Telnet and FTP problem at DSL-v.0.8.3Forum: User Feedback Topic: Telnet and FTP problem at DSL-v.0.8.3 started by: kennyfung Posted by kennyfung on Dec. 01 2004,03:52
Hi,For the special reason, I do not use the ssh and betaftpd. I installed the in.telnetd and in.ftpd. I run the /etc/init.d/inetd after booting up the LiveCD. I used the "netstat -a" command. It showed that the telnet and ftp state at Listen. I tried to telnet or ftp it. It showed that "the connection is closed by foreign host" after a period time. I checked the file in.ftpd and in.telnetd existed at /usr/sbin directory. Anybody can help me to solve the problem? Thanks! ![]() Posted by snorkboy on Jan. 11 2005,02:20
You will need to modify the /etc/hosts.allow file to allow access from other than localhost.For example, you can add the following line to hosts.allow telnet in.telnetd : ALL@ALL : ALLOW |