0.4.9 feedback - gimp and cd burningForum: User Feedback Topic: 0.4.9 feedback - gimp and cd burning started by: cagwait Posted by cagwait on Oct. 19 2003,10:20
user feedback 0.4.9 dsl, for anybody interestedinstalled to hd on my celeron 333mhz 160mb ram downloaded firebird and restored dpkg everything o.k used my debian woody cds to install Gimp and cdrecord, xcdroast start up times for the gimp appear to be the fastest of any current linux distribution, tried many!! Not yet used dsl to burn cds, although xcdroast appears ok all in all a great distro. Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Jan. 26 2004,12:56
Could someone tell me (and everyone else, of course) how to install programs like the GIMP without using apt-get? I have various distributions of linux with ap CDs, plus other aps I've downloaded, but don't know hot to install in DSL.I guess one question is whether DSL supports rpms, if not, what do you need to do to configure/make "standard" packages? I'm a newbie at installing packages that aren't just a matter of selecting from a list and saying "install"... Posted by peter on Jan. 26 2004,17:04
There is a program called "alien" that will install rpm - I've never used it but you can apt-get it if you want. As far as installing from source (compiling your own apps), you need compilers (gcc and g++) and The "make" program as well. I would suggest that you click on the search button above right, and have a look for "compiler" "gcc" and so on. If you are really new to Linux a good place to start finding out about such things is the The Linux Documentation Project< http://www.tldp.org/docs.html > The usual incantation ![]() ./configure make make install with at least the third step as "root" Always read the README file that is usually in the tarball you downloaded. Obviously the tarball (usually a *tar.gz file) has to be unpacked first ... all of this is well documented elsewhere. Unless you lack bandwidth I'd strongly suggest using apt to install things - that way you get the "Debian version" and configuration automatically. Posted by jojotx0 on April 11 2004,21:17
I just have one question about using apt-get, how to use it? in the bash shell do you type in apt-get whatever you want to install? or what?
Posted by Grim on April 11 2004,21:29
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