A problem with 0.7.2 bootability?Forum: User Feedback Topic: A problem with 0.7.2 bootability? started by: jlowell Posted by jlowell on July 12 2004,22:07
Sadly, I can't get the latest version of DSL to boot. It's not a BIOS setting problem, I probably download and burn four or five isos a month and this is the first time in a very long time a bootable CD I've burned won't boot. No clue as to why. I can boot the Feather CD without trouble. A flaw perhaps?jlowell Posted by ke4nt1 on July 12 2004,22:21
Check md5sums? - corrupted download?Bad media? - Compare burn to image? 73 ke4nt Posted by jlowell on July 12 2004,23:30
ke4nt1,Well, some experimentation and at least something interesting to report if not something all that helpful. I'd like to use DSL with one particular machine, the one on which I'm having trouble getting the CD to boot. I have been able to get the CD to boot on another machine, however, so that would rule out a corrupted download or content problem. The machine on which I'd like to use the CD but can't is an aging Intel AL440LX, PII system, with a Promise ATA TX-2 100 Controller. The box on which the CD works is a very quick PIV system with 1066 RDRAM and SCSI drives. Why this difference? It should boot on both machines but doesn't. I've burned the CD on two different Plextor CD burners with files from two different mirrors with exactly the same result: The older PII machine just won't boot from this dsl-0.7.2 CD. As I'd mentioned earlier, Feather gives me no such problem. What are they, Feather, doing right might you think that's being done wrong here? I'm lost. jlowell Posted by ke4nt1 on July 13 2004,00:31
Pretty sure you've ruled out media issues,ALWAYS good to double check those MD5sums to be sure. When you say it won't boot on the Pentium II, describe what the boot attempts. 1. Bypasses the cdr altogether, and tries to boot from another device. 2. Starts to boot from cdr. I never see the DSL splash screen, F2 options, etc. 3. I see the DSL splash screen, F2 options, I press "enter" , the screen goes black, and the computer stops booting. 4. Same as above, I press "enter" , I see the penguin in the top left corner, then stops, gives error message, or dumps to limited shell. Curious if you've had any experience booting up earlier releases of DSL on this same machine. 73 ke4nt Posted by John on July 13 2004,00:44
First lets start with the basics. If you can run thee script below from the machine you are having problems with to see if the md5sum checks out. I have had odd burns which boot fine on one PC and not another.Also, what *exactly* happens when you boot? Invoke it like this: rawread /dev/cdrom | md5sum --------------------------------script below #!/bin/sh device=$1 blocksize=`isoinfo -d -i $device | grep "^Logical block size is:" | cut -d " " -f 5` if test "$blocksize" = ""; then echo catdevice FATAL ERROR: Blank blocksize >&2 exit fi blockcount=`isoinfo -d -i $device | grep "^Volume size is:" | cut -d " " -f 4` if test "$blockcount" = ""; then echo catdevice FATAL ERROR: Blank blockcount >&2 exit fi command="dd if=$device bs=$blocksize count=$blockcount conv=notrunc,noerror" echo "$command" >&2 $command Posted by roadie on July 13 2004,02:32
I ran into the same thing last night, the cd I burnt on an Intel 500 64 ram, booted fine.Trying it on an AMD 450 384 ram failed, just booted into XP, I figured it might be that the CDRW I used was fast erased rather then a full erase as I have run into booting problems w/ DSL and Feather with a fast erase. There was no cd activity at all after the initial power on. Have'nt had the time to reburn, I'll post after I do. roadie Posted by jlowell on July 13 2004,04:11
ke4nt1 & John,OK, here's a little more precision regarding what's happening with the boot. I'll turn on the machine, and, as the RAM count is developing, I'll place the DSL CD in the tray and push it in. At the conclusion of the BIOS routines, the CD will attempt to boot, I'll hear it's characteristic booting "noise", there will be a repetition of the booting "noise" and then the message "Boot Failed". Ordinarily, there would not be a repetition of this "noise, the initial screen of whatever I might be booting simply would appear. Thinking that the boot image might be faulty, I used rawrite to make a copy of it to a floppy. The floppy with the image alone will boot into initial DSL display so the image would seem to be OK. But the CD with the very same image dies. Odd, isn't it. jlowell Posted by cbagger01 on July 13 2004,04:12
I have seen my DSL CDRW will sometimes not be detected as a bootable CD disk.Usually, trying again (sometimes after a cold boot with the disk already loaded into the drive) will cause the disk to boot properly. I have not seen this problem with my CD-R (not CD-RW) DSL disk. Posted by jlowell on July 13 2004,05:48
OK, the md5sum situation appears problematic. Here is the output from rawread /dev/cdrom | md5sum d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e Where do we go from here? jlowell Posted by John on July 13 2004,07:02
Looks like your burn is bad, or at least it isn't readable from that CD drive. I've seen this before, where a CD will boot fine from one computer, but not be readable on another. It happens more with CDRWs.
