boot 0.8.1 and 1.1

Forum: User Feedback
Topic: boot 0.8.1 and 1.1
started by: wlvdpoel

Posted by wlvdpoel on Sep. 18 2004,20:37
Booting DSL 0.8.0 works fine on my laptop ACER 1300
Booting the CD of DSL 0.8.1 and 8.1.1 does a terrible
thing over and over again. It ends with
Boot CD-Rom type: non-emulation booting, comes with a
red screen and dies. What is worse and absolutely
ununderstandable is the it destroys the CMOS Ram to
default: bootsequence HD,CD,Flop and wipes the date and
time !! Afterwards I always have to restore CD,Flop,HD and
On my normal desktop machine 8.1/1.1 works fine. What has
changed between 8.0 and 8.1 ?

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