DSL is in the top 10 distros!!Forum: User Feedback Topic: DSL is in the top 10 distros!! started by: SaidinUnleashed Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Aug. 13 2004,22:53
looks like this month, the little distro that can entered into the to 10 most visited distro sites out there. knocking down Xandros and Red Hat.is that cool or what? -J.P. SaidinUnleashed Posted by John on Aug. 13 2004,23:10
My goodness, that is amazing.
Posted by mikshaw on Aug. 14 2004,03:35
Posted by l0st on Aug. 14 2004,07:06
Knocking down REdHat is amazing.JOHN + ROBERTS + CREW, THANKS! Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 14 2004,14:47
Hats off to John and roberts for EARNING the 10th spot !DSL has been holding the 12th spot or better for some time now, most all of 2003, and 11th and 10th spot many times this year.. Over 100+ registered members have been signing up in the forums every week now for many months... (and no telling how many non-registered visitors we get each week) Looking over the forums at other similar small desktop distros like austrumi, live puppy, luit linux, flonix, etc.. my thoughts are that the User Base at DSL has done a wonderful job testing features, creating ideas, and challenging the DSL distro and staff with great suggestions, ideas, and feedback... Kudos to the users of DSL, and 73 ke4nt Posted by John on Aug. 14 2004,23:52
I think a big part of the growth is because of the MyDSL system, and the hard labor put into the repository. That's Robert's brain child, and the depth of packages is all about community and Kent's hard work.
Posted by jshaw on Aug. 15 2004,03:11
First of all great distro. I've tried some others and none of them have utilized such a small amount of space to create an amazingly useful package. I also enjoy being able to shut down and reboot in about 2 minutes... as opposed to 5+.And thanks to all who have posted helps and how-to's in this forum. I've already learned so much about Linux just by reading and doing the things in the forum. Now for a little challenge... what about creating a net restore script. A user could back-up his/her settings and whatnot via an ftp script to their website, and then on reboot wget the backup for a restore. That way a person could have their settings with them no matter where they are, as long as they have a working internet connection. Just a thought. Posted by davide on Aug. 16 2004,11:42
mmmm the idea is good, but I think that internet settings are among the setting you're just backing up.How do you connect to the web and retrieve your backup without setting your ethernet before?![]() as for the ranking: no doubt sooner or later DSL will rank even higher. This distro rules! ![]() Posted by AwPhuch on Aug. 17 2004,17:04
website/URL?? -edit- < http://www.distrowatch.com/ > note:try to find url b4 blabbing off my mouth!! Brian AwPhuch Posted by ico2 on Aug. 28 2004,15:43
wh00t ![]() ![]() what more is there to say that wasn't implied by the above ![]() |