DSL - In Linuxgazette articleForum: User Feedback Topic: DSL - In Linuxgazette article started by: monkymind Posted by monkymind on July 03 2004,09:24
There's an article called Review - One Old PC + RedHat, Knoppix, Fedora, or DSL over at < http://www.linuxgazette.com/node/view/9111 > Posted by ke4nt1 on July 03 2004,12:10
Thanks for the heads-up on that one, monkymind...( and NICE WORK on the new DSL logos.. Good Work!! ) I posted some corrections and notes for other users to review below the article. You folks with a free moment this weekend need to go over there and POST UP about the good things DSL has to offer. Nice to see DSL posted again in ( web ) print. ![]() While I've played with "Peanut Linux" a bit, I must admit I cracked a smile when the OS "croaked" during testing.. ![]() ( There's nothing better than taking out the competition "early" in the game! ) DSL was also featured in the June edition of "Linux Format" , which included a "bootable" CD copy as a cover disk.. ( or, as an .iso on the DVD cover disk ) Again, another nice article, but an older version of DSL ( 0.6.2 ) Actually, I think DSL was in 3 different articles in that issue. I hope they feature it again with the 0.7.x series. DSL will always win out over other OSes when older hardware is mentioned. That is what John and Robert designed it to do best... 73 ke4nt Posted by monkymind on July 03 2004,12:52
ermm ...... had to do something - I was responsible for the original grey one ![]()
Good idea. Its always nice to see your fav distro getting some press - but it would be better if the authors checked their facts before publishing. Btw thanks for all the myDSL contributions. The XMahjongg one will be getting some heavy testing soon ![]() Cheers rob Posted by cbagger01 on July 03 2004,19:28
FYI,Peanut Linux is no longer a viable option for old hardware because the installer requires a 64MB ramdisk in order for initial boot up. This means that you need 96MB of RAM in order to install the OS. PL is now more part of the "cutting edge" crowd than the "small,fast, older computers" crowd. But like the author said, he is not comparing apples to apples. DSL is the right tool for the job, as shown by the test results. PL probably would have compared somewhere between FC2 and RH9 if the installation was possible. It's a newer kernel, but without the bloat of the KDE/GNOME desktop environments. Posted by hasty on July 03 2004,21:05
Nice warm & huggy sort of article article with spirited addenda by Ke4nt1.He hadn't done much homework though. Posted by ke4nt1 on July 03 2004,22:39
I did post a second reply, correcting my error, and giving kudos to the author,who did take the time to respond to my earlier post and make corrections as well. Any friend of DSL is a friend of mine, right? Another + to John and roberts for a fine distro.... Post that one up in the Milestones...... 73 ke4nt Posted by John on July 03 2004,23:02
I think RobertS's hard work mapping out the myDSL system has really boosted the reach of DSL. Where it was a tight self contained OS, now it still is, but it's easy customability has put it onto a new level.
Posted by John on July 03 2004,23:15
>homeworkReviews rarely get it 100% right, that's the nature of them. For instance in LinuxFormat, they said that DSL requires 64MB of ram to run, that simply isn't true. Posted by hasty on July 04 2004,11:57
Sorry Ke4nt1 Post in haste repent........well yeah not for long..........honest ambiguity sir......(actually I meant the reviewer).....mumble.....the dog ate my homework.... FX .. hastily retreating footsteps...... Posted by Willy Smith on July 04 2004,21:37
I am particularly interested in this type of article AND this type of OS, as I think we haven't even scratched the surface of applications and uses which are possible for a small footprint Linux. Please feel free to write and submit articles to Linux Gazette about other things to do with DSL, I'm sure with the number of hits we get every month it will help to bring it to the attention of more people. If you need some ideas or help, < email me >.Cheers! Willy Smith Editor in Chief < LinuxGazette > < A42.com > Ciudad Panamá, Panamá Central America Posted by hasty on July 05 2004,16:19
Make sure you remind contributors about the "to ram" options of this type of OS.Like many I was first attracted by the lean & efficient qualities, especially with older machines, but now I love using them on fast machines with loads of ram. It's how computers are meant to be FAST, with apps & browsers leaping off the screen. Just posting off the liveCD and loving the crisp efficiency of a gig of ram ![]() |