DSL 0.8.0 issuesForum: User Feedback Topic: DSL 0.8.0 issues started by: Deeek Posted by Deeek on Aug. 27 2004,18:17
First of all, let me praise this wonderful distrobution. I enjoy every minute with it.Now, some issues. First is with wmnet. It doesn't show net activity at all. ![]() Secondly, I burned my ISO with some themes in the root directory and some of my MyDSL apps in the optional directory, however, none of them seem to show up in a "MyDSL" menu option with the right-click or Desktop->Styles, as in 0.7.3. Now, I hope I am just missing the location of it. Also, it would be nice if there was a status indicator in the MyDSL GUI. P.S. - Why don't we have Firefox 0.9.1/3 yet? Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Aug. 27 2004,19:25
first, I'll answer a few of your questions, them I'll add my issues.first, are using a modem to connect to the net? if so, wmnet won't show anything, it monitors eth0. and, the reason DSL doesn't use Firefox 9.x is because it uses gtk2, and gtk2 is rather large compared to gtk1.2. now for my issues. don't we all just LOVE drastic overhauls? before i get into this, the iso was md5sum'd and checked out before burned. problem number 1. - I think this has something to do with ISOLinux, but 0.8 will boot on some computers, but not on others especially on my main desktop, which has a Plextor Premium 52-48-52. it won't even get past the "ISOLinux 2.04..." before the boot command line... problem #2 - network card no worky. when DSL loads up it says that it sees eth0 and backgrounds for the IP address, but then, when i run netcardconfig to set up the static IP manually, it says that there are no supported cards found. the card is an integrated Broadcom 440x. hopefully, I won't find any more bugs, but if I do, I'll put 'em here. Now, back to testing! -J.P. SaidinUnleashed Posted by Deeek on Aug. 27 2004,19:40
Thanks for the response.I am on the net via cable modem. My MoBo has 2 integrated network cards and I think I am connect through the eth1, I am not sure, but I will check. As for Firefox 0.9.x and GTK2, how much bigger is GTK2 and why couldn't it be include with the *.uci or *.dsl ? Sorry about your other problems J.P., maybe your problem with your network card is related to the new kernel. Also, has anybody else tried putting *.dsls in the ISO image before burning with 0.8 ? Posted by daftspaniel on Aug. 27 2004,20:11
Yes I tried this on several CDs, correct MD5 etc. It fails on finding the Knoppix file system after device detection. Vanilla ISO worked great first time. Despite that - Great release guys thanks ![]() Davy < www.latedecember.com > Posted by Deeek on Aug. 27 2004,20:21
Ok, now something bad is happening. ![]() Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 27 2004,20:51
There has been a Firefox 0.9.3 contributed already.It is in testing , and will be released soon.. Sri. for the delays in extension testing folks.. DSL 0.8 had been a time priority for me this last week, The amount of extensions I've been able to check and rebuild has only been a small portion of what I've recieved.. In lieu of , I have tried to post and move more stable apps to the main repository for d/l ing via myDSLgui. 73 ke4nt Posted by Deeek on Aug. 27 2004,20:56
Thanks, I wasn't aware of Firefox 0.9.3 in testing. I will have to try it out.
