Saving configuation with USB installForum: User Feedback Topic: Saving configuation with USB install started by: slowfox Posted by slowfox on Nov. 22 2004,15:20
Hi allOK, so I've been playing around with the USB Installation, and, specifically the Backup/Restore option on the desktop menu. What I am trying to do is save the desktop configuration, dillo proxy settings and such things to the USB itself. So, filetool.lst in ~/ is currently being left as default - this seems to be addressing the directories/files I need it to. Am I right in thinking, however, that if I specify a directory, it will archive everything in that directory? And is it recursive, or would I need to specify each subdirectory in turn? Anyway, my usb device is /dev/sda1 - this shows up as being mounted as /cdrom from the 'mount' command, but the little mount-tool window in the right hand tool bar is unlit. So, 1: Mount /dev/sda1 2: select Backup/Restore from the Desktop menu 3: Specify sda1 as the device (no /dev etc?) ON the subsequent reboot, I hit F2, and then type restore=sda1 is this correct? It's just that it doesn't seem to be working for me, and I think it's that I'm either not mounting the USB device correctly, or that I'm not specifying the device correctly in the Backup/Restore dialogue box... Any pointers would be greatly appreciated! Oh, and proof that DSL rocks: our Netware servers crashed this morning. So I booted into DSL, and telneted onto the Ingres servers from the desktop, which was just too cool for words. ![]() Posted by roberts on Nov. 22 2004,15:58
You don't need to mount anything when using the backup/restore.You do specify the device and not the mount point. You are correct for a USB device to specify sda1 and directories can be specified in the filetool.lst. The way it works is that from the device specified, sda1, it first looks in mtab to see if it is already mounted. It is. To see this do this, cat /etc/mtab The device sda1 is already mounted on /cdrom Later for restore you don't need to specify anything, the system will autoscan and restore from your backup. To test things, first bootup from USB, open a Xshell and ls -l /cdrom Then from cpanel, select backup/restore, enter sda1 and select backup. Then ln the Xshell window ls -l /cdrom and there should be a backup.tar.gz file based on the default filetool.lst Posted by slowfox on Nov. 22 2004,17:03
Brilliant - thanks for the reply! Will try this out later.
Posted by lvgandhi on Nov. 25 2004,07:05
How to setup proxy server details for dillo
Posted by henk1955 on Nov. 25 2004,08:37
in /home/dsl/.dillorcyou see lines like
edit this file to your needs. if you open emelfm push the H button at the top left. It will show all "Hidden" files Posted by lvgandhi on Nov. 25 2004,12:29
Thanks for the info.Now I want to know about backup. I boot from usb stick. It is mounted as /cdrom. However all permissions are seen as root. When I do system/backup, I am asked for device. I gave it as sda1 once and once sda. but it never gets stored in usb key. Where am I wrong |