Mount.App + MC

Forum: User Feedback
Topic: Mount.App + MC
started by: l0st

Posted by l0st on Nov. 05 2003,12:24
I've got DSL and i like it alot. The mount app is extremely easy to ue and I love it, the problem is when i click the drive icon nothing happens.
Well, something does actually, but it just pops up and disappears.
I caught a glimpse of the name and it's mc, so i guess it's Midnight Commander?
How can I view and change my files? Is midnight commander in DSL? If not what else do you recommend?

Posted by wile_coyote on Nov. 05 2003,18:07
???  You really should be asking this question in the "Help" section of the forum.....but I will tell you how fix your problem.

1. (in the double-click the name of the drive (like /floppy)
2. a window will popup called " Configurator"
3. in the tabs at the top, click "Commands"
4. on the right side you see it has the command "xterm -e mc %s &"
5. change the command to say "emelfm %s &"
6. click the button at the bottom that says "Make it so"

And now when you double-click on the icon of a mounted drive, it will invoke emelfm showing the contents of the mounted drive.

I hope this helps :)

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