Distrowatch has yet another article about DSLForum: User Feedback Topic: Distrowatch has yet another article about DSL started by: ke4nt1 Posted by ke4nt1 on July 26 2004,07:53
Read the Headline !DSL posted yet again at Distrowatch ! Another article about LiveCD's We rated a B+.... ok Need to write them and tell them to use a screenshot that ain't a YEAR OLD.. ...and no mention of the Click & Run - myDSL system... He MUST have pulled out an old 0.4.X .... It's got Nedit in the picture.... Changed to Scite in 0.5.1.... Hello!? ( Looks like he pulled the screenshot from 0.4.5 ..... - Baby Tux Display - from the main index page...) Give em' grief.. 73 ke4nt Posted by monkymind on July 26 2004,10:55
I'd rather see effort put into a detailed users manual for DSL (Knoppix etc. too) than on more lightweight "I put it in and it booted in 1 min 10 sec" style reviews.In fact if there were such a users manual the reviewers would at least have somewhere to get real info from ![]() I hate ![]() Hell even a proposed "Table of Contents" would make me happy ![]() Any budding technical writers lurking in the forums??? Cheers rob Posted by optixz on July 26 2004,15:00
I'd love to help in this regard. This is one thing I've been waiting to see and just don't have that much time personally get involved up to now. I'll see if I can get something started if there are not objections from John.I think DSL has a great community here and any pointers in regards to documentation would be great. optixz Posted by optixz on July 26 2004,15:52
As a follow-up to my previous note.I've had experience writing mini tutorials for everyday work. They usually consist of high level walk throughs of what to type, click and look for in M$ Windows systems. My style is to keep things simple and to the point, and of course helpful. I'm going to write a how-to from start to finish of popping a CD with DSL in and then getting to browse and shutting the system down. I think individual how-tos for specific applications are necessary as well, especially since I have no idea how to get started on some apps and end up spending hours looking through different online documentation. All the Best, optixz Posted by AwPhuch on July 27 2004,19:27
url? ![]() Please -note to self- dont be a troll < http://www.distrowatch.com/dwres.php?resource=interview-damnsmall > < http://www.distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=damnsmall > Brian AwPhuch Posted by AwPhuch on July 27 2004,19:58
Email sent heheJames Zaldivar replied he is gonna take a look...pretty sweet!!! I think he will be very pleasantly suprised...what do you think? Brian AwPhuch Posted by monkymind on July 28 2004,00:29
The James Zaldivar interview is probably about a year old now??? So I guess it will be a surprise ![]() BTW The one ke4nt1 was referring to above is called "A comparison of Three Linux Live CDs" Here's the URL < http://www.distrowatch.com/?newsid=01789#0 > Anyway great work! Looks like you may have iniated another DSL review. Cheers rob Posted by monkymind on July 28 2004,00:55
Sounds perfect! Anything that's simple to read and provides a broad overview will make DSL more accessable (and help those who can't get to the forums for one reason or another). Perhaps a poll or questionnaire would help highlight what are the main challenges someone faces when using DSL for the first time ......??? Cheers rob Posted by optixz on July 28 2004,20:00
I haven't looked at the on disk documentation in a while and got to look at it on the 0.7.3 today. Looks like I will focus on just text for now and build from there. The on disk documentation is great by the way, it has answered several of my previous questions.
Posted by ke4nt1 on July 28 2004,20:03
There were many changes, corrections, and useful additionsmade to the "Getting Started" page , usually seen in the Dillo browser. 73 ke4nt Posted by John on July 29 2004,06:43
I am very interested in reading your review. There has been some great press lately, but they often only scrape the surface and often get things wrong. Like when Linux Format said DSL requires 64M of ram to run, that just left me scratching my head.
Posted by TyphoonMentat on July 29 2004,07:22
Often enough they just don't pay close attention - they've got deadlines to meet and so on, so they just conjure figures up.. "Ah, DSL runs on our test system with 64Mb RAM, so it must require 64Mb to run!"They usually compare distros like DSL to full-blown ones like Knoppix and Fedora, when it's obvious that that's an unfair comparison. Posted by ripcrd6 on July 29 2004,13:30
They skim the docs like some users do and review old distros and highlight problems that have already been addressed.
Posted by ripcrd6 on July 29 2004,13:34
If someone writes some docs I'd be willing to edit. I have done this for many open source projects since 1998.