DSL and USB-memory sticks etc

Forum: User Feedback
Topic: DSL and USB-memory sticks etc
started by: tom_butz

Posted by tom_butz on May 20 2004,04:46
I installed DSL 0.7 on a Toshiba 220CDS veteran laptop, and it works well. Needs to be booted from floppy using SYSLINUX, LOADLIN.EXE won't do (X-Window won't work).

The important stuff goes onto the memory stick, no problems there. Apparently it needs to be in vfat-format!

Make sure you also amend /etc/resolv.conf, your nameserver should be as close to base as possible (in my case in New Zealand). You can't ask the Restore/Backup script to do that: it only does whole directories.

Tom Butz, New Zealand.

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