xsetup.sh in DSL 1.0 RC1Forum: User Feedback Topic: xsetup.sh in DSL 1.0 RC1 started by: reidar Posted by reidar on Mar. 08 2005,18:50
I am very satisfied with the new version of DSL, and the inclusion of a keymap selection in the xsetup.sh script is an improvement! The only problem is that when I choose keyboard no-standard, which should load no-standard.kmap.gz, it loads no.kmap.gz instead. This keymap does not show the nordic letters æ, ø, å correctly. It should be a minor fix I guess, but it should be fixed! I guess I could make a local fix for myself also, but I don't know where the xsetup.sh is located. Anybody knows? Or maybe it wouldn't help just editing this script? I don't know. But if I press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace and type loadkeys no-standard.kmap.gz, the correct keymap is loaded. I have put this in my bootlocal.sh, so that also works fine. But if I use a computer (I have DSL installed on USB, frugal-USB install) with a USB-mouse, and that doesn't work, I need to run the xsetup.sh script again, and then I get the wrong keymap.-r Posted by roberts on Mar. 08 2005,19:38
The keyboard selector is the standard one from Knoppix.The xsetup.sh just calls this script. kbdconfig is located at /usr/sbin/kbdconfig The actual file on the right should be the one loaded. Any input you have to correct this will be appreciated. Posted by reidar on Mar. 09 2005,07:10
Thanks! I will look into it and see if I can find a solution.-r Posted by gunnix on Mar. 09 2005,15:31
doesn't work very well for me either. Using be-latin or azerty.But after selecting it about 5 times (going trough that procedure) it started working. grtz Posted by reidar on Mar. 09 2005,15:44
It seems very strange... I tried to look at the kbconfig file, but I couldn't find anything there. It looks like a general selector. I really cannot understand this! the no.kmap.gz, no-latin1.kmap.gz and no-standard.kmap.gz all are in the same folder, so why it will always pick no.kmap.gz when one of the others are chosen is beyond me...-r Posted by mats on Mar. 09 2005,21:46
hi Reidar just a slight off-topic question since you are using the same keyboard layout as me.. Are you able to use the @ key (altGr+2) with firefox or opera. im not and its making my life difficult as im using DSL for setting up public surfboxes (here: www.hausmania.org ) with 24to64mb of ram, and I have not found any other distro doing the job. hilsen Mats Posted by reidar on Mar. 10 2005,07:17
Heisann Mats!No, unfortunately I haven't found any good solution to this yet. My simple workaround is to write a @ in scite (or now beaver) and copy/paste it into firefox/opera, but of course this is not a very good solution... It seems to me that although the no-standard.kmap.gz is loaded (in /opt/bootlocal.sh), this is not really made the system keymap. But for some reason it works fine in almost every application (including text-editors, wordprocessors, ... even sylpheed), but not the web-browsers. We should try and find a solution to this, cause it is really annoying! -r Posted by mats on Mar. 10 2005,15:42
hei igjen reidarIt seems to me that this has nothing to do with the keymap, norwegian or what ever. it seems that something is broken with some apps(Firefox and Opera most importantly) and the alt gr key.... try loading some other keymaps and type all relevant keys and nothing will appear... i dont know how many keymaps that uses altGr to get the @ but it could be quite a few... ...so this is a BIG small bug that needs to be fixed before the great DSL 1.0 release as it makes DSL partly unusefull in several countries (some quite big, like germany). -Try convincing people to use DSL in favour of win98 when they cant even write an email address.... I hope that the devs are aware of the problem and understand the impact this will have on DanmSmalls adaption in alot of europe and other altGr@ countries cheers Mats Posted by reidar on Mar. 10 2005,18:38
You may be right Mats, but I am not sure that some of the apps are broken... I have also used Feather linux quite a lot, and the exact same problem appears. Now, you might say that Feather and DSL are very similar, but I don' really think both have 'broken' some apps. But I am in the dark here really. Everything works as it should in both Knoppix and Debian, the two distros both DSL and Feather are derived from. -r Posted by ke4nt1 on Mar. 10 2005,19:16
Curious..Both debian and knoppix use the gtk2/pango/defoma packages for browser and font management.. Has anyone tried installing the firefox 1.0PR, which uses gtk2 and pango/defoma , to see if it makes a difference ? ( that you CAN write the @ symbol in other locale maps ) 73 ke4nt Posted by mats on Mar. 11 2005,12:38
i think i tried it as well and that it did not make a difference (firefox 1.0pr) but i'l try that again to be sure. I'v tried both feather and luit (uses xfce and firefox 1.0 ) and they both have the same problem, and both are based around DSL, so it seems to be a DSL problem. All other debian based stuff I'v tried has worked including ,Morphix, Ubuntu, knoppix , kanotix and skolelinux (of course) mats Posted by roberts on Mar. 17 2005,04:26
The keyboard selector bug fixed in RC2. Thanks to Reidar for pointing this out.
Posted by reidar on Mar. 18 2005,09:46
This is great news Robert! I can't wait to try it out! Great job!!! -r Posted by Argh! on April 04 2005,09:45
Not fixed on my rc2 copy ![]() BTW: Using a Danish keyboard. |