report DSL0.9.0 bugs hereForum: User Feedback Topic: report DSL0.9.0 bugs here started by: subarus Posted by subarus on Dec. 03 2004,13:17
fantastic!! minor bugs here a there, no big deal. 1) Java module not working 2) Gaim not working 3) xine not working I am sure someone will figure out what's wrong updates: Gaim and Xine is working now- thanx ke4nt1 jre1_5 uci is working, centrino hacks working am a happy puppy here ![]() Posted by ico2 on Dec. 03 2004,13:19
probably a lib that has been removed or accidentally downgraded. john is probably one of the few that can help here (or anyone skilled at this sort of dep tracing thing)
Posted by ke4nt1 on Dec. 03 2004,14:00
I have already rebuilt the gaim and xine extensions..redownload recommended ... or If on a HDInstalled 0.9, read my post concerning libfreetype in 0.9 <;t=3577 > 73 ke4nt Posted by Del on Dec. 04 2004,00:35
I'm having trouble getting 0.9.0 to get online (via DHCP from my router). Things boot fine, but firefox gives me " not found" type of errors, and pings give me "unknown host" errors. Don't have time right now to track it down though, trying to get a couple other projects done (so using 0.8.4 right now). If anyone has any ideas, let me know. Hopefully I'll be able to dig deeper tonight sometime (if other projects start working right).
Posted by Max on Dec. 04 2004,00:44
wmacpi doesn't seem to be working anymore. Just to check I re-downloaded the app + missing library from apt-get, installed and tried to run.The error I get is ACPI is not supported. Was the kernel rebuilt for 0.9 and the ACPI module left out to save space?? No biggie however, it was just one of those "nice to have" apps. Posted by adraker on Dec. 04 2004,01:02
Confirm ppp setup not working-can't use dial-up.Config gui closes without entry of dial-up number,password etc.This is my only way to get online. I gotta say I'd love to see wvdial return- edit one config file and you're there! Can anyone advise how to get around this no dial-up problem? Regards Adraker Posted by clivesay on Dec. 04 2004,01:13
it is in the repository as a .dsl if that helps. I like wvdial myself. Chris Posted by adraker on Dec. 04 2004,03:56
Thanks Chris,wvdial hasn't worked for mefor the last couple of releases.I just tried it, it seemed to dial my ISP but couldn't resolve any hosts.I'm online now using a previous backup of opt/ppp which I restored from USB, but I'd like to start "clean" if you get my drift. Thanks for the suggestion though! I just don't know enough of ppp and scripts and things to get into this "won't set up" problem. So I'll go into Frog on Lillypad mode, and wait till I see any more ideas buzzing along. Draker Posted by roberts on Dec. 04 2004,03:58
Dial up pppconfig is fixed. Announcement to come shortly.Extensions are being updated as reported. Not too bad for a point oh release. Posted by adraker on Dec. 04 2004,13:49
Yup, 9.1 fixed dialup-thanks robertS.That should shut me up! Posted by adraker on Dec. 04 2004,23:34
With the possible exception, of this question!-(No, I have no plans to become a career or serial pest). How is user damnsmall normally linked to user dsl? I'm finding themes install to damnsmall's .fluxbox directory,but that is as far as it goes. Posted by mikshaw on Dec. 05 2004,18:05
There's a returning bug with the mc super user menu item, which had been fixed in 0.8.0. I hadn't downloaded DSL since then, so I'm guessing the bug came back with 0.8.2 when the mc color wrapper was created.The bug: If you start mc as super user before starting it as regular user, your mc config files will be created with root ownership. This prevents user DSL from starting mc until after those files are deleted. The fix: edit the "MC as super-user" menu command to read "sudo su -c /usr/local/bin/mc" adracker: /home/damnsmall is just a symlink to /home/dsl, done for backward compatability to the days when the default user was damnsmall. Everything (are there any exceptions?) done to /home/damnsmall will be done to /home/dsl instead. Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Dec. 05 2004,18:51
The symlink to "damnsmall" was removed in 0.9.0. It was just to cater to older extensions untill they could be rebuilt to hit the user dsl. if you have an older extension that needs damnsmall, you can just use emelfm to open the .tar.gz and rename the folder to "dsl", the repack it (emelfm should ask you if you want to repack when you go up a dir from the tgz) Posted by adraker on Dec. 05 2004,19:16
Saidin,Mikshaw,- thanks for the advice!I'm seeing the problem with Gift and torsmo where configs go to damnsmall but not dsl. Does this mean good ol' ke4nt1 has to trudge through a lot of older extensions? These two are already named .dsl, I'll symlink the directories/config files when I use them. Thanks again. Draker Posted by ke4nt1 on Dec. 05 2004,19:41
I have already "trudged" thru all the extensions, removing any references to user "damnsmall" Thanks to roberts fine bash scripting ability, it was a " walk-on-water" move .. Only time consuming part is the uploading of every file back into the repository, but I needed a fresh backup anyhow.. If you find any "newly downloaded" extensions with references to user "damnsmall" please forward a note to me, and I will deal with it promptly .. Growing pains of moving to the 0.9 edition.. 73 ke4nt Posted by mikshaw on Dec. 05 2004,20:48
poop. I didn't notice that the damnsmall link was removed...I'll have to go back through my extensions.
