DSL being forgetful

Forum: User Feedback
Topic: DSL being forgetful
started by: PhrozenFear

Posted by PhrozenFear on May 19 2004,05:50
I downloaded DSL, learned how the extensions worked, and did a boot with 'em, and then an HD install.  Everything was great - ace-of-penguins was installed properly, as was OpenOffice.  Rebooted to the HD, everything still worked.

Now, about three days later, OpenOffice isn't there.  Ace-of-Penguins is still there, but no OO.  I'm kinda choked, as now I gotta reinstall the thing from the extension (which thankfully I still have).

Anyone know why DSL was forgetful ?

Posted by PhrozenFear on June 03 2004,16:02
And now for some reason, it's happened again - I've had to reinstall the OpenOffice extension again just now - and it's the same HD install as the last time.

Still no ideas, eh ?

Posted by ke4nt1 on June 03 2004,16:29
When you state that "it isn't there", are the files
still on the hard drive in their proper locations?

Look inside the openoffice .dsl file....
That will show you where to look for all the files
on your HD copy.

Can you run them from the command prompt?

Are just the menu choices and icons missing, or
has the application actually "been removed" from the HD?

I have, in error, restored the wrong backup with the
backup/restore utility, and had my desktop change.

Never seen the files disappear from the partition, though.


Posted by roberts on June 03 2004,17:58
I downloaded DSL, learned how the extensions worked, and did a boot with 'em, and then an HD install

Apparently not, as stated in the "Getting Started" section in version 0.7.0 the extensions are for the liveCD. They are normally loaded into ramdisk. If you do a hard drive install after loading stuff into the ramdisk who knows. The hard drive install script needs alot of the ramdisk. Now, if you forced loaded them after a base hard drive install with the tar command, as some posts have suggested,  then all should be fine. Otherwise your menu from backup may be confusing you. You should always do a hard drive install with a known base DSL. Please leave the ramdisk alone, as the hard drive install needs as much of it as possible.

Starting with 0.7.1, after doing a base hard drive install then use the new features to easily load extensions. Now both liveCD and hard drive installs can benefit from the extensions.

Note: If you do a hard drive install always load the base then extensions. Also I would recommend to keep your extensions in a separated partition or on a cdrom. That way when new version of DSL comes out, you load the base then extensions, pretty easy. Certainly not forgetful. Lets see now where was I?

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