New DSL Theme/Icon Contest

Forum: User Feedback
Topic: New DSL Theme/Icon Contest
started by: John

Posted by John on Feb. 16 2005,07:05
We are approaching DSL 1.0 and one thing that keeps coming up is that people do not like the default theme.  So, why not have a contest to replace the old one?

Here are the guidlines:
- the theme needs to be dark, not necessarily black
- smaller size backround images are preferred
- no bubble icons (they look terrible at 800x600)
- icons and themes may be submitted seperately
- needs to be usable  at 800x600x8, and look good at 1024x768x16 and 800x600x16

Posted by mikshaw on Feb. 16 2005,07:08
I like this contest.
/me gets out a pencil.....

Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Feb. 16 2005,11:58
John, is there any set guidelines for what 16colour is, ie. is there a set pallet, or is it different for each machine?  If a set pallet, can someone post it?
My machine will only boot with fb (since about v0.8 or so, don't know why, all new hardware...), so I can't (as far as I know?) specify the colour depth I want to boot at to test stuff.

If I take a screenshot and then decrease colour depth to 16 colours, will this give a reasonable indication?  If "kinda", what method of colour reduction (Median Cut, Octree, Windows, and nearest colour or error diffusion)?

Simple black&white would obviously be the most compatible with every possible graphics setting, but it's a bit hard to figure out a new theme using just these that will keep people reasonably happy...

PS.  Oh yeah, any verdict on whether "damn" can be mentioned?

Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Feb. 16 2005,12:51
Oh wait, what do you mean by "8" and "16"?  Is that bit, as in 256colour minimum requirements?  Only saw the "16" before, and thought you meant 16 colours?  (Guess you'd have to have some really old stuff to be running like that...)
If 8bit, then that's not such a problem.

Posted by clivesay on Feb. 16 2005,15:29
Is is possible to have the current theme tied to a certain resolution boot setting so that the current theme is used as a default for lower settings and a different theme is used for the DSL default xsetup? May be too complicated but just a thought.


Posted by cbagger01 on Feb. 16 2005,18:46
He means the same system as the xsetup menu

8 = 8bit color = 256 colors

16 = 16bit color = 65536 colors

Posted by Delboy on Feb. 16 2005,19:11
Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Feb. 16 2005,19:58
All of the themes work fine for me.


Posted by ke4nt1 on Feb. 16 2005,21:05
I erased my reply...
This isn't the thread to use for theme support...
It's for CONTESTING !!



Posted by anime2k3 on Feb. 17 2005,14:31
ok this sounds interesting, im not sure exactly where to start as ive never done a theme in dsl...

but i do have one question..what icons do you want? are you refering to the standard program icons that come prepackaged wand are displayed on the desktop?

Or perhaps your redesigning the interface to acomodate more visual eye candy?

Posted by mikshaw on Feb. 17 2005,16:17
I believe he means icon sets for use with the current setup (xtdesk).  I doubt there will be any increase in the amount of visuals.
Posted by clivesay on Feb. 17 2005,16:36
Radical suggestion.

What about removing xtdesk and replacing with wmdrawer? You can have one drawer with multiple rows or multiple drawers by catagory. Not sure if wmdrawer is smaller than xtdesk but I think it is very nice. Things are organized well and all icons are single click. Your 'icons' could even just be text if you like (email, browser, etc). That way we can concentrate on a theme and don't have to work about the icon styles so much. Even John's dreaded bubble icons look good scaled down in the drawer.  :;): I have a screenshot of what it looks like in the < SCREENSHOTS > thread.


Posted by mikshaw on Feb. 17 2005,16:57
That's not a bad idea. will it affect extensions?  mydsl-load will need to be re-written, and all extensions which currently have icons will have to be repackaged.

EDIT: no...i guess the extension packages themsleves will be ok, but mydsl-load still would need editing.  I guess it wouldn't cause any compatability problems with the current DSL.

Posted by clivesay on Feb. 17 2005,17:12
DOH! That's right. Eww that might be a major pain but I really do like wmdrawer and I'm not a big icon on the desktop fan.