Posted by Aiku on Dec. 05 2004,21:38
No need to "poop". You don't need to go thru all your extensions, unless "damn" is offensive to you. Just place the link back in.sudo ln -s /home/dsl /home/damnsmall Probably removed to "clean up" the distro. Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Dec. 05 2004,21:42
bug report time!!Problems with the mkmydsl script. i have tried it working 100% in ram (the way I usually do), using ext2 partition, ext3 partition, and fat32 partition as workspace. it works like normal up to the point where it actually rolls the iso. Mkisofs i think. Anyway, in previous versions, mkisofs takes less than 2 seconds to roll the 300mb iso that I want, but in it takes upwards of 5 minutes, gets an error at 99.91%, tries to eject the CD with the result of "multiple errors reported: last known error: device or resource busy". At this point, the Xterm (in X mode) or the console in runlevel 2 freezes. The cd drive also remains unresponcive (sp?). If I do killall mkmydsl it returns "no processes killed. If I do killall mkisofs I get a seg fault (and one time a kernel panic, but I haven't been able to recreate that), and the whole system freezes up. I have done this on 4 computers (my main desktop, my laptop, my brother's laptop, and the server in the office) that I have available with cd burners. Their hardware varies widely enough for me to rule out hardware problems. I can also rule out bad isos and burns. I md5summed the iso and it checked out, and I mounted the iso and md5summed it and then md5summed the cd and they match. Might try to use ISOtools or something later to hash my own iso, but I'm rather frustrated atm. -_- -J.P. Posted by roberts on Dec. 05 2004,23:07
I used test mkmydsl worked fine on makeing a 120MB mydsl.isoUsed my usual boot up of boot: dsl 2 toram The "work" directories being on a mounted ext2 partition on hdc4 1. boot: dsl 2 toram 2. # mount /mnt/hdc4 3. # mkmydsl /mnt/hdc4/master /mnt/hdc4/iso Ran with no errors and produced a working myDSL of 120MB. Posted by subarus on Dec. 06 2004,13:37
Automatic perform the associate action with file type does not work in Firefox.uci + xine.dsl in livecd
Posted by ico2 on Dec. 06 2004,13:42
what we need in dsl is an hdinstall update script to add new applications and libs included with the new version without destroying data or stuff the user has installed, now that would be cool !
Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Dec. 11 2004,05:38
My rogue theme looks like it needs to have the directory fixed from damnsmall to dsl, just used the mydsl iso page to create a new CD, and the rogue theme it used didnt't appear in the styles list, noticed it's sitting in "damnsmall", but it's moved to "dsl" it works...Also, toying with icons, when I edited a few of the icon links to point to different files ALL of the desktop icons disappeared for some reason... worked fine just replacing the control panel icon, but when I did the same to a few others the whole lot refuses to appear again? Posted by ke4nt1 on Dec. 11 2004,07:20
I just checked the repository, and inside the "rogue theme" .tar.gzNo references to "damnsmall" anywhere to be found.. I wonder if the mydsl.iso extension pool has an old version in it. I have rebuilt and double-checked all the themes in the repository. There are no references to damnsmall in any of the stylefiles, and they all write to the /home/dsl/.fluxbox/* directories. Kent Here is the output from emelfm: --------------------------------------------------------------- home/dsl/.fluxbox/styles/Rogue home/dsl/.fluxbox/backgrounds/rogue_dsllogo.gif And the contents inside the Rogue style file: --------------------------------------------------------------- ! style name: <Rogue> ! copyright: <Lee Mulvogue (ROGuE_StreaK)> ! This style was generated using whiteBOX. ! See the whiteBOX homepage for more information. ! < > menu.title: Raised gradient Vertical menu.title.color: #6895E3 menu.title.colorTo: #31599C menu.title.textColor: white menu.title.justify: Center menu.frame: Sunken gradient CrossDiagonal menu.frame.color: grey94 menu.frame.colorTo: grey60 menu.frame.textColor: #000000 menu.frame.disableColor: menu.frame.justify: Left menu.hilite: raised gradient vertical menu.hilite.color: #6895E3 menu.hilite.colorTo: #31599C menu.hilite.textColor: white menu.hilite.justify: Left menu.bullet: triangle menu.bullet.position: right toolbar: raised gradient vertical toolbar.color: #6895E3 toolbar.colorTo: #31599C toolbar.justify: Center toolbar.button: raised gradient horizontal toolbar.button.color: #cccccc toolbar.button.colorTo: #505050 toolbar.button.picColor: black toolbar.button.justify: Left toolbar.button.pressed: sunken gradient vertical toolbar.button.pressed.color: #cccccc toolbar.button.pressed.colorTo: #505050 toolbar.button.pressed.justify: Left toolbar.clock: raised gradient vertical toolbar.clock.color: #cccccc toolbar.clock.colorTo: #505050 toolbar.clock.textColor: black toolbar.clock.justify: Left toolbar.label: flat gradient vertical toolbar.label.color: #cccccc toolbar.label.colorTo: #505050 toolbar.label.textColor: black toolbar.label.justify: Left toolbar.windowLabel: raised gradient vertical toolbar.windowLabel.color: #6895E3 toolbar.windowLabel.colorTo: #31599C toolbar.windowLabel.textColor: white toolbar.windowLabel.justify: Left window: raised gradient vertical window.justify: center window.title.focus: raised gradient vertical window.title.focus.color: #cccccc window.title.focus.colorTo: #505050 window.title.focus.justify: Left window.title.unfocus: flat gradient vertical window.title.unfocus.color: #6895E3 window.title.unfocus.colorTo: #31599C window.title.unfocus.justify: Center window.label.focus: raised gradient vertical window.label.focus.color: #6895E3 window.label.focus.colorTo: #31599C window.label.focus.textColor: #FFFFFF window.label.focus.justify: Center window.label.unfocus: raised gradient vertical window.label.unfocus.color: #cccccc window.label.unfocus.colorTo: #505050 window.label.unfocus.textColor: #000000 window.label.unfocus.justify: Center window.handle.focus: flat gradient vertical window.handle.focus.color: grey94 window.handle.focus.colorTo: grey80 window.handle.focus.justify: center window.handle.unfocus: flat window.handle.unfocus.color: LightSteelBlue3 window.handle.unfocus.justify: center window.grip.focus: flat gradient vertical window.grip.focus.color: SteelBlue window.grip.focus.colorTo: LightSkyBlue1 window.grip.focus.justify: center window.grip.unfocus: flat window.grip.unfocus.color: LightSteelBlue3 window.grip.unfocus.justify: center window.button.focus: raised gradient vertical window.button.focus.color: #cccccc window.button.focus.colorTo: #505050 window.button.focus.picColor: black window.button.focus.justify: Left window.button.unfocus: raised gradient vertical window.button.unfocus.color: #cccccc window.button.unfocus.colorTo: #505050 window.button.unfocus.picColor: black window.button.unfocus.justify: Left window.button.pressed: flat gradient vertical window.button.pressed.color: SteelBlue window.button.pressed.colorTo: LightSkyBlue1 window.button.pressed.justify: center *font: aqui borderWidth: 1 bevelWidth: 1 handleWidth: 4 rootCommand: xsri --color=#006DAE --center-x --center-y --emblem ~/.fluxbox/backgrounds/rogue_dsllogo.gif Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Dec. 11 2004,08:11
Hmm, they must still be using old files?
