Windows BootForum: User Feedback Topic: Windows Boot started by: davo Posted by davo on Dec. 11 2004,01:57
Just had the usb delivered emeded and trying to boot up DSl from windoes 2k pro and get the error message.Cannot find qemm.exe or one of its componets. Any I ideals I am a rookie with DSL. Dave Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Dec. 11 2004,03:39
It's a known issue with Qemu.They guy's who develop Qemu are working on it, I'm sure. When they release a fix, we will have it. -J.P. Posted by Teobromina on Dec. 11 2004,15:24
I am back! ![]() Generally speaking The DSL 0.9 release is very good for two reasons: 1/ it saves 10 Mb, because it brings Firefox already preinstalled and I do not need to add an 'optional' Firefox to my CD. This is very important to me in order to put in the mini CD 'lots' of other soft. 2/ the new siag 'office' is able to export files to .pdf file format, thus avoiding to install openoffice -OO- as an option (that was my primary reason earlier to install OO), saving lots of Mb (>60Mb) again. But, still more important, thanks to this version I have discovered qemu (included in the DSL-embedded version). Qemu makes DSL to boot very easilly on windows Xp, not only from a USB key but from the hard disk as well. But ahead to boot DSLfrom a USB key I have followed another way: I have put, in a DVD, in the same folder, up to 25 different linux (and other OSs), as isos and floppyes images of mini-linux, with their respective .bat 'launchers' (written by me, by rewriting the dsl-windows.bat of the qemu folder) for each distribution in he DVD, and now I can try all of theese linux, and other operating systems from the same DVD, using windows. This possibility is amazing, because other (proprietary) virtual machines need actually the iso or the OS image to be pysically present when running, and not only as an image. But with 'my' method, I only need to decide which 'launcher' to use each time to start running an iso. I can run several linux on windows at the same time. The only limitation is the ram and cpu speed. This makes possible to perform easy 'demos' to other people that do not know how linux is, and who, perhaps, will decide to pass from windows to linux after finding the linux distro that best suits their preferences. For better enjoying DSL in this way, I have made another very interesting thing: I have build a bootable iso image including the DSL core, along with my favourite 'optional' packages, and now I use this rewritten iso to run DSL from the mentioned DVD, by means of qemu. Another application of qemu very important to me, that like to test different distributions: Presently I test the isos after downloaded, without burning the Cd and without installing, just running by means of qemu from the hard disk. If the iso likes to me, then I burn it; if not I dismiss the iso. This is saving time and resources, because now I need less collection of DCRW to make trials and to 'maintain' my different followed linux distros at the time. I think there could be another application to this method: If I run mozilla from a light linux distro as DSL using qemu, I think I can scan the web from windows without need to use any antivirus and without risk to get 'infected'. Of course if I decide to download a big file, I always will need to run the browser from an OS with good access to hd, and this is not the case, but it could serve to occasional searches. I would like to know some comments on this subject. Well, I think is great for the benefit of linux and free operating systems to have tools like DSL and qemu. ![]() *JT. |