Posted by ke4nt1 on Feb. 19 2005,20:59
Here are a couple of my entries..
These are lightweight..
I've got a few more around the +50kb mark.

This first one uses:
background - 18k
font -helvetica - 4.2k
font - "snap" - 2k
font - "anorexic" - 1.7k
reworked AlfredHacked theme - 3.6k

This next one uses:
background - 35k
font -helvetica - 4.2k
font - "snap" - 2k
font - anorexic - 1.7k
similar AlfredHacked Theme


Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Feb. 20 2005,02:56
Hey Ke4nt, how do you add extra fonts like helvetica?  I've asked and searcheda few times on the forum, but to no avail?

clivesay, I recently suggested a similar thing, maybe if it's possible to get TWO slits running, one dedicated to multiple wmdrawers?  Would still have the problems of tranposing between the current icon-add and the wmdrawer method...

Posted by noclobber on Feb. 20 2005,16:16
Not a winner, I'm sure, but here's a shot from one of my DSL 0.8.2 installations:

I've taken one of the existing themes (I forget which), fattened up fluxbox's font a tad (seems to make it a bit more readable), and added my own wallpaper.

I've been using this wallpaper for years.  I took an existing image, boosted the color depth, then softened it somewhat.  It has a fairly pleasing color, is not too dark, and allows the desktop icons to "stand out" in front of it.

Nothing special about the icons except for "Dial the Internet" and "Hang Up", which were copied from 16-color Windows images.

Posted by davide on Feb. 22 2005,09:35
I really like ke4nt1 "think linux" background. and it's quite light too..!
that would be an option!

Posted by monkymind on Feb. 22 2005,15:27
Simple background with simple theme
Needs simple (pale) icons added:-
< >


Posted by clivesay on Feb. 22 2005,16:14
Wow, monkeymind. You are a talented guy!! I like that theme alot! Makes me long for wmdrawer even more. That is too nice a desktop for icon clutter.


Posted by txemi on Feb. 22 2005,20:37
Hi All.
I've been working hard on a background for DSL.
I would like to know if you find it interesting or suitable for DSL.
There are some things that need more work as lightning, textures and maybe I need to add one or two objects more (I'm thinking about a stamp and a pen, or maybe an USB key as mine).
Done with Povray 3.6 for Linux. no postprocessing except to add mi website address (this was done in the Gimp).
Comments and critcsm are always welcome.
Hope you like it.

Posted by clivesay on Feb. 22 2005,20:42
txemi -

That is really cool! Seeing DSL under a magnifying glass is a neat idea. Alot of talent around here.


Posted by monkymind on Feb. 22 2005,21:41
Quote (clivesay @ Feb. 23 2005,01:14)
Makes me long for wmdrawer even more. That is too nice a desktop for icon clutter.


I agree! Too many (unmatched??) icons tend to make desktops look cluttered. Although one or two icons like browser and email (prehaps a help icon too) can be useful.

Fullsize background is here if anyone wants to play with it (800x600) :-
< background image >

PS To all who've contributed ideas - Great work! Great ideas!   :cool:

Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Feb. 22 2005,23:42
Interesting idea with the magnifying glass...
One point for these desktop images, I think you really need an image that can be located centrally on the screen, and blend to a plain background colour (ie. from the fluxbox style), so that it can be used at any resolution - maybe a 640x480 image at largest, so that it's fullscreen at the minimum supported desktop size (I think it's safe to say that we don't need to cater to anything below that?), then at 800x600, 1024x768, etc., the background colour comes into play.
Though I guess maybe if a large image is set to center-on-screen, it would just crop the edges... ???

Still, the smaller the image, the smaller the file-size, unless you are reducing colour-depth on a gif...
Oh, does the background tool support png?  Might be a better file format for it than jpg?  I'm working with line-art styles rather than photographic styles, so I can get away with colour-reduced gif...

Posted by txemi on Feb. 23 2005,03:06
Hi all, and 1st of all thank you for your comments.
I've been working a little more in the wallpaper, and I have added an USB key (well, 2, but one is too much distorted by the glass). The image is at the end of this message.
Lightning and textures are the same yet.

