Where the hell is the HD_install_HOWTO.txt???

Forum: User Feedback
Topic: Where the hell is the HD_install_HOWTO.txt???
started by: jdhodges2

Posted by jdhodges2 on Sep. 18 2004,09:43
Number 1. Nice new Apps


Number 1. ISOLINUX blows!  Syslinux rulez! Change it back!

Number 2. No HD_install script to be found in the root dir!!!

I want this script and I will kill for it!  Get back to me

Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Sep. 18 2004,15:16
easy there tiger.

first off, welcome to the DSL forums. remember, we are all voulenteers here, so if you want help, it's more likely to happen if you are nice.

first off, isolinux, for better or worse is what DSL uses nowadays. If you can't boot from the cd, get a < boot floppy >.

secondly, to use the dsl-hdinstall script, just go, in the menu Apps>>Tools>>DSL HD Install

it's easy as that.


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