The DSL Documentation ProjectForum: User Feedback Topic: The DSL Documentation Project started by: SaidinUnleashed Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Jan. 01 2005,05:17
Hey everyone! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!Here's a little something that me and tronik (most of the hard stuff was done by tronik) have been working on for a few weeks. Although, it's not nearly as done as it would have been if my mobo had not died, but we aimed for a Jan 1 release, and I'm not gonna let my pride get in the way. Announcing what many flustered DSL'ers have been waiting for, < The Damn Small Linux Documentation Project >!!! This is the place that will (eventually) hold much of the knowledge of the forums, but ordered, indexed, and readily accesible. Check it out, and tell us what you think! Keep in mind that it's very beta, and not NEARLY complete (not that it really ever will be). And this isn't going to be just me and tronik. Got a how-to that you think would fit nicely on the doc site? Use the contact form and send it to me!! I say me, because it goes to my mailbox. Tronik works the server side stuff, and I do content. He rocks. Oh, I almost forgot the mirror. That's right, we will also be providing a mirror of the current ISO and boot disks, as well as many tools and utils (think the deb2dsl script and the tripleboot setup), and even a few remasters. I'm not sure whether or not we will be mirroring the MyDSL repository, we haven't really thoough that far ahead. We really want it to be a place for collected knowledge about DSL, as well as a place that you can grab the iso and try it out. We have lots of bandwidth (Thanks Vectori!!). This is in NO way meant to take anything away from the forums. Think of it as a Cliff's Notes for DSL. Anyways, after you make a nice walkthrough of something, send it to us so that it will be easily accessible! Well, I'm rather tired, and i want you people to check it out. Forward the Revolution!!! -J.P. Posted by tubamann on Jan. 01 2005,05:24
Oh, this looks nice!Good job! Posted by panama on Jan. 01 2005,05:37
DAMNED fine job S.U.!!Quite impressive indeed. I have a feeling the info will come rolling in like never before! Thanks for all the work!! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Posted by AwPhuch on Jan. 01 2005,06:23
I like it alot..however colors are a bit difficult to see (very cool Seti@home colors hehe)I think the forum colors Black on Light Gray background would be easier to see I will be more than willing to support the page Brian AwPhuch Posted by ke4nt1 on Jan. 01 2005,06:34
HAPPY NEW YEAR !!Looks like a lot of progress so far.. Good Work ! I didn't see a place anywhere , giving credit to John Andrews and Robert Shingledecker for making DSL possible... ( and great! ) 73 ke4nt Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Jan. 01 2005,08:43
Yes, the colors are not set up great (in fact, it hasnt changed much since we started, and its still fugly).As for credits to John and Robert, I did put them in the "Intro to DSL". ^_^ Kinda hard to tell what it is without them. But the front page? Php is very strange to me, but I'll see what I can do in the morning. -J.P. Posted by clivesay on Jan. 01 2005,14:11
Really nice job, guys! This will become a very valuable resource. This has to be the most caring community Linux or not. SU, tronik,, ke4nt, all are playing a big part in building this community. THANK YOU!! I'll try to do my part by spreading Linux to the masses. ![]() Chris Posted by John on Jan. 01 2005,20:07
Happy New Year!That's great, but why not use the 'book' feature of Drupal at < > ? It can allow for collaborative editing, will be easy to maintain, and easy to find. That's part of the reason why I put it there. Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Jan. 01 2005,23:36
XD We actually started putting this together a few days before the blogs went up. And I haven't even looked at any of the other features of Drupal. ![]() EDITUS: We actually thought about using a wiki-based system so that anyone could edit something and contribute, but we decided that it wasn't such a great idea, because 1 a**hole with a backspace key could toast all the docs. Posted by tronik on Jan. 03 2005,17:50
Hi...Yeah, the site looks ugly because I have been gone on vacation and haven't had time to work on it...I was aware of a 01-05 launch date but wasn't prepared for it!!! Anyway, we'll get the DOC site looking good shortly...Any suggestions? Posted by AwPhuch on Jan. 03 2005,22:41
So to modify/add we have to send an email or once authorized we can make changes?Brian AwPhuch Posted by tronik on Jan. 04 2005,02:25
Hold off on the thoughts suggestions for now, we're actually in the midst of something GREAT!!!@# Yeah, anyway it'll be changing over in a few days I think, so we'll give it some time before we do anything else with it...
