DSL is great!

Forum: User Feedback
Topic: DSL is great!
started by: sweetgirlnc

Posted by sweetgirlnc on Jan. 17 2004,20:58
You did an excellent job on it John :) I downloaded it a week ago on this computer (we have 56k so it took about 3 hours) and burned it. Me being the Linux newbie I am, I was able to adjust to Linux quite quickly. I still don't know everything about Linux but I hope to learn more about commands and stuff. Only problem I face with it is the soundcard stuff on the HP computer. The Rockwell soundcard disables the driver everytime DSL loads but other than that it's a great distribution. Keep up the awesome work John. Best of wishes!
Posted by markgamber on Jan. 20 2004,02:11
Aside from the screen refresh, I've also grown rather fond of DSL over the past few days. I have the install process down to a checklist of things to do including app installation via apt-get:

sndconfig, apache, php4, smbfs, samba, make, gcc, g++, tk8.4-dev, synaptic, tn5250, wmtop, wmweather, tsclient, xmms-dev, xcdroast, xine-ui, mozilla-firebird, gaim, LinNeighborhood, vncserver and hdparm.

Why bother with DSL if I'm just going to load it up with additional software anyway? First, it's a no-brainer installation that takes the whole of 15 minutes on an old Pentium 200. Second, there aren't 300 editors, 34 browsers, 122 file managers...you get the picture. Just about the only thing on the drive are what I put there as opposed to the mainstream releases that automatically dump hundreds of megs of stuff on the drive, 95% of which I'll never use.

Believe it or not, I've been able to build a number of apps using DSL on the Pentium 200 with that install list. And the apache / php4 combination works pretty well, even the fpdf software spits out PDF files, albiet at the cost of 100% CPU usage for a few seconds. ;-)

And yes, I tried Knoppix. It wasn't bad, but it was slower and larger than I cared to put up with on the P200 and the sndconfig utility would blow a segmentation fault...not good.

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