couldn't boot DSL linux..Forum: User Feedback Topic: couldn't boot DSL linux.. started by: ketamine-bp Posted by ketamine-bp on Feb. 08 2005,17:29
I can't boot DSL Linux. it freezes at uncompressing linux... ok, booting the kernel. part, which i have tried every options available - if i used vga=normal i got this message, otherwise i will get a blank screen without any prompt. System: P3 1G/SiS630 Memory: 128MB (working. checked with memtest86) CPU and motherboard not overheating... Posted by anime2k3 on Feb. 09 2005,06:07
well im no einstien but ive had several problems like that with other distros as well..Perhaps the image burnt to the disk is corupt, or even the disk itself is somewhat ruined. This is assuming your using a cd. Try redownloadind DSL and buring it again at a slower speed. (mandrake usually recomends a speed of 2-4x but thats to slow for me..:)) hope this helps Posted by ketamine-bp on Feb. 09 2005,07:45
i've done md5 checksumming and have successfully booted on another machine - yet it fails to boot on the aforementioned machine... thanks for your answers anyway ![]() Posted by anime2k3 on Feb. 09 2005,14:03
okay, im not a guru at this as you can tell; but ive had that motherboard and im asuming 2 things.1: The computer your using is a low budget computer probably a sony or wintergreen. 2: Most of the hardware is integrated onto the motherboard. Ive always had problems with that motherboard with linux ![]() The problem could be the integrated VGA on the motherboard thats giving you problems. Ive installed redhat 9 on a machine like that and never got the display to work, other distro installs were a pain as well. Sometimes ive had problems booting from cds as well. hope this in somewhat helpful ![]() Posted by cbagger01 on Feb. 10 2005,03:53
Try booting with:dsl vga=normal mem=128M where the "M" at the end is an uppercase letter M Posted by ketamine-bp on Feb. 10 2005,17:08
fails both way. btw the machine is a lowly IBM.
Posted by thingamajig on Feb. 17 2005,20:21
I also fail to boot on a toshiba satellite with a 400 megahertz celeron and 64 mb - it gave up the ghost after the following line appeared twice:xauth: creating new authority file /home/dsl/.Xauthority After I tried the vga=normal mem=64M thingy I got a little further - all the way to the DSL X Setup which I answered with NO. Again, the xauth lines come up and it does not appear to want to go any further. EDIT - I tried the expert mode and answered mostly yes to all the questions. Again it got stuck at the xauth... but with a further message at the end: giving up. xinit: No such file or directory (errno 2): unable to connect to X server xinit: No such projcess (errno 3): Server error Hmmm, does that make any sense? - EDIT And yes, I am a newbie who runs Suse 9.2 on the desktop and who can click a lot:blues: Any clues out there from the gurus? Posted by thingamajig on Feb. 18 2005,08:41
right, managed boot press f2 for options and input (as it says...) fp"with your resolution" my next screen asks me whether I want Xvesa or Xfbdev xserver. The former results in the customary freeze but the latter works a treat!!! just go through the rest of the screens and if you get a lock-up try a different option next time. DSL is wicked!!! ![]() |