Posted by roberts on Aug. 27 2004,21:43
No problem when using the included mkmydsl script. I am running a custom myDSL cdrom with dsl-aterm, abiword, and striking theme all in the root of the cdrom, in optional I have openoffice.uci and a bunch of others. Posted by Deeek on Aug. 27 2004,21:54
And now it seems to be working like usual. Typical ![]() Posted by cbagger01 on Aug. 27 2004,23:12
FYI,Running DSL 0.8.0 for the first time. I now get two penguins in the upper left corner at boot time! (meaning that the dsl kernel is working correctly with my hyperthreaded Pentium 4 processor). I also no longer get the error only one processor found message any more. Cool! The "User -> View in Scite" option in the context menu for emelfm got lost in the migration from 0.7.3 over to 0.8.0 Other than that minor issue, so far so good. Posted by mikshaw on Aug. 27 2004,23:49
I thought that was a joke.... ![]() Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Aug. 28 2004,00:46
has anyone other than me had network problems?or cd drives that won't boot the cd? EDIT: Did some research, and isolinux 2.04 has a reputation for not bein.g compatible with many cd drives. just google "isolinux 2.04" and see what i mean. blarg. Posted by edard on Aug. 28 2004,01:10
Two computers here. One boots DSL 0.8 fine. The other one, my dsl box since 0.7, says it can't find KNOPPIX. Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Aug. 28 2004,02:02
well, of the 22 computers that I manage, 9 will not boot 0.8, and another 2 have hardware that worked in 0.6.x+ but doesn't work now.maybe tomorrow i'll get together a list of the drivers that were used in 0.7.x and figure something out. blarg. Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 28 2004,02:11
This only works if you DO NOT use the "toram" option... If using toram, only the root apps get loaded.. I put dsl-dpkg.dsl and gnu-utils.dsl in the root of the CD , I put several dozen apps in a directory called "optional" If I do not run toram, I have a "mydsl" entry in my menu, and all my apps are available from the menu which are in the /optional directory ... If I run toram, I ( do ) have a "mydsl" entry in my menu, not an "optional" link all of my apps in /optional are only available thru myDSLgui or emelfm... This is an issue with the way knoppix 3.4 has changed the toram function. There is nothing wrong with your set... Your can get to your apps by adding the line "/cdrom" at the bottom of your myDSLgui screen, or thru emelfm... EDIT - correction - If I run with toram, I have a mydsl-menu with root apps in it. I no longer have the optional link in mydsl-menu... thanks roberts 73 ke4nt Posted by mikshaw on Aug. 28 2004,03:04
So if you run toram and have apps in the root of your CD, how do you run those apps from fluxbox menu if there is no myDSL submenu? (besides adding them manually, of course)
Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 28 2004,03:46
If they are in the root, they should be already installed..No need to "click" to install.. Using my example, I have the dsl-dpkg.dsl and the gnu-utils.dsl in the root. Once I hit the desktop, apt-get is ready-to-go, and busybox is less prevalent. If you have firefox.uci, J2re1.4.2, opera.uci, etc.. you should already see icons on your desktop, and java would be available. 73 ke4nt Posted by mikshaw on Aug. 28 2004,04:14
Oh...I misunderstood. I thought when you said "If I run toram, I do not have a 'mydsl' entry in my menu" you meant that the extension menu items were not there either.I just finished downloading 0.8.0, so I guess I can now see for myself =o) Posted by cbagger01 on Aug. 28 2004,04:26
The new mydsl click and load gui is cool. A nice improvement.However, on some computer / network / firewall configurations it still suffers from the dreaded "Programs Available" message instead of the list of programs to choose from. My fix script still works, but can someone add the resulting change to the next DSL version so that it works out of the box? See this post for details: < http://damnsmalllinux.org/cgi-bin....6;t=113 > Also, the mydsl-load functionality of the gui is broken if you enter a strange value in the "Add Drives" box. For example, I chose a read-only file system (NTFS) with a subdirectory including the "/" character. This caused the mydsl-load (automatically at the end of the download) to stop working. I was able to solve the problem by reading and understanding the script and deleting the persistent drive storage information by deleting the file called: /tmp/drives.txt In the future, could someone add a "Reset Drives" or "Clear Drives" button to the mydsl click and load menu that will delete this file? Thanks. Posted by Deeek on Aug. 28 2004,04:31
Becareful cbaagger01, you might get drafted to ghe DSL team ![]() And thanks ke4nt1 for pointing out the nuances with the "toram"/MyDSL thing and also the "Add drives..." in the MyDSL GUI. I guess it pays to scroll all the way to the bottom. Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 28 2004,04:34