I'm working on a logo in Inkscape, but that will be tomorrow (well, today), I'm going to bed now.

Posted by monkymind on Feb. 23 2005,08:21
Here's a <3k one for very low spec 486's and ancient video cards

and here's a light coloured one for people tired of Black  ???

I'm off to have a life  :D See you all next week!

Posted by txemi on Feb. 23 2005,15:07
As I told you yesterday (well, today), I was going to work in a button for DSL.
Here I post 2 sizes of the same button (32x32 and 64x64).
Work was done with Inkscape.
I anyone find 'em useful, feel free to use 'em.

The links to the png versions are:
< 64x64 > and < 32x32 >


Posted by davide on Feb. 25 2005,17:59
hey Monkymind, I love the black one. great job!
Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Feb. 26 2005,06:23
OK, here's my submission, called, funnily enough, RogueDarkX (yeah, I know, I'm an exposure sl#t :cool:)
Redone icons, rearranged too, though I reckon some of the less-needed ones should maybe be stripped out entirely?
Rearranged so they are grouped into related categories (well, mostly...)
Have made a .xcf icon template for updating icons in the repository, future icons, etc.

Haven't tried it at 256 colour 'cause I can't(?) boot to that with fb, but have tried to simulate it with colour reduction of the image, and it worked quite well.

Posted by ke4nt1 on Feb. 26 2005,07:03
The icons ROCK !!  Really nice work!..
( I'd like to see some half-sized versions )

How would I duplicate your effort, in keeping with the same theme,
if I were to submit a new extension, and make my icons match ( yours ) ?

you must share..


Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Feb. 26 2005,07:18
I can post up the gimp .xcf file somewhere, essentially it has three layers (well, the "development" version does), the background icon, a layer to paste your icon of choice into, and a "highlights" layer which sits over the pasted icon, making it look like it's embedded in the icon (well, that's the theory...)

OK, posted here:
< aquaiconbaseXDark_sc.xcf > (EDIT: forgot to put the full URL in)
Includes all the icons, plus a few not shown.  What I do is paste the new icon in the "new layer" 2nd from top in the layers list, merge visible, copy, then past AS NEW, saving as a PNG without background colour.
Then back at the base xcf I undo the layer merge, create a new transparent layer, hide the newly pasted icon, and save, ready for a new icon!
Most icons to be pasted I resize to 44pixels max on either side, but it's a matter of trial and error.
Overall icon size is 50x50, basically 48x48 with a little anti-aliasing, about the same size as the current icons.

And, once you've created your whole icon set and have them sitting in layers in the base xcf, you can just resize and sharpen the one image, then go through and export your smaller icon set! :D

Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Feb. 26 2005,07:29
Icon examples @ 25x25, a bit hard to make out, but then again at that size anything is.  And jpg compression doesn't help (png doesn't post on the board?)

Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Feb. 26 2005,07:51
Same again @ 32x32, bit easier to make out, and half-size of the usual 64x64 wmdrawer icon, so you can use two rows in the drawer...

Posted by davide on Feb. 26 2005,13:47
very usefull instructions.And very beautifull icons.
the file you posted, still, has no extension. is it a .xcf file or a set of icons with the template (b)zipped together?

Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Feb. 26 2005,14:49
Shows a .xcf extension when I test it? ???
The link is
< >
so I don't know what you're getting...
It's a multi-layer xcf with all the icons in the set in different layers.

Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Feb. 26 2005,15:06
A wmdrawer 64x64 icon:
png for use: < dirx_64wmdrawer.png >

Posted by ke4nt1 on Feb. 27 2005,14:23
Here are 3 more themes with some differing fonts and backgrounds.

All less than 100k including fonts...

I've tried to cut down on the clutter, and keep them somewhat dark,
while focusing on making them more readable and thinning out icons.


Posted by aygun on Feb. 28 2005,13:42
Hi everyone .

Did anybody tryed some fluxmod`s from

< >

or some fluxmod`s made by ikaro.

With respect ,


Posted by davide on Feb. 28 2005,15:34
some icons are very nice
where did you get them?


Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Mar. 03 2005,09:19
Quote (davide @ Feb. 28 2005,10:34)
some icons are very nice
where did you get them?

