I get it...Forum: User Feedback Topic: I get it... started by: Set Posted by Set on Nov. 26 2004,21:48
Right?If this is a fact, I'll need to throw in the towel. I'm behind a firewall that block ftp. - Set Posted by Del on Nov. 26 2004,23:36
Or you can edit the proper files and make them look at the http server instead. See < http://damnsmalllinux.org/download.html > for a list of download servers, more than half of which are http.This is Linux, there's no throwing of towels ![]() Posted by ico2 on Nov. 27 2004,12:28
is this your firewall? can you make it allow ftp? if not then just download from an http server ![]() Posted by Set on Nov. 27 2004,13:39
I'm on a dorm connection to the internet. It is very heavily firewalled. If I just can change the link so it points to a http server instead, everything will be just awesome ![]() Posted by Set on Nov. 27 2004,13:45
Hello ![]() I allready have downloaded the iso and installed dsl on my laptop. But when I use my dsl "click'n run" (i think it was called that) to install programs, such as firefox.dsl and that kind of programs, they said they were installed, but was nowhere on my harddrive to be seen. - Set Posted by ico2 on Nov. 27 2004,14:27
what? and you haven't hacked it yet??? shame on you ;) if you need any tips just ask (hacking the hell outa school computers/servers/etc is my specialty) Posted by Set on Nov. 27 2004,14:44
I feel ashamed to be a it student that haven't hacked it yet. Please help me get ftp and bittorrent working ;) - Set Posted by ico2 on Nov. 27 2004,15:14
is there another proxy you could connect to, or another port on the same proxy, there is usually an unfiltered port/proxy ![]() Posted by Set on Nov. 27 2004,16:15
I would need an external proxy that let me connect trought port 80. The only known ports that are open: - pop3 - http/https - dns Other than that. Everything is blocked (that includes smtp). I would get myself a dsl connection, but when I am norwegian and live in sweden, I have to have lived in sweden for two years, if not, I have to pay a heavy deposit to get a phone connection or a dsl connection. Sad but true. - Set Posted by ico2 on Nov. 27 2004,16:17
what port do you use (in proxy connection settings) for the proxy you use to connect?
Posted by Set on Nov. 27 2004,16:21
I don't use proxy settings. Gateway, dns server and ip adresses are given out by a dhcp server. Kind of know that I misunderstood you now. But I don't use a proxy server, that's for sure - Set Posted by ico2 on Nov. 27 2004,16:23
so you have a direct connection to the net???
Posted by Set on Nov. 27 2004,17:07
A direct connection, but it is heavily firewalled, and I don't control the firewall. Ico2: If you have the time and msn, I would appriciate it if you added me on your contact list. my msn is: set(a)devildoll.nl Posted by ico2 on Nov. 27 2004,18:23
ok, for anyone having the same problem: here is how it was solved:go to the mydsl repository, (via the dsl website) and download the dsls there. Posted by petergunn on Nov. 27 2004,19:02
If you want to change myDSL to use http rather than ftp you can hack /usr/bin/mydslgui.pl and change the 'ftp:' to 'http:' in the grab subroutine, or see my port in the DSL Extensions forum about hacking myDSL to show download progress in an xterm.The following command should make the changes for you... sudo bash -c "(cd /usr/bin; cp mydslgui.pl mydslgui.pl.orig; cat mydslgui.pl.orig | sed 's/wget ftp:/xterm -e wget http:/g' > mydslgui.pl)" PG ![]() Posted by Set on Nov. 27 2004,19:14
Congratulations all good people that have been helpful.We are up and running! ![]() aMSN runs and I am using Firefox to write this post. Many special thanks to ico2 for holding my hand trough countless problems. Not one single of them was ico2 unable to fix. Now all I need is... norwegian keyboard. I tried all of your suggestions, but it is still english. - Set Posted by ico2 on Nov. 27 2004,21:22
ok, to update people: we now have norwegian keymap and are trying to get the special norwegian charachters :s
Posted by Set on Nov. 27 2004,23:11
The Norwegian characters were too hard to get going. Dependencies inferno was the result. I am using dsl 0.8.4 - Would it be smart to try an older version? Also some new things that are happening here. - Firefox ask me to select profile ever time I start it, and it tell me default profile is in use - aMSN forget all settings every time I start it Can this have something to do with me not having multiple user accounts? Also, I wonder if there is a way to dsl to remember the window size after reboot and closing of programs. - Set |