Good info, cbagger01.....I was seeing this issue on some systems I tested.. mikshaw.. Your assumption was correct... When using "toram" there ( IS ) a "mydsl" section in the menu.. You can access your extensions whether from CD or partition by using the myDSLgui or emelfm.. This is not something we did.. This is something KNOPPIX did. EDIT - again correction - I'm confusing my terms/names. There IS a mydsl-menu - it no longer has the "optional" link in it. It would not work if you removed the CDROM, which is one of the benefits of using toram for audio CD's etc.. 73 ke4nt Posted by cbagger01 on Aug. 28 2004,05:24
FYI,The new Opera uci compressed iso file works great in verison DSL 0.8.0 without having to hide any libs like the old extension. The only thing missing is a symlink or some other method contained inside the *.uci file that points Opera in the direction of the new storage location for the Flash viewer download script. If someone doesn't get to it before me, I will attept a fix in the future after I understand the *.uci format and set aside a few minutes... In the meantime, you can manually enable flash in Opera (for DSL version 0.8.0) by doing the following: (1) Use the menu item Apps -> Net -> Get Flash Plugin to download the flash plugin from the Internet. (2) Follow the instructions and add opt/.firefox_plugins to your filetool.lst or you will have to redownload every time you boot from livecd. (3) Install Opera.uci extension. (4) Start up Opera. Go to the menu File -> Preferences -> Multimedia -> Plugins. (5) Click on the Modify Path button. (6) Click on the "Add" button. (7) Type in the following for your additional path: /opt/.firefox_plugins (8) Click the two OK buttons to get back to the Preferences/Plugins Menu. (9) Click on the "Find Plug-ins" button. (10) Click on the "Apply" button and then the "OK" button. (11) Do any other Opera customizations that you wish. For example, change your home page. (12) Before doing a backup, click on File -> Preferences -> Network -> History and Cache and then click on the "Empty Now" button, or add a checkmark to the "Empty on exit" checkbox. Then exit the Opera program. (13) Add home/dsl/.opera to your filetool.lst so you will not have to do this over again on every boot. Hope this helps. Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 28 2004,06:03
That's just how I made the connection to libflash in testing..It was so cool to see the same file we get for firefox work so well in the opera.uci... It's so much faster on my lil' 233 MHz 32MB laptop than Firefox.. I really notice it reading thru the forums.. And aren't the new .uci files just awesome? WIth 8 cloops available now, this should get fun.. I've already recieved Gimp 2.0 and Firefox 0.9.3 .. Gimp 2.0 is nearly complete.. So fine... Thanks for the contrib, cbagger01... 73 ke4nt Posted by roberts on Aug. 28 2004,06:38
For normal booting from liveCD, all extensions and optionals should work as expected. The following discussion applies only to the boot time toram optionThe behaviour while using toram is the following: The optional section will not show. This is because, the usual pupose of using toram, is to be able to remove the cdrom, therefore the cdrom may not be available to load the extensions in the optional directory of the cdrom. The solution is to use the "add drive" /cdrom of the mydsl desktop icon, or the mount.app utility to mount the cdrom and then use emelfm mydsl button to load the optional extensions as desired. Also the uci extensions will not mount, again, this is because it would prevent the cdrom from being removed. Again, same solution, use the "add drive" of the mydsl desktop icon or use the mount.app util to mount the cdrom then use emelfm mydsl button. So, if you frequently use the toram option then: Place only .dsl and .tar.gz into the root, Place uci and any other extensions into /optional directory. Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 28 2004,06:50
Too late.. He already supports " Team DSL " His contributions and participation in the forums are very noteworthy. 73 ke4nt Posted by jerome2 on Aug. 28 2004,07:56
Well I just downloaded 0.8Problems: * Winmodem (I will not rest till I get it working) * Sound Card (SoundMaxIntegrated Audio Detected as Intell AC97 and fails when it tries to play a sound) * AGP port detection causes the xserver to crash taking everything with it (Black screen), I have to use the boot option "dsl noagp" to get around this (or DSL wont work). * VGA mode was 791 I think. Had to manually change it to vga=normal * Keboard Not fully supported when the xserver start, dosent support the numpad or the second alt shift and ctl buttons. * More misc driver issues (which are probally not dsl's fault, e.g cant find my web cam) * Even though I am 56k I do have a ethernet card integrated on to the mother board. 7.3 detected it but this one dosent seem to. * Still the same HD install problems I had before with the filesystem mounting in read-only. Well the main fix "I" noticed was that it detected my processor, that is I didnt get the Error Only One Processor Found any more. This means I dont have to give the boot command "dsl nosmp". It would be cool if it had dev-c++.dsl ![]() Posted by daftspaniel on Aug. 28 2004,12:29