Mine were a mix from all sorts of places, then edited into a standardised theme.  A few are the current DSL ones, one or two I got from an icon set called something like "tux'n'tosh", a few miscellaneous ones, and a few that I managed to track down good high-res transparent png's for and resized, such as firefox and the gimp.
Sometimes a good bet is to go to the home site of the app and see what they have in the way of logos, most apps that are being actively developed have some sort of graphical logo set available - having a cool logo is always good for promotion on other sites!   :)

Posted by ypx on Mar. 03 2005,11:57
@ ke4nt :
The second and third theme in your last post are very cool, but the MyDSL icon seems a little out of place in these. it may need a little change...
And where's tux ? :;): (perhaps someone with great talent could replace the amphora's reflection with a reflected tux in the second theme)

Posted by tronik on Mar. 03 2005,16:51
for great justice
Posted by txemi on Mar. 03 2005,21:09
Hi All:

I've kept on working on a DSL background and theme.
It's a different aproach at the same idea of the magnifiying glass. The image is 1024x768 24 bits color and only 50 Kb for this .jpg version.


It looks more cartoonish (IMO) and can addapt itself to a custom background since there is also a 32 bit .png version (with alpha channel) that is 104 Kb. You can download it from  
< My Webpage > .

Tuxy (or Penguino, as I call him) was done in Povray and is the same little penguin as in my past wallpaper (still a WIP).
The rest has been done with Inkscape, but I'm still not satisfied with the "Bussiness Card CD - USB Key" thing. Expect some changes on it when I'll find the time.

I've also changed some things in the original Qnx-Photon style, to make it more warm, as I fin it a little cold. Here you can see a screen capture done for the ocassion

The icons appear from wmdrawer. I've added wmclockmon and bbppp to the original design and also fluxter is in the slit.

If you find it useful I can send you the modified version of the style.


Posted by ke4nt1 on Mar. 03 2005,21:47
....    very nice.. !

Good work!


Posted by txemi on Mar. 09 2005,21:42
I've done another image for a wallpaper.
This time the magnifying glass was done in Povray and postprocessed in the Gimp.
And it's only 25 Kb.


Posted by monkymind on Mar. 09 2005,22:51
Quote (txemi @ Mar. 10 2005,06:42)
I've done another image for a wallpaper.
This time the magnifying glass was done in Povray and postprocessed in the Gimp.
And it's only 25 Kb.

Beautiful piece of work!
(Small criticism ........ the "Damn Small Linux" colour and font doesn't really seem to match the quality of the image ???)


Posted by txemi on Mar. 09 2005,23:26
First, thank you for your kind comments.

(Small criticism ........ the "Damn Small Linux" colour and font doesn't really seem to match the quality of the image)

Well, I was trying different fonts and choose this one.
If someone has another option, feel free to post it (please, tell me the exact name of the font you want).

I really don't have a favorite, and this is something I'm doing for the community, so it's really up to you.


Posted by monkymind on Mar. 10 2005,00:27
Perhaps a "small" DamnSmall to emphasise the size of DSL and the Linux and little tux magnified to suggest "Look closely at this little Linux"??


Posted by txemi on Mar. 10 2005,02:06
Great idea, Rob.
Tomorrow I'll put the png file in my site so you can work easier with it (or the xcf one if you like).
I just finished an alternative version (maybe a bit Disney style?)

Text was done with Inkscape.
Fonts: Bitstream Vera Sans Mono for "50Mb of penguin power" and Arioso for "Damn Small Linux"
Anyway, see you tomorrow (here it's 3:10 a.m.)

Posted by Abdel on Mar. 27 2005,18:36
This distro is very nice but can you replace that DE by XFCE ?
XFCE is most clean, easy, and have a great speed !

Posted by cbagger01 on Mar. 27 2005,22:06
If you want XFCE, get Liut Linux.

It is basically (DSL - Fluxbox) + XFCE

Posted by sailor on April 13 2005,22:47
I actually like the new desktop theme and fluxbox style a lot more than the old one.
Eventually, DSL  look reflects its functionality, which we all know is awesome.
great work.