Posted by bluefreak on July 13 2004,07:42
sometimes cds just wont read. maybe your cd drive is dirty?
Posted by jlowell on July 13 2004,22:17
Truthfully, I think the burn is less the culprit here than the reader itself. The writing was done on two of my network workstations which are equipped with up-to-date Plextor writers and I've never had problem one with the software. I ordered a replacement CDRW drive this afternoon. The offending drive is now six years old and, given this episode, probably ready for the glue factory. I should know in a day or two if the new drive makes a difference. jlowell Posted by jlowell on July 15 2004,01:27
Attempting to narrow things down, I tried the DSL CD with a brand new CDRW drive I installed on the machine in question earlier today. It was badly needed, the old one was six years old or more, made odd sounds when starting, and left you with the feeling that the next thing you might expect was a fire. Anyway, the boot failed yet again so the problem isn't with the reader. Next I tried downloading a trial version of Nero from the web to insure that the software I ordinarily use wasn't malfunctioning. Same result: Boot Failed. In sum, we've got (1) one computer on which the CD works and one - the important one - on which it fails; (2) we've tried a brand new CDRW in the important machine and it doesn't help; (3) we've used the same ISO image burned with two different software packages and get the same failure, (4) after copying the image to a floppy, I can boot through the request to change disks but that's it. I don't know how to add up all of this information but my guts are telling me that there is something wrong with the downloaded image. Where do we go from here? I mean if I can't get the CD to boot properly, I won't be able to evaluate DSL and feel I'd miss something.Thoughts at this point? jlowell Posted by cbagger01 on July 15 2004,01:52
Can you boot other liveCD bootable linux distros from this computer?Maybe the problem is related to a bug in the livecd bootloader. Do you get a "boot failed" message? Posted by jlowell on July 15 2004,03:30
Hi cbagger01!Yes, indeed. This is the first time I've had a bootable CD problem with this or any other machine for a good while and I'll burn a reasonable quantity of Linux ISO's for one reason or another in a month's time. I can boot both the KNOPPIX and Feather Linux CDs on the machine in question which might be helpful to know. And, yes, the message I get is "boot failed". Frankly, it feels like a bug to me. jlowell Posted by cbagger01 on July 15 2004,03:50
I think that this is a problem with the boot loader.Check out this post for details: < http://damnsmalllinux.org/cgi-bin....and+3.3 > Posted by ke4nt1 on July 15 2004,04:18
In rereading thru the thread here I noticed these things in particular....
Could the Promise ATA be a challenge? I'm assuming it's an outboard add-on? I would try pulling it, for grins and giggles anyhow, and see if it boots then. Still could be a corrupted download, since one is accessing the scsi drivers, and one is accessing another part of the disc.
