error: only 1 processor detected, then hangingForum: User Feedback Topic: error: only 1 processor detected, then hanging started by: jtaverne Posted by jtaverne on July 01 2004,13:29
I try to boot from CD om my Athlon XP 2500 machine with SIS chipset. It shows the pinguin and then a message: error: only one processor detected. How much processors do I need to run DSL? :-)
Posted by AwPhuch on July 01 2004,18:12
You only need one...Either you have a bad image, or bad burn on your cd Or you need to tweak your bios, sometimes the bios on new boards wont let linux run.... Try re-burning the DSL image (make sure you do a md5sum on the file b4 burning) Brian AwPhuch Posted by klas on July 06 2004,04:09
I'm having the same troubles. I'll try running an md5sum and re-burning...yarg. Posted by Rapidweather on July 09 2004,02:09
I made a remaster of DSL on a dual processor machine, and I get that message on Dell P4, but then the os boots up ok. The main thing is not the message, but the fact that the os won't fully boot on the box in question. If it is running off the CD, and not a boot floppy, then the os should boot up. It's best to get an official CD via mail from John Andrews, to start with, (they are not expensive), and then after you get up and running, and can download a subsequent versions .iso, then try and burn your own. I have done that, and been successful, but have lots of machines to try DSL on. Nothing like an official DSL CD to start off with, however, It will have been burned correctly, and will run. If not, try it on another box. I do use my own remaster, though, but that process is not for everyone. < > ![]() Posted by hasty on July 09 2004,08:08
Use the cheat code at the boot promptknoppix nosmp That will get rid of the processor line, but I'd definately check your CD image as the above is not normally a show stopper. |