How to enable to serivce in.telnetd & in.ftpdForum: User Feedback Topic: How to enable to serivce in.telnetd & in.ftpd started by: kennyfung Posted by kennyfung on Dec. 01 2004,08:39
Hi,Anybody know how to enable the serivce in.telnetd and in.ftpd at DSL-v.0.8.3? Posted by ico2 on Dec. 01 2004,09:25
i don't think dsl includes a telnet demon, you might have to apt get telnetd (remember to have dsl-dpkg installed)
Posted by kennyfung on Dec. 02 2004,00:52
Hi ico2,The telnetd is installed. I think I need to configure the telnetd after the installation. I found that the script /etc/inetd.conf but I did not know how to configure it. Do you any ideas? Thanks. Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Dec. 02 2004,02:56 ?![]() Posted by ico2 on Dec. 02 2004,13:54
It should be something like /etc/telnetd.conf or /etc/telndetd/telnetd.conf or something similiar.![]() Posted by evilone on Jan. 29 2006,23:56
just open up /etc/inetd.conf and put in the line telnet stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/in.telnetd kill inetd then start it up again and the telnet daemon will be up and running Posted by bigjay517 on Feb. 19 2006,15:46
Hello I installed telnet and have it running (i think). I am new to linux so I am learning. When I try to connect with windows telnet from command prompt it says it can't connect. Any Suggestions? Thanks in advance!
Posted by Fallen Kell on Aug. 11 2006,18:31
I know it has been several months since this topic came up, sorry about that.To bigjay517, you need to add a line to /etc/hosts.allow, telnet in.telnetd : ALL@ALL : ALLOW That should now allow connections from telnet (assuming you used in.telnetd). I am just wondering. I am making a custom DSL CD, and just wanted to check, aside from getting in.telnetd, placing it in /usr/sbin, modifying /etc/hosts.allow, and /etc/inetd.conf, is there anything else that needs to be done to get telnet to automatically start at boot (assuming you have network enabled)? |