Not necessarily.. Your using a different bus to send your data thru.(floppy) Did you try a "failsafe" option at this point? or "dsl noacpi" or others? Seems to me you've proved that the image WILL boot your computer. We just need to get the HD bus to take the cdrom.. You're not using a CDRW, are you?? Anyone know of any flakiness with Promise ATA and kernel 2.4.22xfs?
If you can get knoppix, feather, etc to boot, use that to WGET the iso file. Don't use a windows browser, grab an old copy of ws-ftp95, or CuteFTP, or SmartFTP, or something like, and use that.
Try it with a cdr, not a cdrw.. I have horrible troubles with cdrw's on SOME machines.. [ at HOME ] mine at work are plextors also , and never a problem AT WORK..
except from a floppy... or maybe a cdr?.. Give these ideas a try, and let us know.. 73 ke4nt Posted by jlowell on July 15 2004,05:47
First of all, allow me to express my thanks to everyone here that had tried to offer some clearer understanding of this problem, most recently cbagger01 and ke4nt1. ke4nt1, by any measure, an outstanding analysis of the principal points of this thread.I would hasten to offer a clarification on my use of the term, CDRW, ke4nt1. I've used it, perhaps incautiously, to describe only the capability of the drive in question, read only or read/write, not the capability of any form of media. Simply to let you know, I use only writable, not re-writable, media here, but my terminology appears to have been less than helpful in any event. The device initially in use on the computer in question was a CD reader. Since tonight's new installation, it's been a CD reader/writer, or, as I termed it, a CDRW, meaning CDRW drive. I regret the confusion. Now, to these masterful analyses. First that of ke4nt1.
Possibly, but not of necessity in my mind. The Promise Controller is the fairly recent Ultra ATA TX-2 100. However, hardware detection on the Gentoo 2004.1 livecd has misidentified the device connected to it in the past, seeing it as /dev/hda when it should have seen /dev/hde. This matter is being treated as a likely bug by Gentoo development at the moment. As a matter of fact, I was compelled to use the KNOPPIX CD to read the hardware correctly and to jump start the Gentoo install on this machine. Earlier Gentoo livecds have not had this kind of difficulty though.
Covered extensively in the above mea culpa. ![]()
Interesting approach. I'll get back to you with a report on it. Thanks again for taking the time to analyze this thread. And now, cbagger01. From your url, sir:
Worth looking at, eh? Does DSL, in fact, use syslinux with 0.7.2? Regards. jlowell Posted by cbagger01 on July 15 2004,16:29
DSL is based on the knoppix 3.3 livecd (version with 2.4.22-xfs kernel)I believe that the bootloader for knoppix 3.3 is syslinux and that they converted over to isolinux with knoppix 3.4 due to problems with syslinux I don't know exactly what the "problems" were but maybe they involve your model of ide controller. This is about all I know on the subject. Hopefully it will be of some help. Posted by ke4nt1 on July 15 2004,18:26
What's really crunching my brain is WHY does feather and knoppixboot/load no problem.. Isn't feather simply a remaster, like DSL? It would follow that it uses the same syslinux as DSL.... ?? ?? ?? [EDIT] Nope, it is stripped from KNOPPIX 3.4... my bad.. [/EDIT] 73 ke4nt Posted by jlowell on July 15 2004,19:19
cbagger01 & ke4nt1,So maybe we have a clue as to what's going on, that the problem is related to DSL's use of the KNOPPIX 3.3 CD which includes syslinux, whereas Feather is a remaster of KNOPPIX 3.4 which employs isolinux? Interesting. If true, God knows if DSL development is going to be interested in moving to KNOPPIX 3.4 together with isolinux simply to accomodate one user. We don't know with certainty that 3.3 and syslinux is the problem, but how else to explain that I can boot Feather Linux and KNOPPIX and not DSL? jlowell Posted by cbagger01 on July 16 2004,01:19
