User Feedback Topic: started by: cbagger01 Posted by cbagger01 on Sep. 13 2004,21:42
I just booted up with DSL version last night and I noticed that the emelfm tweaks from version 0.7.x are still missing.Can someone on the team include the old emelfm tweaks into the next release of DSL? The one that I miss most is the "View in Scite" option to the Right-Click User menu (function entry: scite %f) It is very useful when you need to view a shell script. The normal "View" menu option disappears when a file is set with executable permissions so the "View in Scite" comes in handy in this situation. Thanks Posted by ico2 on Sep. 14 2004,13:01
i assume the emelfm thing was accidental, apart from that, what has changed since 0.8?
Posted by cbagger01 on Sep. 14 2004,16:05
The emelfm program itself seems to be the same.I think that the settings file was not copied over from the old 0.7.x versions of DSL into the 0.8.x versions. It should be a simple fix that can be tucked into the next version of DSL. Posted by Aiku on Sep. 15 2004,09:51
Viewing scripts in using emelfm is easy.Select script then click edit or Double click script then click view I am new, use to use Feather, was there a third way to view scripts? Posted by henk1955 on Sep. 15 2004,10:35
@cbagger01you must be a liveCD user that doesnt backup/restore your settings. i think using the current configuration, the way Aiku shows is the easiest. but if you also set: Interface-misc Windows Right Click behavour then an extra entry in User could be useful. the first entry in user is: Edit User Commands ... Posted by greenlead on Sep. 15 2004,10:36
I'm sorry if this question is obvious, but how on earth do I tell what version I have? I would think that it would show at the initial "boot: " prompt splash sceen, but alas, it isn't there. ![]() ![]() Posted by henk1955 on Sep. 15 2004,10:46
this is offtopic:you ar right it would be nice if you could see at startup what version it is: but you can look at the date the /KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX file on the cd is 0.7.1 may 31 0.7.3 july 24 0.8.0 august 27 0.8.1 september 7 september 10 or same dates about |