Found out the problem - I think there is a bug related to my hardware config. I have a CDRW and a DVDRW. I boot DSL from CDRW and bootup starts, during hardware detection the DVD is assigned SCD0. DSL looks for the boot CD at SCD0 and times out as it is in the CDRW drive. One odd thing is that the DVD is detected as HD D.Workaround - I found by accident it works I have DSL in both CD drives! Any more info I can supply? Davy Posted by Deeek on Aug. 28 2004,17:50
I know that, I was just joking. ![]() And is it just me, or is my post count not changing from 0? Hmmm... Posted by danini on Aug. 28 2004,22:07
umm i have burned the 0.8 and.. here my issues-- msi double processor piii 866, don't boot, hangs up, in this computer is where i usually run dsl.. -- asus double processor piii 1G works well, everything seems to be ok, in both cases i have tested with the cd and with loadlin,, when i boot with loadlin dsl prompt me always to configure my X settings,(0.7.2, had the same thing) i'll post more details one time well tested danini.. Posted by Delta-9 on Aug. 29 2004,00:58
My compressed ISOs that worked under 0.7.2 (OpenOffice & Firefox) do not work with 0.8.0 at all. They still MD5 ok, so I know they haven't gotten corrupted or anything. Boot messages look like this:Checking for myDSL apps ... ff oouser firefox cloop: cannot read old architecture-dependant (format <=1.0) images, please use an older version of cloop for this file. openoffice cloop: cannot read old architecture-dependant (format <=1.0) images, please use an older version of cloop for this file. Done. Strangely enough, the icons are present on the desktop but don't work. Any ideas? Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 29 2004,02:14
As your error messages suggest, the "cloop" module for 0.8 is not compatiblewith the old 0.7.X style .ci files.... Those files have been rebuilt with the new " .uci " file format, which contain both the icons/userfiles AND the application in one file. Use your "myDSLgui" to download the new ones.. openoffice.uci firefox.uci python.uci opera.uci 73 ke4nt Posted by guest on Aug. 29 2004,04:29
Boots great, looks good, installed to hard disk. Booted as expected but no mouse (USB). And where is apt-get?!
Posted by Deeek on Aug. 29 2004,04:51
I am not sure about the USB mouse problem, but apt-get is in the < ds-dpkg > dsl. Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 29 2004,04:55
Or from your menu, chooseApps > Tools > Enable Apt 73 ke4nt Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Aug. 29 2004,06:19
Just tried 0.8.0, and X doesn't want to work.I've tried redownloading the iso and checked the md5, all is OK there. When I boot, it goes through the usual process, but when it gets to the bit where X starts (well, pretty sure it's this point), the screen goes blank and nothing happens. I've tried leaving it for like 10mins to see if it was just slow in starting up, but the screen remains blank. Haven't had any troubles with .7.3 My system stats: AMD XP 2400 Albatron KX18D ProII motherboard (nForce2) 512MB Geil Dual-Channel DDRAM (2x256MB) 128MB Albatron FX5200 Video Any ideas? Posted by John on Aug. 29 2004,06:57
RoGuE_StreaK, did the default settings work for you in 0.7.3? Have you tried to manually set it?boot: dsl xsetup Posted by John on Aug. 29 2004,07:03
Also check the md5sum of the CD itself. <script name=rawread> #!/bin/sh device=$1 blocksize=`isoinfo -d -i $device | grep "^Logical block size is:" | cut -d " " - f 5` if test "$blocksize" = ""; then echo catdevice FATAL ERROR: Blank blocksize >&2 exit fi blockcount=`isoinfo -d -i $device | grep "^Volume size is:" | cut -d " " -f 4` if test "$blockcount" = ""; then echo catdevice FATAL ERROR: Blank blockcount >&2 exit fi command="dd if=$device bs=$blocksize count=$blockcount conv=notrunc,noerror" echo "$command" >&2 $command </script> Run it like: rawread /dev/cdrom | md5sum Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Aug. 29 2004,07:51
John, just tried dsl xsetup, none of the settings worked, not even 640x480x4The default settings worked under .7.3, though on my 15" I'd prefer to use 800x600 rather than 1024x768 How would I go about checking the CD? I assume boot with a previous DSL, make the script (just a textfile named rawread.sh? Any permissions etc?), replace the CD with the new DSL one, and run the script as described? Does it then generate the md5 for the CD, which I check against the iso one I downloaded? I'm not too knowledgeable about the script stuff... Posted by Delta-9 on Aug. 29 2004,14:30