FYI,I would expect that eventually DSL would be rebuilt up using a KNOPPIX 3.4 (or maybe even a 3.5 when it comes out) core. However, since 3.4 is still relatively new and rebuilding DSL is a major effort, even more so considering that 3.4 contains two (2) different kernels, I would not count on a rebuild in the immediate future. Can your computer boot knoppix 3.2? If so, you may want to try out an older version of DSL, version It doesn't have all of the latest features but it should work if knoppix 3.2 will boot on the machine. Posted by jlowell on July 16 2004,20:29
cbagger01,I'd like to try that experiment with KNOPPIX-3.2 but I can't find an unbasterdized form of that version anywhere. The various ftp sites would seem not to have archived older versions either, certainly their mirrors have only 3.4 and we already know that that boots just fine here. Ideas? jlowell Posted by cbagger01 on July 17 2004,02:06
Yes.Don't bother downloading knoppix 3.2 it is large and hard to find. Instead, go to the DSL download site and grab a copy of DSL version Posted by jlowell on July 17 2004,03:27
cbagger01, I've downloaded and burned 5.3.1. So you know, I did the downloading with my main box, Gentoo-2004.1, got the file using links at < ftp://ftp.ibiblio.org, > burned with cdrtools-2.01_alpha28-r1 at speed=12 on a brand new Plextor SCSI CDRW drive, writeable media. Sad to say, I can't boot 5.3.1 either, can play with it just fine on my main machine, however. Same old, same old. Looks like I'll have to wait for a DSL based on KNOPPIX 3.4 or 3.5, eh? I hate to admit defeat, but what else to do? jlowell Posted by soinsg on July 20 2004,20:07
I also have this problem. I set the bios to boot from CD, insert 0.7.2 and reboot. I tried 'dsl toram' and normal boot (hit enter), both get to
This was from a dvd drive. Putting the disc in the cd burner gives a message like
The machine is about 6-7 years old and the bios won't let me set floppy drive before cdrom in the boot order. DSL 0.4.4 works fine but after 30 seconds of fiddling I couldn't mount my USB memory stick. BTW the gamma in 0.7.2 seems to be way higher than 0.4.4, the black background of the screen is 'glowing'. One more thing, I burnt 0.4.4 to CDR and 0.7.2 to CDRW, both work fine in my other computer which is only half a year old. Posted by cbagger01 on July 21 2004,01:05
jlowell,The only other option that I can think of is to search the forums for "loadlin" and see if you can use loadlin to boot DSL instead of the default bootloader. It will take some playing around, but it may work. soinsg, On my old computer, it will not accept CD-RW disks. It only accepts CD-R disks. If a CD-R disk will not work, you can also try the loadlin method of booting. You will need to be able to use a true DOS prompt (MSDOS, Win95, Win98), or you will need to create a DOS boot floppy. To prevent the CD from booting, do not close the CD drive tray until after the computer has started to boot into DOS. Good Luck. Posted by jlowell on July 21 2004,02:28
cbagger1,I appreciate the loadlin idea. That one goes back in time a bit, eh? I really feel disappointed that I can't get DSL to boot on my webserver. That machine has only the Gentoo basic packages installed + apache. Since the webserver is at some remove from the workstations here, it had been my thought to use DSL's browser resources - Dillo, gLinks-H - as a matter of personal convenience to reach the web rather than having to trudge to a workstation and reach it from there. The idea of adding X and associated programs to the webserver just to browse occasionally when its down just doesn't appeal as I'm sure you can understand. I'm hoping that the next version of DSL bases itself on KNOPPIX 3.4 ot 3.5. I think that, almost assuredly, will be our solution as I can boot the KNOPPIX 3.4 CD and the Feather CD which is based on 3.4. I've made an inquiry concerning the suspected timing of the next release of DSL. I've not gotten a reply. Very best regards. jlowell Posted by len on July 24 2004,14:44
