Just finished DSL installForum: User Feedback Topic: Just finished DSL install started by: kd5byb Posted by kd5byb on Jan. 01 2005,21:39
Greetings all...As a long time Windows user, I decided it was time to see if I could get the MicroSoft virus out of my computer. So, this AM, I pulled out an old Pentium Pro 200 motherboard, 128 meg ram, an old 2 gig hard drive, and other "thrown away" computer parts and put together a computer to see how I'd like Linux. I settled on DSL as it was small and fast to download. While I had Knoppix up and running, I wanted something I could load on the harddrive. So, I downloaded DSL and with little difficulty, this old Pentium Pro rides again! I'm amazed - this PPro 200 is just a little slower than my Athlon 1GHz running XP. That's unbeleivably. And so far, I've not found anything lacking, but instead, have found extra features that I wish XP had, like the processor load indicator and networking load indicator. All in all, this is a fantastic OS! thanks, ben Posted by ke4nt1 on Jan. 01 2005,22:05
Another "5" call ! WooHoo!Welcome Ben, Are you still active in Ham Radio.. There are many fine hams who frequent here often ( almost daily ) Once you have your system running sweet, check out the extension library .. There is a huge number of applications you can "click-n-run" , using your myDSL icon on your desktop. There are many Ham Radio applications available.. Satellite trackers, APRS/GPS, PSK31, loggers, etc. If you are active in VHF , check them out .. With a 2 GB hard drive on your system, you could have the entire repository ! I run DSL off of a 512MB USB Pendrive when I'm away from home, and have a wealth of applications available in addition to the base install system. ( mp3server, DVD player, games, Openoffice, QCad, XChat ) With 128MB ram, are you running toram ? ( at boot: type " dsl dma toram " ) You need 128MB minimum to run toram, and every bit after that really helps. If you COULD add another bit of ram to the box, there is not much you couldn't run .. DSL runs nicely on your hardware .. Click on the link on the home page to the repository for more info .. Also, join us in IRC each evening .. use your desktop menu to startup nirc .. It automatically takes you there .. 73 ke4nt Posted by kd5byb on Jan. 01 2005,23:40
Yep, another ham radio guy. I've got a 5 call but I live in 4 call land - when I moved to Alabama from Texas the FCC never issued me a 4 call. I thought they used to do that?I'm not a terribly active ham - just moved into a new house and haven't put up any antennas yet, etc... I enjoy mostly SWBC listening but do intend to learn code and get on HF once things spool down a bit at work. I just put in RealVNC by using the .dsl extension in the testing directory. That was cool. Was beating my head against the wall trying to do it the hard way. ![]() I'm debating sticking more ram into the ppro box, but to do so I need to find 64 meg 72 pin EDO simms that *still* seem to be expensive, even used on eBay. ![]() later and 73, ben Posted by ke4nt1 on Jan. 02 2005,00:10
That's hilarious! I'm a four call in five land. ( vanity call - the 5 call version was not available ) Lots of Texans here and in IRC, so you should feel right at home. and nope, they let you keep your call anywhere in the US now..
Let me know when, as Alabama is great spot for HF from Texas. I could use some practice, and have helped many others learn the code ..
Don't fret.. you'll find some at a hamfest or swapmeet ![]() Besides, I use 128MB's on a laptop without issues, and 96MB's on an old IBM lappy. 73 ke4nt ( Kent ) Posted by caulktel on Jan. 02 2005,04:24
Welcome kd5byb,I'm a 6 call in 7 country, southern Oregon. Welcom to the DSL forums. Posted by ke4nt1 on Jan. 02 2005,05:14
Speaking of which...When am I going to get to work the kb6qvi call on hf cw ? 73 ke4nt Posted by PhrozenFear on Jan. 02 2005,06:43
Welcome. I'm yet another HAM, only a Canuck. Marc, aka VE6MSP, from Alberta, Canada. Straight north of a lot of you. Welcome to the group.Unfortunately, I'm only on 2m / 70cm, but I'm gonna learn my Morse, since Canada's going to drop that requirement soon, I wanna learn it. Anywya, back to the DSL discussions, I haven't looked too hard, but I would like to acquire myself a satellite tracking program / dockapp, because my dad is really keen onto that, and uses my old PII 233 with MicroShaft Winbl0wz for his sat tracking. If I get him a tracker on DSL, I can take my laptop back. Posted by caulktel on Jan. 02 2005,16:14
Hey Kent, Don't have much HF eqipment left anymore only a 40 meter QRP rig that puts out about 2 watts. I have a nice Sangean reciever though. And then there's the fact that I have all but forgot my code skills. Hey mabe we could get DSL to key the transmitter. Posted by ke4nt1 on Jan. 02 2005,17:59
I've got an Oak Hill Research "Kit" QRP rig that does 5 bands and up to 5 watts. Perhaps you need a "code buddy" like me to help you brush up on your fist? DSL keyed code? - the tls.dsl will work like any other dos keyer, with the parallel port interface seen so often using TR-Log or NA .. But you still have to - use your ear/work the code to receive. ![]() Besides, how are you going to get a 20wpm fist if you use the keyboard ? The loggers are great for mobile contesting and cw contests, since your sending the same cq's and calls over and over. 73 ke4nt Posted by ryptyde on Jan. 04 2005,03:58
Was at the Slashdot site and came across this bit of news about "Ham Radio Served as Main Link to Disaster Area".It is good to know that a "hobby" can be a great tool in life & death situations and become a link to the outside world in times of need.Here's a link to the article. < http://slashdot.org/articles/05/01/02/2343256.shtml?tid=215 > Posted by AwPhuch on Jan. 04 2005,19:53
HAM radio operators are the lifeblood of rescue/relief in a "critical" situation...when all other public or government communication links are dead or flooded the HAM radio operators will fill the void...how many movies have you seen where the dying language of "morse code" was used to spell out help in the dark, and guide those to where they are needed Never underestimate the power of amateurs...after all they are where professionals come from! Brian AwPhuch |