booting dsl0.8.1

Forum: User Feedback
Topic: booting dsl0.8.1
started by: wlvdpoel

Posted by wlvdpoel on Sep. 16 2004,19:23
I have an ACER 1300 laptop with DSL 0.8 installed on
HD. Works perfectly. And the CD boots perfectly when started
on CD. Now DSL 0.8.1 and refuse to boot and show:
Ext. cache 256 installed
Boot CD-ROM type: non-emulation booting
Screen is Red and everyting stops. The same versions
0.8.1/ boot perfectly on my main desktop. Why did
0.8 boot correctly and 0.8.1/1.1 fail badly? What has been
changed between these issues? Anybody knowing?

Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Sep. 17 2004,01:26
did you md5sum the iso for 0.8.1/.1.1?

if you did try booting in failsafe mode.


Posted by Xiaoyan on Sep. 17 2004,02:36
I can boot 0.8.0 CD. 0.8.1 and both fail to boot.
When I try to boot those two, the system simply skip the CDROM after a bit of reading and boot from HD directly.

MD5 checksum was correct.

Posted by Xiaoyan on Sep. 17 2004,02:40
Another problem. The procesure for creating a boot floppy in the FAQ does not work. Of course, downloading the boot---.img works.

And I'd like to see some manual or  simple hints on how to tweak DSL to make a customized liveCD.

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