how do i know this- i have my hdds on a promise tx2 100 controller card! Posted by jlowell on July 24 2004,15:03
Hi len,You know, cbagger01 suggested earlier in the thread that I try 5.3.1 and I did. It didn't load either. At this point I feel my best hope is to wait until DSL is based upon KNOPPIX 3.4 or later for reasons outlined earlier in the thread also. I very much appreciate your intervention and the intention behind it. Thanks. jlowell Posted by TyphoonMentat on July 24 2004,17:32
Being the developer of Feather, I can safely assure you that it wasn't particularly difficult at all ![]() In case you're wondering why I converted Feather to 3.4 in the first place, it was really just a clean-up of all the cruft I'd accumulated in development, and I happened to get the latest kernel and better hardware recognition as a bonus. I also think that a remaster from 3.4 is slightly smaller, oddly enough. Incidentally, I think the Promise ATA could be the key - there've been numerous reports of bugs with that and Knoppix 3.3. Merely see www.knoppix.net/forum for a few examples. Posted by roberts on July 24 2004,22:43
I don't know whose quote that is, but none of the developers with DSL have said that. In fact, we have had a version based on 3.4 that has been in beta testing concurrently since 0.7.1. Yes, I would say we are more on the conservative side, so as to not to intoduce too many changes, or bugs, at once. Believe it or not we do plan what will be included and when with each release. We also go through many testing cycles so as to try to provide a very solid release. The in-house based on 3.4 is just going through a longer testing cycle. Another point, is that DSL is not just a stripped down remaster of Knoppix. It has grown and matured providing its own unique features. Many firsts for liveCD were developed here. Take a look at the milestones. We are still Knoppix derived and fully recognize the benefits that Knoppix provides to many liveCD based systems. Another factor has been the overwhelming sucess of the myDSL concept. It has been accepted and grown faster than we may have anticipated. The last time I looked there are over 79 contributions to both sections of the repository. Thanks to those who have contributed and to Ke4nt1 for helping manage such fast growth in that area.
Posted by jlowell on July 25 2004,01:41
TyphonMentat, roberts & cbagger01,OK, now I'm really confused. ![]() I can boot with Feather which uses KNOPPIX 3.4 but can't with DSL which uses KNOPPIX 3.3. Yet Feather was put together using syslinux, a fact which I'd thought we'd concluded was the cause of the failure of DSL, and not isolinux, the constituent that was an indicator of success for the Promise Card with KNOPPIX 3.4 vs KNOPPIX 3.3. Oy! I'm reminded of the line from the Irving Berlin tune,"TomAAto, Tomato, PotAAto, Potato, lets call the whole thing off". ![]() Have I understood you correctly, TyphoonMentat, Feather employs syslinux, not isolinux as the bootloader? I thought it was the other way around: KNOPPIX gave up on isolinux after 3.3 because of bugs and with 3.4 started in with syslinux. roberts, if you have a beta based on KNOPPIX 3.4 available at the moment I'd like to test it. There have to be a lot of machines out there with the Promise Ultra TX-2 100 on them and a success with the beta just might be diagnostic. jlowell Posted by roberts on July 25 2004,02:11
Knoppix 3.4 uses isolinux, before it was using syslinux. DSL 0.7.x and prior has syslinux. The DSL testing version has isolinux. These two are very different in how things are packed for booting. If Knoppix 3.4 works then I am sure the new testing version will work. It will be sooner than you think.