Posted by davide on April 14 2005,16:37
I don't really like very much the theme. I prefere the old one. But it's still there, problems.

Posted by meo on April 24 2005,17:14
Hi there!

I like tree and moon very much and now has it as default in the backup. Very nice work Y'all!

Have fun out there,

Posted by jesseakc on May 21 2005,07:47
I know I'm late with this, but I have a background for ya'll.

Hope I don't affend anyone.  

Its a little bright, but I can make it dark with no problem at all.

Let me know what you think.

Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on May 21 2005,08:32
Yes, I'm offended, you forgot to include the plumber's crack and g-string! :D
Posted by WoofyDugfock on May 21 2005,12:35
That lil' pengy looks very comfy in there ....
But what happens when she sits down?

Posted by vbmaster on June 25 2005,23:12
Well, i downloaded DSL and like many others I didn't like the default theme. The solution was go to the fluxbox site, there they have a link to other site with lot's of themes and I downloaded one that turned my DSL to a Mac system (lol).  The design of my dsl is now better than may other OS. it's very eye-candy and the only question that i do is: insted of asking the user's to make a theme, why don't you put an already made theme from a site like the one i downloaded mine? You'll only have to do some modifications (per example the command to set a background image was different in the theme that i downloaded)....

P.S.: this was the site: < >
P.P.S.:sorry my english :)

Posted by ke4nt1 on June 25 2005,23:41
Many of those are already available in the repository.
Feel free to contribute more..

< >

They are very easy to add-on by using the myDSL icon on your desktop.
The precious 50MB's in the base DSL .iso are for code, not eye-candy..

vbmaster, your english is fine..  :)


Posted by clivesay on June 25 2005,23:48
All those themes are fine BUT we have some really talented people here in the community. I like seeing the original artwork that people submit.


Posted by vbmaster on June 26 2005,11:39
Ok, sincerely i didn't know that repository and I appreciate that you want to put the community active :).

One thing that I notice in that repository is the lack of sceenshots to give a better idea to the user of what he's going to download. The few words that describe the themes are insufficient in my opinion. :D

Posted by John on June 28 2005,08:00
Hi Everyone,
Thank you for all the fantastic art!  From here on out we are going to be selecting from the themes and background images in this thread to put together a new featured theme per release.  So, please keep them coming.

A couple of rules:
Make sure the background image you use in your entry is legal to redistribute -- if it is your own design let us know.

Please only use fonts which DSL proper will support.

We will not be rotating out icons, so make sure it works with the icons we have.

Thanks again,

Posted by vbmaster on June 28 2005,12:08
i'm sorry for not doing what the administrator have in mind for this thread.....but don't you think my dsl cool?

i think my theme is perfect.

take a look: < >

Posted by davide on June 29 2005,13:36
well, you know, perfection is not possible in this life, they say..
but you're very close...


Posted by ke4nt1 on July 02 2005,22:08
A pleasant screenie..


Posted by monkymind on July 03 2005,00:18
It's like a DamnSmall Ubuntuish theme!  :D
Posted by roberts on July 04 2005,20:17
I like Kent's new theme. It makes me think that maybe we should name our releases like the big boy's do! If we chose this theme then the release could be called the Ubuntuette release. Kinda like mocking the other big distros with our  -ette series. You know, Ubuntu has screen backgrounds mocking the other releases. Did you see them on Distrowatch last week. Some were pretty funny.
I know, we might be ruffling some "feathers" if we did this.

Posted by ke4nt1 on July 09 2005,06:06
Messing around with my music & games..


Posted by cbagger01 on July 09 2005,11:20
The Bosstones RULE!

Now back to your regularly scheduled theme/icon contest.

Posted by andrewphoto on July 09 2005,15:57
I like jesseakc's bird with the back pocket. What about an illustration of a pert penguin! (female.)

I like the tree&moon. I like it's dark batmanesque hues. I think it's a good image that goes with classy crafted quality DSL.
I like bizcard, like it's a bizcard shapeshifting into a pendrive. Great.
I like minimal as it's even wear on my monitor & I'm a particular photographer.

