Railroad Tycoon IIForum: User Feedback Topic: Railroad Tycoon II started by: ke4nt1 Posted by ke4nt1 on Sep. 17 2004,05:33
I was digging thru some old linux cdroms , and came across a fav..Railroad Tycoon II.. , originally done by Sid Meyer, creator of the Civilization series, and Alpha Centauri games.. Ported to linux thru Loki Games (now defunct) What the heck! I threw it in the drive... and guess what ?? It plays great.. I'm all smiles.. After installing it, I factored it out , and moved it from /usr/local/games/RT2 to /opt/RT2 , made a menu option, and .tar.gz'd it up into an extension.. I think I'll make it into a .uci compressed extension, since it's almost 100MB gzip/tarred .. What a shame it's not GNU/distributable.. But I picked up my copy a few years back for a buck or so.. If someone has one, I'll be happy to share my howto for making it run sweet under DSL... Kent Posted by AwPhuch on Sep. 17 2004,15:13
I freeking love that game!!!Post up the "HOW-TO" please Unfortunately its not a GPL product...(a .dsl would have been awesome) but Im sure with a solid walkthru it wont be that hard to get running... Brian AwPhuch Posted by ke4nt1 on Sep. 19 2004,09:54
I was able to repeat my effort with " Myth II - Soulblighter "Again, another Loki game that runs great under DSL with my little 933 MHz P3's .. Both these games install by default to one directory.. The only other file installed is a symlink to the executable in /usr/bin, which you can skip anyway in place of a /tmp/mydsl.menu/exec command to run the game from the menu.. After downloading and installing all the latest patches, they work great! Here's what I did.. I make a " work " directory, and inside it I made an " opt " directory.. I placed the entire RT2 or myth2 directory inside this " opt " Went back out into the work directory.. then I did a rough tar to get it all into one file " tar -cvf rt2.tar opt/ " Now I can make a list, untar it, clean it up, add the menu link, and make it into a .tar.gz , since it only writes to /opt and /tmp.. Even better, I made them into .uci files, which keeps the ramcount down, and makes them run even better than if I were running them from CD. The RT2.uci is about 97 MB , and myth2.uci is about 370MB. Not bad for the full 640MB install from CD. I've not had any troubles with the programs wanting the CD's in the drives Just highlight the file in emelfm, click the mydsl button, select the game from the menu under mydsl, and BOOM, your in the game.. Even the movies and animated clips run nicely.. So schweet.. Strange thing is, I had such troubles with these games under Fedora Core 2 and Suse 9.. Myth2 just wouldn't install, Period... much less take patches. DSL just breezed thru both installs....... I'll have to see what Civ II - Call to Power does for DSL game play.. I think I have some other old Loki titles also.. Heretic II ?? 73 ke4nt Posted by AwPhuch on Sep. 20 2004,17:30
Damn do you ever sleep!!?Hehe...Keep up the awesome work man Brian AwPhuch Posted by ergun on Sep. 21 2004,14:53
Hello everyone .Did anybody tryed out to install NVIDIA card under DSL or any other 3D graphic card ? I say this because i1ve tryed out winex3 and winex cedega under another distros and played out the fallowing titles: Need For Speed Under Ground Half Life Counter Strike Warcraft 3 Mafia Homeworld 2 Max Payne 1 & 2 Zuma Deluxe Ground Control Unreal Tournament and other that I can`t remember right now. I whant to install this "emulator" ( winex3 or cedga with point 2 play ) on DSL. Did anybody tried out something. Another thig , what about making another aditional CD with modules? The main Distribution comming on single 40MB bussines card CD and aditional pakages on another CD . With all my respect , Ergun Posted by hasty on Sep. 26 2004,10:11
Wow KentI just loved Myth when it first came out. We had such great times playing this on line ![]() Unfortunately my wife felt it was too blood thirsty and encouraged loutish behaviour..................... Shame I don't have the linux ver., but thanks for posting the details. I'll ask around for a copy. |