DSL 0.8.2Forum: User Feedback Topic: DSL 0.8.2 started by: Japonica Posted by Japonica on Sep. 30 2004,16:41
The 0.8.1 and booting problems almost put me into the bughouse.Now DSL 0.8.2 works great and I can play again. Thank you all dsl gurus. Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Sep. 30 2004,17:15
now i really cant wait to get home and try it out on my desktop.Hopefully X will work too... Posted by clacker on Sep. 30 2004,19:18
0.8.2 is a wonderfully bootable thing. It created much joy.
Posted by AwPhuch on Sep. 30 2004,21:18
Is there a 1.44 bootfloppy available?Brian AwPhuch Posted by roberts on Sep. 30 2004,22:00
The 1.44 boot floppy (syslinux based) have not changed: < http://ibiblio.org/pub....8.0.img >
Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Sep. 30 2004,22:19
woo! 0.8.2 boots on my machine with no floppy!!!but still apm.o problems so X won't start... Posted by ke4nt1 on Sep. 30 2004,22:51
SO go into your bios, and enable apm and acpi...I'm guessing you already tried noapm and noapci and noapic and nomce at boottime... 73 ke4nt Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Oct. 01 2004,00:21
there is nothing in my bios about apm or acpi.noapm doesnt help, noacpi does nothing and still detects the acpi bios, noapic doesnt help and nomce doesnt help either. all sorts of fun, but at least it works on my laptop, and it works great at that! Posted by AwPhuch on Oct. 01 2004,03:39
Ummm...laptop, no internal cdrom/dvd only have a pcmcia cdrom!!! Brian AwPhuch Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Oct. 01 2004,04:15
i mean't it doesnt need the boot floopy to run. ^_^
Posted by ke4nt1 on Oct. 01 2004,04:57
I frequently see an error about apm.o , because it is usually overridden by acpi..Are you confusing this error left in the command shell text window for your problem with X not starting? What kind of computer is this? Have you tried all the other xserver possibilities? xfbdev? etc... ke4nt Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Oct. 01 2004,14:44
could be. i never noticed the error before 0.8.0.
homemade. here are the specs. mobo - MSI K7N2-delta-L proc - AMD athlon 2500+ 1 GB DDR400 in dual-channel mode radeon 9600 pro (shoulda gone nvidia...) hda - 80 gb Western Digital hdb - 120 gb Maxtor Optical drive - Plextor Plexwriter Premium (52x write 48x rewrite 52x read) nforce2U400 chipset, integrated sound, ethernet, etc. phoenixbios (dont remember the version)
yes, it says something like "could not locate server Xfbdev". then segmentation fault, etc. Posted by gui on Oct. 01 2004,16:34
Yes! it's booting correctly and recognizing mydsl apps and my backup.tar.gz I'll try now hd installing but allways maintaining live-cd as main program!
Posted by AwPhuch on Oct. 01 2004,17:03
sorry my laptop is from above! Brian AwPhuch Posted by AwPhuch on Oct. 01 2004,18:55
It does if it needs the pcmcia drivers loaded to detect the pcmcia cdrom... hehe...ah to heck with it..ill figure somthing out Brian AwPhuch-me running backwards Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Oct. 01 2004,22:01
okay, got X to run in framebuffer mode. (thanks to Ke4nt1, for smacking me in the head and reminding me you actuall have to boot with the arguement fb1024x768 or whatever)but when i try a hd install, it doesnt remember the argument to start Xfbdev... Posted by Rapidweather on Oct. 02 2004,04:37
I don't know how many of you have multiple machines to test 0.8.2 on to see if it boots properly. I have posted in another thread about my four machines, and only one will boot 0.8.2. --- All four will boot 0.6.2, so imagine my suprise when first and now 0.8.2 won't boot on three of the four machines. --- You might consider loaning your CD's to others to see what they have in the way of boot/noboot. The point where DSL stops needs to be noted, as well as the particulars of the machine affected. Also, see if prior DSL's boot properly. In my case, 0.6.2 works on all boxes within reason (128+ MB RAM), but DSL 8x only runs on one, a dual-processor machine. --- I realize I am creating two threads here, but I saw what you all had going on, so I decided to pop-in and lay my cards on the table. --- The booting problems are needing to be addressed, I just don't know what the problem with DSL 8x is, to cause such a percentage of very different machines not to boot, or not to boot fully. --- ![]() |