ke4nt1 -Thanks for the reply and explanation! I kept seeing references to .uci but found no explanation. That's basically what I thought, the message is fairly specific & verbose. Really bad news for me, though. With only a winmodem, I have no net access from DSL. When will they show up in the repository? Disappointing too, I thought extensions would carry forward to new versions. Since OO is larger than DSL itself, I probably won't bother. Maybe I'll rollback and look at 0.7.3 (which I missed). Thanks again! Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 29 2004,16:43
There are several ways to get them without having local "net access"The normal location for repository files is... < http://www.ibiblio.org/pub....ex.html > Change this to ... < http://www.ibiblio.org/pub....ex.html > You can download, burn , and take these to your DSL install from anywhere. There is not a direct link yet from the main repository page.. 73 ke4nt Posted by John on Aug. 29 2004,19:01
R.S.- Boot into a Linux system, or 'toram' with one of your good CDs. Then put your copy of 0.8 into the computer's CD. - grab the script above save it as 'rawread.sh' - make the script executable, 'chmmod +x rawread.sh' - then run the script like this... './rawread.sh /dev/cdrom | md5sum' If the md5sum is '0794134f05c78903e1ac2de573e2d421' then the CD is good and we have an issue with your computer and 0.8, if it is a different md5sum number then you most likely have a bad burn. Posted by guest on Aug. 29 2004,19:05
Ummm, no mouse means no menu right? Tried it on a different computer, this time the usb mouse worked after reboot to hd install. Posted by John on Aug. 30 2004,01:24
boot in mode 2 and sudo dpkg-restore Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Aug. 30 2004,06:41
John, tried the script, couldn't get it to work. I get a bad interpreter error, no such file or directory, I tried several ways of doing it.For some reason I can't access /dev/cdrom. As a normal user it says permission denied, as root it says that it is not a directory? And when I go to /mnt/cdrom under emelfm, it seems to redirect to cdrom2? tried running the script with all possible combos, /dev/cdrom, /mnt/cdrom, /mnt/cdrom2... Also, are the "<script>" & "</script>" bits supposed to be included? I didn't think so, but I also tried with and without, with giving errors about unrecognised commands. Just in case, I also installed dsl-dpkg and gnu-utils, but it didn't make any difference. Booted from 7.3 toram It seemed to give and md5 figure, starting with a "d", but I don't think this had anything to do with the CD, it spat out the same figure no matter what CD was in the drive or what errors the script was giving. Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Sep. 01 2004,03:37
John, tried 0.8.0 on another machine today, worked fine. So there appears to be a conflict with the X system and my machine - which is reasonably standard mid-level specs nowadays, FX5200 graphics, XP2400 processor, nForce2 motherboard.Have there been any changes to X that you know of? All of the previous versions worked fine with my systems. If there are issues with the new knoppix system, is it possible to make the new non-knoppix sections of .8 (eg changed scripts etc) available as extensions for .7.3? So if people can't use .8, they can at least update the DSL-specific scripts etc? Posted by John on Sep. 01 2004,06:12
The <script></script> part should be left out. X should be basically the same as 0.7.3. Couple of questions... Can you boot into text mode? Have you tried manually setting up X ('dsl xsetup') As for your last question check out THEBINARYMAN's post. < http://damnsmalllinux.org/cgi-bin....0;st=10 > Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Sep. 01 2004,11:36
Hi John, just tried text mode, looks like it works (though I'm not text-only master, but it seemed to allow me to do the usual term type stuff...)Then when I tried to "startx", it did the usual initialising lines, then went blank, as per the way it's booting in X mode. Tried most combos in "dsl xsetup", including 640x480x4, each with the same lack of success. Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Oct. 03 2004,23:12
