Help!! DSL won't boot!Forum: User Feedback Topic: Help!! DSL won't boot! started by: blueguy Posted by blueguy on July 16 2004,00:18
OK, here's the scoop. My main system is a iMac, (yes an apple). I'm in to Linux, and I use Virtual PC to run Linux, plus I have an installation of Yellow Dog Linux that runs natively on the Mac. I wanted to make another machine, an old Compaq 2200, with a Cyrix MediaGX board, a DSL Linux machine. OK, burn the CD. Boot up the Compaq. Fine, get the "boot:" prompt. Hit enter. Get Little TUX up on screen. Nothing happens for 20 minutes. Ok, reboot, type at the prompt, "expert". Get as far is something like "floppy is fd0.", then nothing happens for 30 minutes. It gets that far, then freezes. Can any one help??!! (Preferred ASAP!)
Posted by cbagger01 on July 16 2004,01:21
Maybe your floppy drive is not working correctly.Try: dsl nofloppy at the boot prompt. Good Luck. Posted by Blueguy on July 16 2004,16:23
OK, dsl nofloppy didn't work. If I don't type anything now, it now doesn't do anything. Just the penguin there. If I type "failsafe", it freezes on "Checking hlt instructions". Any help? ![]() Posted by cbagger01 on July 17 2004,02:12
how about:dsl no-hlt It's worth a try. Posted by blueguy on July 21 2004,17:56
dsl no-hlt -- penguin again -- ok, thought i'd try dsl nohlt. Doesn't work either.