NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics in DSLForum: User Feedback Topic: NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics in DSL started by: ke4nt1 Posted by ke4nt1 on Dec. 24 2004,05:40
First things first..Get the XFree.dsl from the repository , and get it working nicely on your box. ( XFre86 is the base for your NVidia install ) What I used.. dsl-dpkg.dsl gnu-utils.dsl XFree86.dsl kernelsources.dsl gcc-g++ make - from apt-get unstable branch binutils - from apt-get unstable branch NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-6111-pkg1.run from NVidia.com I have dsl-dpkg.dsl and gnu-utils.dsl installed at boottime. Install yours now if you don't- you 'll need the libs and the apt. Bootup into your running XF86 Xserver environment. ( you did get your XFree86 up and running right? ) Install the kernelsources.dsl Open a root shell apt-get install binutils apt-get install gcc g++ make I also deleted the symlink in /lib/modules/2.4.26 for modules.dep, and copied the /KNOPPIX/lib/modules/2.4.26/modules.dep to /lib/modules/2.4.26/modules.dep to make it writable. Grab the latest package from NVidia type this . ' sh NV*.run ' When asked, don't bother with getting a version for your kernel from NVidia. You may see some errors , but continue anyway. do not abort It will build the nvidia package, and install it and the glx files. You should return to the root prompt Edit your XF86Config-4 file in /etc/X11 nano /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 rem out the 'dri', and the glcore lines in your XF86Config file. Add a "glx" if one does not exist. Change your driver from "nv" to "nvidia" Save and exit. Restart your XServer.. Hopefully you will see the NVIDIA Fullscreen LOGO right before you hit the desktop.. Now time to try some tuxracer and frozen-bubble ! I also used apt-get to get the glxgears package. I get 1640FPS in a normal window, and 7400+ in a small window running from 1024x768 desktop with 1G P3 duals and Geforce2 mx400 w/128 I haven't tried this the gcc1.dsl.. It may save a trip to apt-get . Let us know.. 73 ke4nt Posted by mikshaw on Dec. 24 2004,05:46
uunnnngggghhhh....so much downloading....must...get....open...gl....working....
Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Dec. 24 2004,06:23
Is it possible to make the resulting files into a .dsl? Would be cool to be able to just load XFree86.dsl, nVidia.dsl, and an nvidiaconfig.tar.gzI'd like to get accelerated nvidia 3d going from a liveCD, but it's not of major importance to me at the moment. Needing the kernel sources etc. is a bit much at the moment just to get 3d going, especially as I don't have any 3d games for linux yet. Oh, on a side note, RE: the Quake2.dsl needing pak files, the < License to Kill > ActionQ2 mod apparently does not require ANY version of Q2 to be installed, or require any of it's packages. Might be worth a look, though I think it's still in development (haven't thoroughly checked it out yet) Posted by mikshaw on Dec. 24 2004,13:36
You have to consider licensing issues. Nvidia drivers are neither open source nor distributable, so they cannot be available online as an extension. Now if someone were to make an extension and email it to you it may be a different story...maybe.
Posted by ico2 on Dec. 24 2004,14:15
will this work with my geforce2MX 64mb?
Posted by ke4nt1 on Dec. 24 2004,14:19
If I read this correctly, a .dsl for NVidia may be possible, but will need to includeALL parts of the downloadable texts, files, and included parts. ( since a .dsl file is simply rezipped from the point of install ) 2.1 Rights and Limitations of Grant. NVIDIA hereby grants Customer the following non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the SOFTWARE, with the following limitations: 2.1.1 Rights. Customer may install and use one copy of the SOFTWARE on a single computer, and except for making one back-up copy of the Software, may not otherwise copy the SOFTWARE. This LICENSE of SOFTWARE may not be shared or used concurrently on different computers. 2.1.2 Linux/FreeBSD Exception. Notwithstanding the foregoing terms of Section 2.1.1, SOFTWARE designed exclusively for use on the Linux or FreeBSD operating systems, or other operating systems derived from the source code to these operating systems, may be copied and redistributed, provided that the binary files thereof are not modified in any way (except for unzipping of compressed files). 73 ke4nt Posted by ico2 on Dec. 24 2004,22:03
hey, i like that, they calmly and politely tell unix users to **** off. ![]() Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Dec. 25 2004,04:25
Whoever makes the nvidia_accel.dsl can set up everything that we actually need and dump the rest of the stuff that we don't need into a file in /home/dsl.That would keep nvidia happy, and make it easy for people to delete the unneeded stuff to save space on their hdd. Also, I'm about to put my laptop's hd install to the wall and try to build the nvidia driver with the gcc1.dsl. Wish me luck. -J.P. Posted by ke4nt1 on Dec. 25 2004,05:01
I had no luck using the gcc1.dsl in building the NVidia.dsl .It wants to setup libc6 , which gcc1.dsl don't do... But apt-getting gcc, g++ and make works fine. I have an NVidia.dsl made and working, but lets compare notes before I release it.. I did what you suggested, and simply copied the entire install file along with the .dsl package. Once delivered to the end user, they can delete or store it as they wish. This fulfills the requirements from NVidia. Merry Xmas 73 ke4nt Posted by Nico on Dec. 25 2004,11:11
Hi Ke4nt,Nico here, the maker of SAM linux. You CAN put the Nvidia drivers into dsl or an extension. Some time ago I asked the Nvidia crew if I can setup my SAM with their drivers. Because SAM is also free for download, this would not fulfill their license. They said "yes" to me. Its only a mail, I think there will be no problem. Try it and your great DSL will go even greater (if this is possible)! Merry Xmas! Nico Www.sam-linux.org |