My dreams are shattered

Forum: User Feedback
Topic: My dreams are shattered
started by: damnsmallbankaccount

Posted by damnsmallbankaccount on Oct. 30 2003,00:34
I had to give up trying to use DSL at the coffeeshop for a kiosk.  I have to install it three times.  The HD install has too many holes to let intruders destroy the installation.  Decided to install Knoppix even though bloat factor disturbs me.  Added a new user named "blue" with a password named "bottle".  Stuck a little sign by the machine that the little red dinosaur is the browser and it has been rock solid for three days now.  I just wish that DSL would be more traditional when it hard drive installs by setting up a root password and a regular user.  It would be too much fun to start from the bare minimum, add a few apps and season to taste.  I still run DSL on a partition at home since it is only I using the computer.  I am still a big DSL fan.  Less is more!
Posted by John on Oct. 30 2003,05:17
Give it some months, this is a work in progress.
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