I'm a slightly green newbie to Linux.
1st. things I wanted to do with DSL.
Remove unwanted icons.
Customise desktop background (image,) for the fun of it.
Install xvkbd (quite useful for grabbing a particular character.)

Intend to install a battery monitor.
Would love to have just one (or 3,) (i.e., minimum K,) screensaver (Squiral, or other definitive low cpu load?)
I suppose I've missed something or 3.

Dillo is FANTASTIC, but Firefox is MASSIVE (correct words&pictures&layout, nuff said.)

All I do now in XP is burn cd's, play DVD's, edit video.
Correction, now I burn cd's with cdrecord. Get a hard copy of man cdrecord. cdrecord is BLOODY BRILLIANT.
No doubt I'll be switching to Xine? (in DSL,) I guess. (can't fault WinDvd 4 mind.)
Intend to persue video editing in Knoppix 4.0 Light.

I see roberts cherishes media/press reviews of DSL.
I shall endeavour to keep a strict eye on the British press.

Don't see what the big deal is with damn, Latin, damnum - loss.

Please bear with me on this one;
There's no dates on the changelog but I guess the version change may be slightly erratic (NOT a criticism.) Maybe I'm wrong.
I Wonder if there's potentially great benefit to Regular change (i.e., like Redhat, new distro each spring & autumn,

Microsoft is autumn I think?)
I wonder if regularity would manifest in greater media/press, and perhaps other benefits that I cannot as yet see to

Even if the new version was only something minor. Clearly nothing is minor in 50mb. 3 or 5 new features.

I hope y'all catch my gist on that one, hope there's something in there to think about/consider/discuss.

Best Wishes andyp.

Posted by txemi on July 10 2005,23:34
Clivesay requested this image, so here it is.

Posted by UndCon on July 23 2005,16:35
im using this one - but in a bigger version...

made in 3dstudiomax r3 some time ago, the lines below the logo are made in 5 different layers to create some depth...
(actually i was thinking about some sort of virtual circuitboard)

Posted by davide on July 24 2005,16:09
I'm ok with almostblue.tar.gz theme, but

hey vbmaster, your theme is very beautifull..why don't you share it on the repository?

that would be appreciated (by people switching from mac OSX like me...)


Posted by vbmaster on July 29 2005,20:53
Quote (davide @ July 24 2005,12:09)
I'm ok with almostblue.tar.gz theme, but

hey vbmaster, your theme is very beautifull..why don't you share it on the repository?

that would be appreciated (by people switching from mac OSX like me...)


How I do that?

(I know that i'm n00b xD).

Other thing, my dsl is the version 1. And I noticed that are some differences between the newer version and mine (like the bottom bar, that in the newer version has rect lines insted of curve lines). But this doesn't change the possibilitie of putting a newer version of dsl with the appearance of mine actually, does it?

And, by the way, i still have my dsl system offline. That *%£# doesn't recognize the damn speedtouch... :(


Posted by akebonoo on Aug. 03 2005,15:30
Posted by opensourcelover on Aug. 27 2005,15:15
   why not visit and implement this theme looks good i gave it a try on redhat.

Posted by smartmlp on Oct. 18 2005,02:21
I made this one just recently for my embedded system.

Posted by mikshaw on Oct. 18 2005,02:59
why not visit and implement this theme

First, xpde is not a "theme"; it is a desktop environment.
Second, the first and last time i tested out xpde it absolutely stunk.
Third, xpde is ugly as sin.  Why would a Linux distro want to emulate an inferior product?
Fourth, if the DSL team ever had a severe lapse of judgement and decided to add xpde, that would be my last day with DSL and my first day wth a DSL fork.

Posted by davide on Oct. 18 2005,10:00
nice background smartmlp!


Posted by smartmlp on Oct. 18 2005,23:22
Thanks, I still have the PSD so I can make bigger/smaller resolutions than that if you want to use it. Just drop me an email or IM me.
Posted by John on Nov. 06 2005,06:12
Smartmlp that's a great background image, anybody want to design a fluxbox theme to compliment it?  Maybe something with some color to contrast the gray?
Posted by theExile on Nov. 06 2005,17:03
<n00b question>
how do you make fluxbox themes?
</n00b question>


This message is best viewd with your eyes :p

Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Nov. 07 2005,08:31
Best way to start is to experiment with existing styles.  It's a text config file, semi-self-explanatory, just edit one that's a bit like what you want, save it as a different name, and start tweaking the colours.