Posted by SaidinUnleashed on July 25 2004,02:13
Well, we now know at least one of the notes for the changelog of DSL 0.8.0 ^_^ Posted by TyphoonMentat on July 25 2004,08:00
What I meant was that the USB edition of Feather uses syslinux, and the CD edition uses isolinux - it's simply easier, and once you've done the initial work there's no juggling about.The quote was cbagger01's, but good point - once you start getting special features in a remaster (in this case so many that it perhaps shouldn't be called a remaster at all), it does take longer to migrate those features to other developments. One suggestion I would make is to tie the features into dpkg a little more, making them easily distributable and upgradable, but again perhaps it makes little difference. I'll be interested to see if your 3.4 build of DSL is smaller as well - it seemed odd to me. Posted by jlowell on July 25 2004,18:49
TyphoonMentat,Ah, yes, the sweet scent of resolution. Thanks for the clarification, now I can go back to my more ordinary state of confusion. ![]() I must say, having had a chance to look at both DSL and Feather recently, albeit on different computers, both distros are due plaudits and have the capability of supplying a need I have here for a browser on a base packages + apache only webserver. jlowell Posted by DonttPanic on Aug. 01 2004,02:43
i didnt read the whole thread, so sorry if i missed something, but does the CD drive work? i have a cd drive in one of my comps that will take in a cd, spin it, flash its lights, and say it's not ready. so the cd drive could be bad, or the lense
Posted by walt_h on Aug. 02 2004,21:24
I, too, am having trouble getting DSL 0.7.2 to boot from the CD. It worked one time (not the first time I tried it), but I have not gotten it to work since. When I place the CD in the drive on my laptop, the boot sequence checks the drive, then there is a message 'Floppy emulation', and then the drive is skipped and GRUB loads to my default installation (Libranet).Feather works, as does Puppy and OneBase Go, and DSL did work once on this machine, so I don't know what to try or what to think. Posted by walt_h on Aug. 03 2004,19:18
Okay. . .here's a followup. DSL 0.7.2 did boot from the floppy, but it took a second try for that to work. The first try, is started to boot, I pressed F2 and entered my parameters, hit Enter, then after a few seconds it went to Grub and my existing Linux installation. The second try, I entered fewer parameters (no DMA this time, e.g.) and it worked. Still, it kind of defeats the purpose of being able to carry a distro around in your pocket if you also have to remember to bring the boot floppy alongWalt walt_h {at} myrealbox {dot} com Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 03 2004,19:39
Several booting improvements were made to the 0.7.3 version...Using the 0.7.3 could very well resolve your issues... Give it a try, and see if it helps... 73 ke4nt Posted by walt_h on Aug. 04 2004,03:50
Okay, if I get a chance I'll download it and give it a try. Too bad, though. I'd just gotten this copy from BudgetLinux CDs in the mail right before the new version came out. ![]() Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 04 2004,06:34
In the future, contact DSL about supplying you with your CD copies.The tiny fee helps with DSL development. Since John, creator of DSL, is "the source" , you'll get the latest version. DSL releases new or updated versions almost every month. Many other suppliers don't keep up with such a fast paced release schedule. If an upcoming release is expected shortly, he will wait until the new version has gone public before sending you your copy. A link for obtaining a copy directly from DSL is in the main webpage. 73 ke4nt Posted by walt_h on Aug. 04 2004,13:50
I'll likely do that if I decide to use DSL on a regular basis. Just wanting to try it out, I decided to go with BudgetLinux CDs because it was just $2 a CD and I could try several distros for the same low price and one low shipping charge. (Being on a very tight budget these days, I had to stretch my buying power as far as I could.)In addition, the version I bought was the latest. In fact, DSL went from 0.7.1 to 0.7.2 after I placed my order, and the folks at BudgetLinux delayed the order just long enough for me to get 0.7.2 (the newest at the time). I've asked about this with regard to Feather Linux, but does or will DSL have some sort of script or other ability to allow people who install to the hard drive to upgrade without a complete reinstall? Thanks. Walt walt_h {at} myrealbox {dot} com Posted by tripppy on Aug. 12 2004,10:39
i have found my older 20x cdrom doesnt read cdrw at all!cd-r at burn speeds upto 8x but higher burn speeds nothing! Posted by DonttPanic on Aug. 12 2004,14:00
make sure you're not burning the cd's too fast. cd-rw's generally burn slower than cd-r's. so try burning at 1x on a new cd-rw. it could just be the cd |