RC1 "bugs" thread

Forum: User Feedback
Topic: RC1 "bugs" thread
started by: mikshaw

Posted by mikshaw on Mar. 11 2005,02:14
I have only one thing to...umm...complain about, so far.

Can the mc menu item please be fixed so that running it initially as root doesn't screw up dsl's settings?  80% of the time the first thing I do in DSL is start a root mc, and when using a stock DSL setup this means I have to first start mc as dsl, close it, and then start root mc.  I know I've mentioned this with every release, but it's rather annoying, particularly when it's such a simple fix.

fix: change "sudo /usr/bin/mc" to "sudo su -c /usr/bin/mc"

Thanks for reading.

Posted by ke4nt1 on Mar. 11 2005,05:40
Hmm.. we added your suggestion/fix to a pre-release version,
and had similar issues with what you describe seeing without your fix..

I thought we made the ~/.mc dir sticky as owned by dsl.staff,
to avoid the error you saw , when you first open mc as root user,
then try to open the usual mc, and see permission denied..

Now both can access the .mc , and both work.

Perhaps your seeing an issue here that we are not recognizing?

[From my freshly booted 1.0RC1 ...]

When I hit the desktop, and select from menu
Apps>Tools>Midnight Commander>MC as super user
I get a red window, full of MC goodness.

If I close it, then go open the usual Midnight Commander,
I get a blue window full of MC goodness..

Again, am I missing something here?
Is your issue something within the running of these windows?
Your earlier post suggested that the mc as user dsl wouldn't even respond.
I'm not seeing that now on my end...

Truly, this has been a topic of discussion in several pre-releases, so
don't think or feel like your being ignored here..  
We thought we had this fixed..

Let me know, happy to help where I can.


Posted by joer on Mar. 11 2005,07:17
Works great here:
Lets see:
Start by testing shells.
Open root shell
# mc
exit with f10

Open normal dsl user shell
exit with f10

So, far life is good.
Start over with
rm -rf .mc

Now test sudo
sudo mc
exit f10

exit f10

works from menu, works from shell, works from sudo

What man, are you doing? Maybe you restored something old from your backup?

Posted by Delboy on Mar. 11 2005,10:38
Got a different RC1 problem. Poorman's HD install onto this old laptop using boot.img floppy went fine - boots directly into box:/dsl (not root). As always, base apps and functions all work.  When attempting to load .dsl extensions using Emelfm button some do not produce desktop icons such as Abiword and some fail to install into the myDSL menu as well (eg. GTK-see).  When loading Abiword extension (number 5 in my usual sequence after gnu-utils, dsl dpkg, iptables and Whitebox) there are error messages about permissions then a line about not being able to copy abiword icon from /var/tmp/icons to /home/dsl/xtdesktop.  Abiword opens up ok. via an xterm command line.  This icon copying error message also appears for others.  Others such as WMmoonclock will not load into myDSL menu.
Something is obviously not quite right with my main install, not the individual extensions.  I have not experienced this erratic or unreliable extension installation problem since version 0.5 or 0.6.
I will try another iso burn and install tonight.

Posted by ke4nt1 on Mar. 11 2005,12:48
Before you do...
..read this post..

< http://damnsmalllinux.org/cgi-bin....;t=4942 >

You will need to repair or redownload your icon/menu based extensions
for the new desktop icon/menu management to work properly..


Posted by mikshaw on Mar. 11 2005,13:21

that shows how thorough i am.  The first thing i did when starting DSL was to open the fluxbox menu....saw the same entry, and ASSuMEd it hadn't been changed.  It never occurred to me that adding .mc would also fix it.  *smacks forehead


Posted by kaplah on Mar. 11 2005,16:36
Has anyone else noticed the background image in the copperwine theme is broken?
Posted by Delboy on Mar. 11 2005,17:29
ke4nt, thanks for the thorough post for fixing icons etc.  I thought all my extensions were up to date - maybe not.
I'll try again this weekend.

Posted by nucpc on Mar. 12 2005,21:15
Can someone please check/confirm/dispute this (I think its reproduceable).

Running live toram, netcard configured and MyDSL working fine, using myDSL feature in emelFM
(from /mnt/sda1/optional) causes MyDSL to fall over and it always subsequently `mydsl-load's  0 length
files - reporting download/checksum error.

Posted by Patrick on Mar. 16 2005,10:36
I just booted from the newest iso (V10rc1) and couldn't get into x. (i have dsl 0.8.4 with Xfree86 installed on a HD) Could it be that THAT installation is messing with the booting CD?

PS: i just deleted the dsl 0.8.4 from HD and booted from the live cd and now everything works great :-)

Posted by clacker on Mar. 16 2005,16:14
Monkey web server doesn't shut down with the menu item or the control panel.  If you run the stop script in a bash window you see:

Monkey is not running.

When in fact it is.  Check that with ps -ax monkey.  So you think the monkey isn't runnig when in fact it is.  /tmp/monkey.pid does contain the correct process id of the running monkey, but monkey stop doesn't know monkey is running.  I don't know what's going on here.

Posted by roberts on Mar. 17 2005,04:21
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Monkey "stop" bug fixed in RC2
Posted by clacker on Mar. 18 2005,04:05
/etc/ld.so.conf and /etc/ld.so.cache are links to the CD when you're running a live CD.  Sometimes, dpkg and apt-get try to write this file when installing packages.  I'm sure that Knoppix left these as links because they don't allow apt-get from the live CD, but since we do, could we make these files writable?  I know it takes away a little memory.
Posted by cbagger01 on Mar. 18 2005,23:17
In my opinion, a copy-over of these files should be done, either in mkwritable or in the Enable Apt / dsl-dpkg / Get Synaptic scripts.

A small change in memory usage is a lesser evil than a broken apt-get system.

It is not a good idea to use apt-get with RAM limited computers when running from livecd anyways so it really doesn't change the big picture all that much.

Posted by LancerNZ on Mar. 20 2005,03:59
Seems that SIAG (spreadsheet) has been not only broken as far as plotting graphs goes, but it's getting worse on newer DSL releases. On 0.9.3 release of DSL, the graph simply was not drawn. On the RC1 release the button is missing due to button icons not being loaded into /usr/local/share/Mowitz/pixmaps/

I have an old laptop from school currently running Win98 and MS-Office very well despite being only 40Mb RAM. Because I'm the Linux advocate in our school (teacher) I'm willing to uninstall this and replace with DSL, but only if I can get the base office apps fully working. Can someone confirm if it's going to be no problem to get SIAG working (complete with charts) or whether it will be a nightmare?

I have only seen one similar post to this question, although I cannot get the charts to work from running as live CD. < http://damnsmalllinux.org/cgi-bin....;t=4999 >

One last question: if I do go ahead with a hard drive install would if be better to use 0.9.3 release or 1.0rc1? (is rc1 an alpha/beta stage?)

Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Mar. 20 2005,05:08
In EmelFM, there is no filetype set for .siag spreadsheets.

Lancer, DSL is still in beta stage. Our first stable release will be 1.0.

Posted by jizackson on Mar. 20 2005,12:30
Seems like this bug still isn't fixed in the latest version. When I "ls" in a directory with very large files (like DVD .VOB's for example), DSL does not correctly handle the files and I get the following error:
"Value too large for defined datatype"
and many programs (such as ls and samba) can't process them.  The filemanager seems to read them ok though.  Has anyone addressed this bug?

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