Just edit in beaver or your text editor of choice.

As soon as you save (your own styles should go in /home/dsl/.xtdesktop/styles, which will be empty if you do a clean boot), your style will show up in the "desktop/styles" list.  Click it to see what's changed.  Tweak and save.  Click it in the menu again each time you want to see what a change has done.

Can't remember where the built-in fluxbox styles are kept in a clean boot of dsl.  But you could always try downloading one from the mydsl repository, these extract to above said address.

Posted by mikshaw on Nov. 07 2005,16:22
< >
(some of this does not apply to fluxbox 0.1.14)

Posted by cbagger01 on Nov. 10 2005,05:55
You can also download the "whitebox" extension from the myDSL repository and use it to edit existing themes or create new ones.
Posted by desnotes on Dec. 11 2005,16:24
In Fluxbox, is there a way to to make the caption take up two lines instead of one? Example:

  <icon>                             <icon>
 File Manager                         File

Also, it would be nice to be able to center the caption but I can probably work around that.



Posted by mikshaw on Dec. 11 2005,17:09
Posted by wally_pl on Dec. 11 2005,19:58
hi everybody

I use DSL 2.0.

Has anybody worked out how to connect DSL with usb-prism2 card (e.g. DWL-122) in Ad-hoc mode ?
Prism Gui works fine if you connect to the AP. What about 2 computers
speaking to each other ?
My question is :
Do I have to remaster the whole DSL distro in order to obtain this feature
(rewriting or can it be done in other way ?

Posted by crusadingknight on Dec. 23 2005,21:11
Quote (wally_pl @ Dec. 11 2005,14:58)
hi everybody

I use DSL 2.0.

Has anybody worked out how to connect DSL with usb-prism2 card (e.g. DWL-122) in Ad-hoc mode ?
Prism Gui works fine if you connect to the AP. What about 2 computers
speaking to each other ?
My question is :
Do I have to remaster the whole DSL distro in order to obtain this feature
(rewriting or can it be done in other way ?

How is this a theme?
Posted by Gavin Perry on Dec. 27 2005,17:56
While you are working on the theme, how about a new name?
I am thinking about using a small Linux distro for our recycled computer program for kids. Hate to tell them what DSL stands for. Plus DSL already means something else that they think they know. How about VSL? Very Small Linux?

visit us at < >

Posted by cbagger01 on Dec. 27 2005,18:31
The point of using the "DSL" abbreviation was to hide the Full Name of DSL from people who are offended by the first word.

You can choose to substitue other words for the "D" like for example:

Darn Small Linux


Posted by freeze on Feb. 03 2006,13:32
How about "Distributing Small Linux"    :)
one could call it "DSL" if one would like... lol   (I'm so good)

Posted by humpty on Mar. 06 2006,23:05
Quote (mikshaw @ Oct. 17 2005,22:59)
why not visit and implement this theme

First, xpde is not a "theme"; it is a desktop environment.
Second, the first and last time i tested out xpde it absolutely stunk.
Third, xpde is ugly as sin.  Why would a Linux distro want to emulate an inferior product?
Fourth, if the DSL team ever had a severe lapse of judgement and decided to add xpde, that would be my last day with DSL and my first day wth a DSL fork.

I have to second that.
why would anyone want to do something like xpde just boggles the mind, i mean mimick a theme that mimicks XP??  ???

Posted by davide on May 24 2006,08:01
Because to spread the work you have to talk like people will understand you. that's why
xpde is a great idea. it will get more people to the linux world. then they will switch  to a different windows manager and a different and hopefully better look and feel.
it's a question of strategy.

Posted by newby on July 02 2006,16:14
I vote for the back pocket image, or something similar.

HEY!  How about an image of a _couple,_ each with their own TUX in their hip pocket?

That would get around accuzations that we're being sexist.

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