /mnt/hda3/mydsl.iso /mnt/hda1

OK, I remember I was a newbie just a few months ago. I am pouring out everything that is in my little brain.

I will start by saying that I have never remastered DSL into a livecd. I have, however, remastered Feather Linux. Since DSL is on the same base as Feather, I have taken meo's remaster howto and added updates based on Robert Sullivan's remaster howto for Feather.

If you want to try out your compressed image before possibly making a coaster, Create a /mnt/hda3/KNOPPIX/ directory and copy the compressed image to the directory and boot into it using a floppy. You may be able to use the cd to boot, also. I don't know. If you are going to just test the compressed image, leave out the "-b" option when typing the mkisofs command. It will speed up compression.

Give it a try and see if it works!


Posted by clacker on Sep. 02 2004,02:48
clivesay, thank you so much.  Your post solved my problem, which has really been getting on my nerves.  I didn't have the -no-pad switch, I was using -pad.  Your directories were not right, but that last mkisofs was spot on except for the directories.  I'll post the method after meo's plea in the remastering how to.
Posted by clivesay on Sep. 02 2004,03:27
The Feather method is slightly different. You are doing some copying that I don't have to do.

The important thing is that we both end up with a new liveCD! Now I know how to remaster DSL too!

Glad I could help.

Take care


Posted by roadie on Sep. 02 2004,04:22
Geez, clacker, lighten up, it's not like I singled you out or something.
I'm ready to help anyone who is willing to help themselves first by doing a very basic search of the forum for an answer.

But I have no time for someone that jumps in demanding an answer when their problem has been addressed many times already. I'm not saying you did.
Granted, remastering 0.8.0 is different in some respects but it's not that different and it's not a whole new ball game.

To me the main attraction of Linux is the ability to get into the system and find out why something does'nt work and make the damn thing work.
I don't recall seeing anyone called stupid or incompetent in this forum, as a matter of fact I've gone after people who give a smart ass answer to someone with a problem or joke about it instead of trying to help.

Actually my reply had little to do with you or your post, it was for those that like to grab a free system then bitch and whine because it does'nt work like the OS they're used to. The key word here is FREE, how can someone assume someone else should give of their time to provide an excellent OS and then complain because it is'nt exactly what they want. It does'nt have GCC, it does'nt have make or a GUI for this or that. And it don't have Winmodem drivers.

I hope this is'nt taken as arrogance, it's not meant to be, I'm a newbie myself.
Then again, I am arrogant enough to not give a rat's ass how it's taken.But when I have a problem, I search first then ask. And whenever possible I try to give back to the community.


Posted by Ekylypse on Sep. 02 2004,05:41
Roadie, Wow, First off, I do search the forums, and many posts I make are somewhat helpful, why you would post someting such as the last 2 posts of yours(in this topic) were unnecessary, people do "help" themselves, even if they didn't you could Help them, then make your comment about searching the forum,

As you can read, Remastering DSL 8.0 is not a well known topic. k thanks.

Thank you everyone who made an effort, and John, can smile at me, thats it?! Just Playin. Clive, I espically thank you for all the help, and i'm glad this is now out and will soon be well known :)

Posted by Trevor Shaw on Sep. 02 2004,08:59
I had a problem booting from a CD after using

#mkisofs -no-pad -l -r -J -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 ...

but changing the  -boot-load-size from 4 to 32 solved it

Posted by clivesay on Sep. 02 2004,16:50
Here's some mkisofs reference stuff just for fun.  :)

< >


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