Posted by Delboy on Dec. 12 2004,10:33
With v0.9.01 HD installed on my old notebook and my regular 7 x .dsl themes installed via emelfm 'mydsl' button, they seem to disappear. They do not show up on the Fluxbox/desktop/Styles menu - first with any version on this machine. ![]() Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Dec. 12 2004,12:16
I think that's the problem I was saying, essentially the main home dir has changed from "damnsmall" to "dsl", I think untill recently the themes would write to the "damnsmall" dir, whereas now the themes reside in "dsl". Apparently ke4nt1 has changed all of the themes in the repository so that they reflect this, but if you use the themes you have saved from previously, they won't work because they are now in the "wrong" home directory. Not sure why they two dirs aren't simlinked together?So yeah, you'll have to redownload the themes to reflect these changes. Posted by ke4nt1 on Dec. 12 2004,21:20
Or, Easily create a symlink from /home/damnsmall to /home/dsl Then save the symlink in your backup. Problem solved.. 73 ke4nt Posted by subarus on Dec. 18 2004,23:44
The mydsl panel locks the cdrom in toram option. In previous version (0.8.4) I am able to boot using toram, loads all mydsl module from cdrom, take the cd out to free up the bay to play dvd. but in 0.9.X, I cant take the cd out even though mount does not indicate that /dev/cdrom is mounted
Posted by ke4nt1 on Dec. 19 2004,00:11
try ' killall ascd ' in a root shellit may be wanting the cdrom drive 73 ke4nt Posted by mikshaw on Dec. 21 2004,03:31
Typo in /opt/.grab_flash: It tests for $INSATLL_DIR instead of $INSTALL_DIR
Posted by roberts on Dec. 21 2004,04:31
Good thing the directory is already there.Thanks for reporting. Transposition errors - my bane. Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Dec. 21 2004,06:48
Are you a paid member of DNA too?(National Dyslexics Association) Posted by tbone on Dec. 21 2004,16:36
Won't boot at all on my Intel D865Perl board. Hangs with 2 penguin icons at the very beginning. Boots on my older Intel board with a P4 3Ghz but when I click from the menu to create a USB pen drive install a terminal pops up and and immediately goes away without letting me see any errors. If I type cdrecord --scanbus it sees my USB key device. I tried again on PIII 800Mhz machine with the same USB results. Thats using a USB keyboard and mouse on both that work fine.
Posted by tbone on Dec. 21 2004,16:39
I forgot to add that it won't boot on my Dell latitude C800 notebook either. Hangs on trying to start Cardbus. (I have no cards inserted)
Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Dec. 21 2004,19:40
try using the "nopcmcia" tag at the boot prompt.
Posted by tbone on Dec. 22 2004,15:09
the boot prompt won't accept nopcmcia. I tried an expert boot loading only the usb related stuff. Same hangup starting cardmgr.
Posted by tbone on Dec. 22 2004,15:13 mistake. i tried dsl nopcmcia and that worked. Thanks for the tip. Now of course when I try clicking on the Install to USB Pen drive option in the menu I get the old term pop-up and disappearing act. Does this command actually work on any hardware? I've tried four different class machines and it does that same thing on all. I've tried several different USB pen drives as well and running cdrecord --scanbus sees them all.
Posted by cbagger01 on Dec. 22 2004,17:55
The Install to USB Pen Drive is probably erroring out because your USB drive is formatted in an incompatible way.Try running the Dell USB key bootable utility program on your USB drive first, then try another attempt at the Install to USB Pen Drive option. Posted by greenfrog on Jan. 04 2005,15:50
Does DSL support PCMCIA, so that I can run my cardbus modem?Thanks Posted by cbagger01 on Jan. 04 2005,17:25
Posted by softgun on Jan. 04 2005,19:51
Bugs are hard to find!!DSL is doing great so far. It has worked in 11 machines that I have tried it in -no sweat! 486 to P4 RAm from 48 to 1 gig! Fast, furious, frenied, fluffy, freaky, fantastic, phew!, Wow!, Coooool! Omigoosh! I Want one! were some of the comments made by people seeing it come up in a flash and connecting to the net and doing so many things. And, i did not show anyone a USB pen drive using it yet, just CD only ![]() |