dull question but..........Forum: User Feedback Topic: dull question but.......... started by: mpie Posted by mpie on June 10 2004,23:26
is there a way to upgrade dsl version,i have the disk from linux format but a complete newbi have no cd-rw and limited floppies is there a download option that is not two comple,i tried apt-get distro-update but that failed due to missing dir please help i've browsed this forum which helped me greatly with hd install and apt get but i really want to upgrade to dsl 0.7.1 without buying a c.d as would rather wait for a stable version but think the xtnsions sound way cool ..............please help system is v old dell optiplex e1 celeron 333cpu 64 meg ram 3.2g h/d???? Posted by mpie on June 12 2004,15:41
erm................. i guess what i was asking is how do you make the root files re writable?
Posted by chuck54 on June 14 2004,17:22
In the Remaster howto it mentions booting a dsl image on the hard disk, using a boot floppy. I dont quite know know about extracting the image from a current iso though. Im sure it cant be too hard. < remaster howto >
Posted by ke4nt1 on June 18 2004,18:07
Depends on what your trying to save from the old version.You could backup your personal settings, like .dillo, .xmms, .xtdesktop, /etc/apt/sources.list, etc. Edit your copy of your filetool.lst on your backup space to include these areas. Save the backup , Install the new 0.7.1, then after you boot into your new DSL, restore your backup, and all your old settings, bookmarks, etc. ..will still be there. 73 ke4nt Posted by mpie on June 19 2004,22:40
thanks for your input folks but not really the answer's i was looking for, just being lasy i s'pose, but when i,ve tried the remaster it never reboots, was hoping for a straight forward download. that aside i want to congratulate everyone involved in this project only tried linux on the off chance, and now will never go back to *********** there is no need for all that guff
Posted by Grim on June 20 2004,00:02
Have you tried the < Knoppix Remastering Script >?
Posted by mpie on June 20 2004,00:41
now there's a useful looking tool cheers ![]() Posted by roberts on June 20 2004,01:51
I guess I am reading this differently from those who have posted, so here is my spin on this situation.
If the cdrom version you bought or got from a magazine, has a rather recent version of frugal_instal.sh then there is a way to "download and install" the most recent version of DSL. No cd-rw or floppies required. The frugal_instal.sh has an option to install from a URL location. So booting from cdrom then running the URL install to hard drive and your set to go. If you don't like running the compressed image from hard drive, then if make two partitions one smaller just large enough for the compressed image (maybe use your current swap partition reformatted of course) then do a frugal URL install into the smaller one then bootup and then do a regaular hard drive install into the larger one. When done then reformat the smaller one which was frugally installed and use as swap. Posted by mpie on June 20 2004,02:06
fantastic!!! so my last question then how do you frugal installok so can do frugal but no promt offered to d=use an url any idea's thanks :) Posted by roberts on June 20 2004,19:18
On the newer versions frugal is on the menu. Apps->tools->Frugal Install. On prior versions, you must open a shell and type frugal_instal.sh. If your version is very old you may not have this program or the URL download version of this program. Try and let me know.
Posted by mpie on June 20 2004,19:41
no url option.........................any idea's
Posted by mpie on June 25 2004,19:49
just too say am now runnind 0.7.1 thank you roberts!!!!!