localized keyboardForum: User Feedback Topic: localized keyboard started by: RRRR Posted by RRRR on July 09 2004,02:42
DSL seems like a brilliant idea, but one thing I need working is the keyboard layout.... I can live with english language most of the way but I'm too lame with typing to finger out the US layout on my norwegian keyboard. I tried all options to set NO for keyboard layout but to no avail... it just don't return no result. Probably I'm doing something wrong so helps appreciated. Downloaded DSL 0.7.2 today BTW, it's my first attempt. Using x86 architecture and so on.... Regards, RRRR Posted by roberts on July 09 2004,05:48
This this thread for info on keyboards: < http://damnsmalllinux.org/cgi-bin....2;t=147 >
Posted by RRRR on July 09 2004,13:09
Thanks! That did it.ctr + alt + backspace. loadkeys no-standard startx Posted by Trucker on July 09 2004,18:47
Posted by RRRR on Oct. 01 2005,03:17
I haven't used DSL for a while, downloaded 1.5, and Wow! such improvements! ![]() However. The keyboard issue remains. The keyboard selector in the "Control Panel" thingy does nothing, and I still have to do CTRL+ALT+BKSPC loadkeys no-standard startx to get actual norwegian keyboard in all apps (but that does work)....... Other gripes (though maybe OT in this thread): DSL only find the one of my two onboard LAN's that I'm not using... If I plug into that card before booting DSL just hangs. I must unplug the network cable, boot into DSL, then plug in networkcable in the right LAN card, activate DHCP, and then: Internet! Posted by JO+ on Oct. 04 2005,23:06
Maybe this thread helps:< DSL translation > Jo Posted by RRRR on Oct. 16 2005,03:06
Yes that's helpful as such... However, what I'm trying to do is to build a "super bootcd" by way of < UBCD >, integrating custom tools, < UBCD4Win > and DSL. It has worked out OK, but I would have liked DSL to be somewhat localized. I have looked some at the remastering FAQ's, but they all seem a bit old, and furthermore, based on the isolinux default DSL. I'm using dsl-syslinux for my project, as UBCD already have an "isolinux" directory in it's root, and overwriting it seems to destroy UBCD's booting ability. The dsl-syslinux however has a "KNOPPIX" directory with a "boot.img" floppyimage and a "KNOPPIX" compressed systemimage. All I have to do here are decompressing the ISO into my custom UBCD project and add
However, in order to localize DSL in such a setting I would have liked to decompress the "KNOPPIX" image (or/and "boot.img" if necessary) edit some textfiles, then recompress the image(s). What I'm thinking of is to add
and add these to .filetool.lst - as suggested. Also I would like to change
I don't need any other custom changes as such, as packets are easily installed with DSL. ...Would this in anyway be possible...??? |