John et al, so far I haven't been able to get to X using any of the 0.8.x flavours, the CDs themselves all boot and seem to me to get to the stage of launching X, but then I just get a blank screen. The CDs do work on the other machines I've tried them on.I've tried failsafe, 640x480x16, vga=normal, etc, etc, all with the same result. Mode2 does work, however, so it seems to indicate a problem in getting X to work on my machine, which has never had a problem with any of the pre-8 versions. (startx from mode2 also gives the blank screen, even when I go through xsetup and set everything down as low as it will go) The machine is a home-made reasonably current mid-range setup - AMD XP2400 CPU, Albatron 128MB FX5200 video, Albatron nForce2 motherboard, 512MB of dual-channel GEIL RAM. Last night I tried using a boot floppy, but it seems to me that this only bypasses the initial boot stages, and then the CD takes over for the actual loading of DSL and launch of X? 'Cause I get the same results. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'm hoping the new kernel etc will detect my NIC, 'cause none of the previous ones did and the fixes for onboard nForce2 NICs previously posted didn't work for me. Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Oct. 04 2004,00:56
AHHH!!! ZOMBIE THREAD!!!! Kill it!!I have to boot dsl fb1024x768 and use xfbdev you might try that. i have a nforce2 mobo too. Posted by ke4nt1 on Oct. 04 2004,00:59
RoGuE_StreaK ,I didn't see anywhere if you tried the xfbdev server.. Have you tried booting with the following commands ? fb800x600 ? or fb1024x768 ? Do NOT use "dsl" or "xsetup" in your bootup comands - just the fb line.. Then when you get to the xsetup, choose xfbdev, pick your mouse, and see what happens ... 73 ke4nt Posted by Rapidweather on Oct. 04 2004,01:25
This item was further up in the thread, and I have been working with this problem all weekend. I'm out of machines to test this on, and I have a wild idea: I have broadband at work, and as usual, there are employees with nothing to do between smoking breaks, so I'm going to take a 256 MB pen drive down there and get one of them to download an iso for another small linux distro, that uses ISOLinux. Not sure which one right now, I'll have to look around on Distrowatch, but Feather Linux, an offshoot of DSL and Knoppix looks good. I already have an older version, but I note that the newest one is based on kernel 2.4.26. I'm betting that it uses ISOLinux, and that I'll run into the same problems as DSL 0.8.2, in that it won't boot on 3 of my 4 machines. --- Just testing... But I feel a little like The detective "Columbo" in my fishing around and bringing attention to the booting problem. --- ![]() Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Oct. 04 2004,01:45
Success! fb runs (fb800x600, dunno about 1024yet)! (I only tried xvesa before, and just kinda assumed... but you know what they say, to assume makes and ass out of u and me...)AND my NIC now works in the new DSL! Any thoughts as to why xvesa wouldn't like my machine in v.8, when it did in pre-v.8? Posted by Rapidweather on Oct. 04 2004,03:01
That's a new one on me. Apparently you are able to get to a prompt, but not X. I would think that your video card is not supported or something like that, but the part about it working in pre-v.8 stumps me. --- There I go with my "Columbo" stuff again! --- In my opinion, the success of Windows is that the machines came preinstalled with it, and Windows (3.1, 95, 98 and now XP) booted up to the GUI. Computer manufacturers and Microsoft made sure of that. --- Now they are having problems with security, and that will probably cause them to lose users to Linux. We, in the linux community are benefiting from the big hard drives, lots of memory, fancy usb setups, fast processors, etc. that Windows required the manufacturers to have in their machines. IF our OS's will run on those machines. And there are a lot of them out there. The XP Service Pack 2 probably is destined to go on 200 million machines. I have my CD from them already, and have deployed it on several XP boxes. That's just the beginning, since more and more applications need updating to provide a secure computing environment. --- All of that is unnecessary if DSL is run on the machine! IF it will run on the machine. --- Everything should be done to make sure that it does, or those users will have to look elsewhere. Wall Street Journal recommends that users unhappy with Windows look to Apple, and the Mac. Live Linux CD's were not mentioned, as the target audience of WSJ, although rich, are deemed to be technically challenged, hence the Mac recommendation. --- I have DSL cd's all over the place here in my computer room, and often one is placed in the cdrom drive, ready to go on that box, with a backup.tar.gz in /dev/hda1, usually. Most of them are 0.6.2, or remasters of that. I have one 0.8.2 remaster in this machine, with Opera. --- It would be nice to have 0.8.2 in all machines here, but that is not possible if they cannot boot the OS. --- ![]() Posted by cbagger01 on Oct. 04 2004,12:38
FYI,Nvidia historically has been very good at providing VESA support for their video cards. In fact, NVidia cards even support the VESA VBE 3.0 specification that allows the user program to change the refresh rate of their monitors. Even other major card manufacturers like ATI did not support this spec. So I would be surprised if the Nvidia card BIOS itself was the problem with XVesa. |