Toshiba Tecra 430 CDT success

Forum: User Feedback
Topic: Toshiba Tecra 430 CDT success
started by: tepezcuintle

Posted by tepezcuintle on Sep. 28 2004,03:50
I want to thank the people that created Damn small linux , I think this version of Knoppix is great.
I am using my toshiba tecra 430 CDT a dinosaur of laptop but it works really fast with Damn small linux.  I have a 1 gig hard drive and I put it there and I still have enough room to install other apps.  I also have Phlak and Knoppix SDT running out of this computer on different hard drives. I just had a 1 gig hard drive and since I could not use it for other regular linux distros I was going to put Win95 but I found Damn small linux and it worked.

:) I configured my wireless card and my sound and i am listening to CD's and surfing the web wirelessly.  

:) If you have the same laptop I can help you if you have any questions.

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