Posted by ico2 on Jan. 04 2005,09:34
hmmmmmmmm, i am sure i posted in this thread once but cannot find it LOLanyway, good job ![]() also welcome to the forums tubamann :o Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Jan. 04 2005,18:09
Heh, tubamann is an old irc monkey.He's been around for a while. ^_^ You just didn't see him! He has mastered the art of ninja/tuba concealment! ![]() -J.P. Posted by softgun on Jan. 04 2005,19:43
Saidinunleashed and tronik,Thanks for the New Year Present! Very nice start. I believe DSL will become a serious contendeer in software sytems and may become more poplar than knoppix itself. i will also use it extensively to promote Linux. The ability to add extensions to the CDRW or other media without any remasterng is the really great thing IMHO. I have a LOT to learn about this flexibility. If John and others want to change the name and remove Damn - a good thing in my opinion - what will it be called? Great Small Linux Dear Small Linux Growing Linux Custom Linux My Linux Hm!? ![]() Happy 2005 to all DSL users! Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Jan. 06 2005,06:00
Alright!The Documentation Project is now located on the main site! You can see it < here >!! Check it out and tell me what you think! Posted by ke4nt1 on Jan. 06 2005,07:55
Wow, that's really good work, SU and tronik...<-------- see, hat is off -----< ![]() DSL Hats off to da crew... very nice.. I like the small bits of tongue-in-cheek, and the friendly, helpful descriptions. Looking forward to seeing this grow.. Also, it's great to see the names of the people who contributed their knowledge and time to helping others in your clips .. that rocks big.. Excellent contrib.. +3 wording to SU and crew.. ![]() 73 ke4nt Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Jan. 06 2005,08:23
Also made a database of the wireless cards that we know work, and those that don't, using the little SQL app in DSL.Posted the results in the docs 4.f.1 i think. Oh, and I'm sorry that my docs flooded all the blog entrys back a few pages. -_- I didn't know it would do that. Not that it would have stopped me! B) Just use the side bar on the left to see the latest blog entries untill we get this fixed. Now that I don't have to deal with telnet for posting new docs, thing will move along much faster! -J.P. Posted by John on Jan. 06 2005,09:22
SU and Tronik, thank you for putting in all the hard work on this -- it really is fantastic.
Posted by Alisdair Kelly on Jan. 06 2005,20:45
Talk about a happy new year, I've been off doing other things, came back found the 0.9.2 version and your book page! The navigation of the topics are well done and the whole thing is laid out quite well. "Fugly" or not, it is a significant step forward WRT "the Revolution". Two BIG thumbs up!
Posted by clivesay on Jan. 06 2005,20:59
Curious if the "book" can be d/l in a xml or pdf type format. Since that is a specific 'book' section of drupal I didn't know if there was such a type of functionality.
Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Jan. 06 2005,21:16
Check out the new site. We're not on vectori anymore!< > Posted by mikshaw on Jan. 09 2005,03:33
I started writing a HOWTO on building tar.gz extensions if you're interested. From the looks of it, it will be quite lengthy, but I'm sure you'll find some useful information that you can use in the event that you've already got one in the works. My plan is to make it as informative as possible for people who have never done anything like this before. It's going to be a couple of days before it's done, since I tend to work on 3 or 4 projects at the same time.
Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Jan. 09 2005,20:10
Just send me a PM, and I'll hook you up with a place to send it.
Posted by mikshaw on Jan. 12 2005,01:41 it's going to be more than a couple of days (surprising news, huh?).I just now finished the first draft. There are things I know need to be added, things that need to be further explained, and other things that need to be explained less. This was a rather stream-of-consciousness draft, so it also jumps back and forth quite a bit. It will be done before long, though....I'm just not setting a deadline. Posted by softgun on Jan. 24 2005,16:25
Hi We are waiting anxiously for your howto. Please give an example. I want to make a postgresql extension. Cheers! Posted by softgun on Jan. 26 2005,09:36
I would like the backup/restore feature and filetool.lst usege documented please.This is addition to the request above. :-) Very important additions to the documentation IMHO |