Forum: User Feedback
started by: Ivo

Posted by Ivo on Mar. 17 2004,09:30
i downloaded the whole 0.6.1 iso on dialup, so it was a pain.
but hell yea it was worth it.
its just so cool ripping off your card-cd and booting off a whole linux os instantly on your freinds pc. :)
words wont describe how satisfied i am being able to acess a fully fledged bugless linux OS over a card cd, and when removing it returning to my good ol' stuff.
and the next bit is that now i have linux wherever i go! i can boot off linux at my school, a netcafe ( with the owners agreement ) my freinds house...
thanks for such a great distro :)

Posted by hasty on Mar. 17 2004,19:55
You're right, it's easy to become blase but it still damned amazing :)
Posted by Rapidweather on Mar. 18 2004,04:56
I have people tell me it is amazing, all that on CD. (
I have folks at work bookmarking my screenshots so they can stare at it while stuck at work.

Posted by hasty on Mar. 18 2004,20:00
Now thats what I call sad :laugh:
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