qwerty vs azerty

Forum: User Feedback
Topic: qwerty vs azerty
started by: pvdvyve

Posted by pvdvyve on Mar. 17 2004,20:52
Hay everyone
is there a possibility to change my key boardlayout in the straight DSL
I am an european-user from Belgium...

Posted by pvdvyve on Mar. 18 2004,08:10
So I use an azerty keyboard in Belgian layout.
Sorry, I better 'd look around a bit.
I noticed this topic is going on.
And maybe I can try the tips given in:
< Keymaps >
Let you know when it works out.
Greetings. :O

Posted by pvdvyve on Mar. 18 2004,21:18
And yes, it all works well.
As I saw in another thread:
I took a look in the right place for the right name:
and found:
opened a bash thing:
loadkeys be-latin1
this was a move in the right way but not fully correct, so I tried:
loadkeys be2-latin1
and that was it, fantastic, isn't it!

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