
Forum: User Feedback
Topic: Contributing
started by: LinuxSeeker

Posted by LinuxSeeker on Mar. 23 2004,14:03
I have tried DamnSmall Linux and I am interested in contributing to the project.
I can help writing documentation for DamnSmall Linux, but I need some more details about what exactly do I have to do...

Posted by hasty on Mar. 23 2004,18:16
Brilliant, I hope john takes you up on this. He did make a request about it a while ago ...
<;t=12 >

I only wish I had the time and the skill to do likewise, but as you see from my sobrique I'm not a good choice :)

At the risk of repeating a post I made elsewhere, DSL needs a basic document covering the apps that are included in the distro.

Effectivly a brief outline followed by the major actions/controls. Sort of basic manual page.
(Anything I didn't recognise I just googled and read the pages, but not everyone has a fast connection )

John may suggest something entirely different though ...............

Posted by roberts on Mar. 23 2004,18:42
I kinda got the ball rolling when I wrote the "Getting Started". So if you all could possible write towards that end. I mean HTML formated and looks good with Dillo. Some of the things I put into Getting Started were questions that I saw being asked on the boards. Most recently, John, added the cut-n-paste. More things that would help the new user to Linux/DSL. Also each application could use a section in a similar manner. But please keep it short and simple for a quick display and a quick read.
Posted by DrWatt on Mar. 24 2004,02:11
Don't forget if you know nothing about linux, you can also contribute $ through PayPal. Helps to defray costs of computers, servers, etc.
Posted by LinuxSeeker on Mar. 24 2004,20:44
John you havent yet replied... :(
Posted by John on Mar. 25 2004,06:20
LinuxSeeker, basically it is completely open.  So, what ever you want to write about is fair game.  What is most needed though is the basics, anything from how to set up a static IP, to how to use Sylpheed.  Thanks.
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