SAMBAForum: User Feedback Topic: SAMBA started by: DImGR Posted by DImGR on May 01 2004,16:08
i downloaded . It does not appear anywhere in the menu. HOw do i start it from the command line?
Posted by CappyCaffeine on May 01 2004,20:22
Ooo.. that comment could fill volumes. In fact, there are books about running SAMBA at your local Barnes and Noble.Simple way is to install swat which is a web interface for the setup and configuration of your samba shares. I would also do an apt-get install man-db and then use the man pages for samba and swat to get more familiar with how it works. to see the manual pages for samba after man-db is installed is to type: man samba for swat: man swat Cappy Posted by libretto on May 23 2004,23:55
I thought that DSL only had the samba client, not a server ? Would I have to apt-get this or somethign as well as the SWAT interface ![]() Any help appreciated. Posted by CappyCaffeine on May 25 2004,12:02
Yup, you need to:apt-get samba apt-get swat and then read the man files (provided you did a apt-get mandb before) to activate samba and swat. Cappy Posted by libretto on May 25 2004,12:39
After just quickly checking the main website, its seems the 'extensions' now include samba! I presume this will be the server, then i just need ot apt-get SWAT ![]() [EDIT]Got the samba extension all looks good and I can see the shares on my network. But when I try to mount shares in LinNeighbourhood it says 'can't resolve host address'. But if I do smbclient in the terminal, I can get at the shares no problem. Note: I'm testing with the live CD here, so if I did a HDonstall all should be well??? [/EDIT] |